Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
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Weridy Parkinson - Sister School Coordinator
The Centre for Language and Literacies encompasses a comprehensive foreignlanguage
The SisterschoolProgyarnhas been in operation for many years and girls have avariety of life expertences and ritemoiies about theirpadicipation either as a host farmly member o1 as a visitor. The links with the scliools and theirconunLiixities have strengthened over the years andiiiaiiy finn friendships nave developed. in 2001 LLiisa Ryan. a past strident, CUITeiitly a student at the Urnversity of Queenslruid. obtaineclemploynTeiit with the CourvoisierDistrllery us antuiged throngh our coruieciioils with LyceeSt PaulinAiioou16me The Sister' School Program depends very muchon the gooclwiU offwines who host our visitors. The School ankitowledges theirveiy sinnificani contribution to the Program.
prograrn. An girls are encouraged to learn one language other than English andmany girlsleam toolaiiguages Languages prog^anus focus on leaning languages through andwitlimcultuial contexts. Uiedevelopment of cultural mencyis a significantgoalofaU language pi'ogrants and the School actively seeks OPPortuitiiies for stridents 10 develop in 11ns area The Sister School Prooram collUibutes substantially to the development OTCulttrraltiteracy through the OPPortuititiesitpresents for itinnersionin the language andthe cultore of others The 2001 programis extensive. This year students win visit from each of our five Sister SchoolsinChina, France, Gennany and Japan, and we are also planimg excursions to each school. Most of the visitors to the
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schoolwiUbe hereinJulyandAiioust although we have longer'term students as well. To shiko Kawat from Mie highschool, winspeiid theyairwith us. We welcome these studentsinto our coinmuixity and appreciate their Ginchmeniofoirleanimo enviroirrnenL
Some students are unable to participate in the visits to oursisler schools but develop culturel titeracy tlirough other experiences. One such experience is the Kathleen Campbell Browne Memorial French Camp where students spend the weekend nomersed in the Frenchlanguage and cullrue
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GinA^R GAZETTE IonE 2001 - Foge 7
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