Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
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I YEAR8 I ACTIVITY IA problem was given to the I I students that not only needed I I Ineasuiement skills, but also ga ve I I them insight into the use of I I optimisation to solve real life I I problems I The Farmer's Problem. ' A namier I I needs to fence off an area of I I paddock for hi^ cattle to graze. I I The problem is, he can only afford I I 100 metres of fonci'rig. I I I I Armed with a f metre length of I I sinng and a rulec Year 8 Maths I I students embarked on the task of I I constructing different shapes and I I finding their areas. Many of the I I students were sumiised to discover I I that the area of the shapes differed. I I despite the I^ct that the perimeter I I remained the same. I I will give yuii a few good I recontinendaii0!15. Firstly. the biggest I me" you will gel is willI a circular I I paddock. Thai would 1101 be a good I I Idea because it cant lessenaie very well I I with other paddocks. I would suggest a I I Square paddock and here is a diagram: I I I'mI 25m I I This p"dd, .kwillh, "" an ar, " of 625m' I I and would be a good option. Another I I I alli writing Ihis letter to reply to your letter which I received i'si night. Yori seenito be quiie \voiiiedjiboutyour piidducks. 25n\ I beller option is having the boundary of I I un Padd, ck to"g th" in. ,. in, al' I adow the paddock to be bitger without paying any more money for the fence. This would work quite weU in your case because you mentioned you had a I stintght tire, ru""i"g at un to"I .f I I y, ", prone, ty. I I I hop, this berus yo" mat, un yo", I I ,in"d ""d I, ", 11y tink on padd, .k with I I the river Tnniiing tinough it wonld be I Ihe best option for you. 11 has all area I of 1089m'. Hereis adjagrant- I The ramier's Pro^Cni I Dark, itslullh ^ F. .
The Mathematics Faculty is pleased to offer opportunities for all students to experience maximum success in learning. Prior to the introduction of each new topic students have been assessed as to their background knowledge. This has enabled us to make available enrichment activities for those who already have a strong understanding of the concepts involved, as well as to take the time to provide concentrated assistance to students for whom the topic is unf;amifiar As part of this project, we conducted a 'get to know you day' for the different classes and their teachers,
On Tuesday 27 February. three students from the University of Queensland came to talk to the Year 10 Maths students. The Guest Speakers, Vivien, Momse and Misha presented an interesting and infonnntive talkon careersinEngineenng. Vivien Steward (picnired below). 1999 past studeni, showed us an electrical device she had constructed as part of a project she 15 doing inner Electrical Engineeiiiig conise All three speakers described the different fields of engineering including Chemical. Me chaincal. Enviroiiiiient. Electrical aild Mintng Engineerinn and spoke about the career options and OPPortuntiles in engineering. The Mains students listened willI great interest and found the opportunity to talk willithe Engineering students very rewarding
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Emily See & Vannessa Watson
On Thursday 3 May our class. 9C. ate popcorn. .. that is to say we "performed a mathematical expefunent'. The class was divided into firoups and usinn A4 sheets of coloured cardboard, each group made four cylinders with different base areas After completing this task, we put the cylinders inside eacli other. largesi diameier10 111e sriiallesi. We then filled them side cylinder wtth freshly Inade popcoi. I. couriesy of Mrs Just When Ihe cylinder was full. we reinoved tile cardboard and lei tile popcorn spill nilo tile itexi cylinder. When tile popcorn didn't hillhis coinainer. nTore was added until it was full. Tile process was repealed \,;jin gush container. alld the results recorded. Tliese results proved that as the dinnieier Increased. the volume also increased. But what wits Ihe most enjoyable part? Eating the popcorn!
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Yours sincerely Anne Sawyer
GMnnL4R GAZETTE loryE 2001 - Page 6
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