Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2003
CONGRATULATIONS JULIE SIZE GRAMMAR ACHIEVER Congratulations goes to 2002 graduate Julie Size who has recently been awarded a Distinction Scholarship from the University of Sydney for her Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Laws degrees.
FUNCTIONS AND REUNIONS 2003 July 19 Lunch at the School Science Centre open
August 15
Exhibition of Arts by Past Students in conjunction with Open Day OGA/OBA Dinner Royal Automobile Club, Sydney Pauline Markwell (02) 9231 8308
August 29
October 28
Annual Dinner
Elizabeth Johnson - Phone 3870 0105 October 11
Sue Meeking (OGA) - - Phone 3202 8882 Heather Lord (Torney) - October 18
Pam Peldon (Rogers) - August 23
Alexandria Derrick - Phone 0408 725 574
For further information on any of these events or to join the Old Girls Association, please contact Christine Purvis on 07 3254 6000 or at
SIXTY YEAR REUNION What do we get when we assemble 120 switched on Grammar past students celebrating their “1940's" reunion?
Grammar champions and Committee member Steph Moroney modelled the sports gear of the forties and their contrasting 2003 sports gear. The presentation highlighted Daphne Fancutts (nee Seeney) Teddy Tinling 50's Wimbledon dress. Mrs Amanda Bell and Dr Cherrell Hirst both addressed the participants and described Grammars many achievements and changes over the last sixty years. A big thank you goes to Daphnie Pirie for her coordination of the event.
After Fifty Six years, lots of hugs, kisses, plus friendly noisy chatter and laughter. The meet and greet station on the front verandah alone was a walk down memory lane. Luncheon tables were adorned with hand made royal blue centre pieces by Committee member Gwen Wacker. Participants enjoyed viewing a wonderful collection of photos and memorabilia and Director of Health and Physical Education, Pauline Harvey-Short presented the show stopper with a fantastic audio visual presentation where current
Students in sports wear fashion parade with Steph Moroney in Sports wear from the 1940’s
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