Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001

1131er?^Jilti0"411'1 It2,111r of the !6/1 A better ,oisio?z for 43'11 a ,


ASPIej, Spect"I Ed, ,c"ito, , Unit

41kir" rill"ge: it Satv"tio" fir, ,!v Ce, ,tre for Adults witl, Intellect, ,"I Dis"himies During the course of our visits we organtsed many activities such as colour bingo and painting fingernails. We always remembered to be very patient and positive. For afternoon tea sometimes we helped the ladies to cook packet cake Tinx. which. once or twice was a coniplele disaster because we cannot cook well. On several occasions we helped them knit and draw while engaging in mendly conversation. This program 11as made n, e more aware o11ess fortunate people who nave constant struggles with the simple funds in life. I have shared many POSiiive experiences there and gained many skills Allarais avery wonhwhile place to do community service andlrecommendil I chose to "o to the 011e Ifbr/d Silop which stocksitems from alloverthe world. from Indian drums to Chinese stress balls. and jewellery from all corners of the Earth. The shop also organtise henydancing classes! My tasks ringed from taking out the rubbish. serving at the till and unpacking stock. 11 required someone with good people andcomntunication skills as interaction with the customers is essential Every member of staff and all other volunteers treated me as a trusted friend and taught me a few hicks of the trade. I enjoyed my service there immensely and I am viad this programis in the Year 10 cuntculum I was placed with it Year One class and was quickly accepted by them. The teacher seemed 10 appreciate all extra pair of hands and eyes that were enthusiastically offered On the afternoons initi I was there. the class attempted sewing, Easter Bunny CUI outs and collage decoraiing. 111ever realised before how demanding anti difficult teaching and even supervising was. To nave tile patience and skill 10 Ieacli a class of five-year-olds is as!onishiiig. I really enjoyed spending time willI young children andleariting the value or early education. Feeling sad at the end of my stay. I came 10 the conclusion that it did not li, tve 10 be UVei' and made the decision to relum on one of our pupil-free days. I want to go back 10 bee niy first year class and see how they are developing JITd growing. I enjoved Service and regard it as a privilege and an experience Iwil! alw"ys remember E, 1111y Din, coll Okji, I, , "0, ,e World Silop" fossa Marshall Ith"eru Creek State School



tile ASPIey Special Education Urnt was a coinforiable environment in which to do my Service. The unit helps to nihil the needs of children withintellectual orleaming disabtiities. and has a pleasant relaxed atmosphere. The children have problems such as hyperactivity. speech difficulties, motor problems andin more severe cases. autism. I found 111alit was important not to disruptihe calm or excite 111e children. 11 was a huge learning experience for me. it langlit me how 10 use my initiative in situalions and 110\v to try different lactics when first attempts don't succeed The words relyor and Ile!p ran into ugh nty mind but then I thought to myself. I call handle 11,131 Afarbe 11 1,111 lend, lire to be ", olefinl, gill or exleJ, d ,10, people sA'11/3 Scared we were nor. although. yes, a little nervous to start vJith. We worked with six or seven children who were between Ihe anes of fotrr to six years old. Thereachers were very helpful. giving us support and infonnation. We had a variety of tasks: to play outdoors with the children, someimes help them read. and peel their bananas for lunch. Overall. this experience was one that Hayley and IwiU not forget. 11 developed many skills for us and in the process we had a fantastic time 11nj, !ei. itchb







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At the beginning of this yearthe girlsin YearlO attended an in-house conference which focused on Service: a better vision for all. We were fortunate to have Dr. Mark Loane as our keynote speaker, who shared with the girls his passion and commitment to helping others. He is an Ophthalmic Surgeon and closely involved in a government eyecare program for indigenous people on Cape York Peninsular. Holly Smith, Year 2000 Old Girl was our other guest speaker who spoke of her own experiences on Service in Year I a and gave the girls some good advice - to give of themselves, be flexible and have a good sense of humour. Lana Hadgraft who coordinates the School club, Am an I, enthused the girls aboutthevaluableworkthatAmnestylnternational does through its volunteer task force, and a group of Year 11 girls shared their own YearlO experiences through some creative skits The conference was a great success. Feedback from the girls was positive. However, the test would be in the attitudes and performance of the girls in the field throughoutthe year. Three classes went outin Term One and the reports that came back, both from the girls and their supervisors. spoke of commitment. enjoyment, awareness of others and a sense of fulfilment. in this Yearofthe Vdunteer; ms all about making a difference We are very grateful to the organisations that take our students Sometimes having people in to help - especially new faces every term, means extra work. Here is a representative selection of comments taken from girls' personal reports, and some evaluations written by supervisors. These evaluations are from busy people in responsible positions with organisations to run. They are matching our students' performances against real-life demands

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10"" Retireme, ,t 1'711"ge

I was one of four girls to go to 10na where many of the residents have difficulty walking, so many of them have a walling frame or awheelchair. This mobitity gives them confidence and the option of joining in activiiies. We were made to feelwelcome by boili SIaff and residents. They loved talking to us and we had a wonderful time inking with thenI and playing bingo. 11 was are mark, Ible feeling knowing that just by listentng and talking to someone you have brightened Iheir day. I feel 111,111ny experience ill 10na was priceless. I had a fantastic time and recommendiito e-veryone




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GRAILM4R GAZETTE. /WE 2001 - Pdge 8

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