Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2007

Brisbane Girls Grammar School Gregory Terrace Brisbane Qld 4000

T: 61 7 3332 1300 F: 61 7 3832 6097

E: W:

Creative Learning Centre Open Day

For enrolment information: T: 61 7 3332 1386 E:

Friday 18 May 2007 3.15 pm – 5.00 pm Join students, Staff and other members of the Grammar community to view this exciting six storey building with levels specifically designed for music, drama, art and creative technologies. There is gallery space, a design studio, rehearsal and performance rooms, robotic and multimedia laboratories.

For assistance with reunions: T: 61 7 3332 1436 E:

For Grammar Gazette inquiries and comments: T: 61 7 3332 1336 E:

her future is now

Open Day

Friday 3 August 2007 4.00 pm – 8.00 pm Open Day showcases the diversity and vibrancy of the School community, providing an opportunity to meet with Staff, enjoy performances, view displays and tour the School’s facilities.

20 grammar gazette autumn 2007

ISSN 1449 - 1214

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