Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
^ O, irfocz, ,SI @13 Sen, ite
Amnesty I, ,tern"tio""/
Ni, ,!. v"r" NIIrsi, ,@ Ho, ,, e
amnesty international is an organisation which aids Ihose who are less formnate than us in Human Rights. This incliides people who are imprisoned unfurly, people who are tortured. and those who are sexually assaulted by authorities. fins add is in many forms. such as fund-raising. letter writing. and raising public awareness about these issues. rins workis extremely uuportant to those in need, although it is not always recognised in Australia because we are forrunate enougli 1101 to have these abuses so widely spread We worked in the Queensland Head Office which was a pleasant environment. Some weeks were busier than others. We did some photocopying and cleaning out of cupboards -jobs which allowed other people time to do importantjobs. We learned alot from mildn" with other volunteers and reading the pamphlets Everyone was very friendly and I thoroughly enjoyed working at Amnesty international. tits a great place to contribute to Ihe COTnmunity and their work is really Important
Conlingrecently from SoilthAfrica, I snarled this term at BGGS with no idea what to expect of school. lime\v noihing about Australia apart from the few meagreihings I had heard or seen during the huhdays andl certainly didn't know what the true Australian people were like. During the eight weeks inni I visited Nunyara. I feel that any doubts anti 11nceriainties disappeared almost completely The Ilursing home caters for people \uno can no longer live independently, and Ihe lange of care extends from providing food, medicine and personal care. 10 11airdressing. As fai' as possible, the residents niake choices and are encouraged to be as independent us possible. I establislied good relationships with the ladies Tworked with. Activities helped to break the ice and after that I found that they 11ad a 101 of interesting stories and memories to snare. They taught nie a great deal about AUSimlia. I Ihink Inai service has benefited nTe enom, ously and I find myself inuclimore at ease wiih elderly people. 11 was an enriching experience and really fulfillin, , when at the end of the day. you can get a grateful 511tile froni someone
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rustmrt A "ed C"re Centre
I found doing community service at Wishart very rewarding. At first I was quite nervous us I fell unsure of how 10 approach tile are barrier \, 11th the chants. However. I soon overcame my initial nervousness and found thrillcould contortably talk wiihihe ladies and itentlemeii allhe centre. One personal relationship Inail niade was willI a lovely lady who was confined to a wheelchair with one of lier arms paralysed. At first she spoke very little. but with each week she would say a mile more untillfound weilad niuch to Ialk about. With a smallgift of friendship on my departure, Ihope to keep in touch with lier
SONiin liarde!!
How did we mateh up ?
relaied I"e!/ TVi!/I 1/1e residents. HeI assisinrice ensi, I'd a ", eate, ' MilliibeJ' of ,CSJde, lis I, eie able to pruneipn!e in denwne$. SIIe demonsirciied in, muless of ingJ, ' needs and req!, ifed milli, lid! .vJq, erv, $101, . '
13 d lovely bHg/,! a"d/liend4\, snide"I, at\, a\, s so ize, I 10 learn, hely) and pled, e. SIIe 11,111i, ,g4, corn^eles run' i'sk risked of Iler tilldi"t's IPe!I liked bj, till 1/1e leani If lids beefi @ Ito1 pleast, ,. e nav!,, g liei' 11.0rk Ir!!/I I'S
' it lids been loveA, to see drill, a. rake o1/11e, shoes and/Din file c/111dre, , off/Ie NIIj, e, J dpid fortd/er mollis. She lids laken 1/1e mindii\, e to Inferdel rind care for file '11/1dre, I and lids shoi, ,I tried! panence rind pel*isleJice I"hell erri'!'\, ifig o111 rusks. Boili girls nave had n ve, y 111g/I involve, lien! I, Jin ing plug, tillI. All slayy drink tnni thev nave innde tin excel/e, ,! coniribi, !10n. '
My personal rim"As to yo, , for bringing joy tind I'llg/lier to o111^'eside, ,!s. Ibwr endii, $1ds, ,I and IJFider. ,!andi, Ig lids he'll geol. lye 1,111 I'llss yo, ,. folly school sho"/d be very PIOi, d of you '
13 un IPItell^^eJii. diligent and Innovative yo", Ig tvo"Ian I"AO I'ds of e"o1'mons bendii to 11:13 organisonon chin'rig
her mile here. '
her enthi, sins"I lids been evide"! in lie, . inferdciioJi willI ing $11, dellis and lier consisie, 11 questioning offlie ploybssio, ink. She ditplqi, ed tin ability to 1110"nor he, re$pollses to specific $11"uno, ,., nild rid!"$1 file levels q11, liaruciion accoidi, ,gfy,
' . .I'ds fib!e 10 plan and caln. Diff nc/Iviiies 11'111i o111 indies very IVC/!. All of the ladles 11,110 collie in COM1dci ",!111 lie, gained a gleni deal of pled$111t 1,111 her co""",!V '
ill, "s a pleasi, re hat'lire liei lullh i's. Site worked I, e/! ",, of '01/1ert, "es stored Jongg, film, ICqi, ,, ed dyner'
GinfyffiL. IR GAZETTEJ{WE 2001 - Page 9
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