Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2003

STAY IN TOUCH What have you been up to since leaving Brisbane Girls Grammar School? We would love to profile you or one of your fellow classmates in our next issue of Grammar Gazette. Tell us about your family or what you have been studying, where you have been working or where you have traveled. Grammar Girls have always been recognized as high achievers and leaders in the community, whether it is in your workplace, in your home, your field of study or simply an area of interest. We would love to hear about it. Please e-mail Nicole Davis at with your stories.

Congratulations to our own Dr Kay Kimber, Director of Language and Literacies, who this year was awarded her PhD. CONGRATULATIONS The title of Dr Kimber’s doctorate is Technoliteracy , Teacher Agency and Design: Shaping a Digital Learning Culture. This research represents a culmination of Dr Kimber’s previous university studies in English curriculum, multiple literacies and learning theories. She investigated the manner and effectiveness of technology integration in senior English and Modern History TLC classrooms at BGGS. As part of their group work in shaping their knowledge on the set topic, students designed web files, electronic concept maps and PowerPoints. Her research focused on evaluations of the nature and quality of learning in these multimedia texts as well as the students’ perceptions of their learning experiences. Positive outcomes from the study included the design of various support mechanisms for optimising student learning in a technology environment. Plans are underway for further research into technology-assisted learning in humanities subjects.

We would like to ask you to support a new initiative to help raise funds for the ongoing development of Brisbane Girls Grammar School. By booking all of your travel requirements through Flight Centre's Takeoff Program you will benefit from the guaranteed lowest airfares plus some of the best deals in the world on tours, accommodation and business travel. Plus Flight Centre will make a donation to Brisbane Girls Grammar School of one per cent of the total price of your booking. Remember, that's one per cent of the total booking which can include airfares, accommodation, car hire, travel insurance etc. Brisbane Girls Grammar School can benefit from your business and holiday travel. Best of all, you will benefit from Flight Centre's Lowest Airfares Guarantee' when making your booking. Call 1800 003 903 to book and mention Brisbane Girls Grammar School and make a valuable and much appreciated donation to the School's development. FLIGHT CENTRE FUNDRAISING

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