Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
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In the year of Australia's Centenary of Federation. the spirit of debate and dialogue that surrounded our nation's unification was evident in the Queensland's Schools' Constitution Convention, heldin the Parliamentary Annexe on 16 February. Two Year it students, Am anda Goldsmith and Philippa Davie were in attendance to discuss whether Australia needs a Billof Rights. Am anda's outstanding, but veryironic speech (below) won her an invitation to attend the Sixth National Constitutional Convention held in Melbourne from 25 to 27 March
file Granmnnr Girlsof20011nve solar experienced a busy and exciting year inspired by the theme: Reach/br file Slaps. This theme 11as provided a basis for tile creation or a positive amiospliere within the School. \vhiclt ms encooraged students to strive to achieve their best and also to 001ebmte the diversity of personalities and mients shown by the xirls The inIPIessive range of successes and immerse spint of students has been evilibiiedin nunyactivitiesincludiiig
The Head Girls and Seniors have come to understand the importance of achieving to the best of ounindividiml abilities in the final year of secondary school and others and tonn lasting friendships. This is linked closely to tile appreaation of the multitude of ways girls can reaclifor their personal star. and is appropriate as Girls Gran^ has certainly encotrraged. and beeniusirumentol in the realisation of goals. The Head Girls, AlmaMCGilvery and Madeline Young in particular have touched on this idea. acting as numbassadors for nits year's theme
Ladles and Gentler"e, I. Why wow!d IPe want a Bill ofR, ghis? We 'of Jiane people Innping ip and doI'M and claiming !heir righis o11 over file place A1, siru/10 does, ,ineed " Bill ofR, gilts. tve've never had one before. why wolf!dive I'd, I! one now? It; nor as of we've dor a bad human Fryh!s record, ipe!! 1/1e, e I, ere file Abor, gines. 614t IPe 've o11 goi over Ih@I AMsirtt!Ia doesn I need a B, 11 of Rights. Of collrse we don 1.1 Look lib o6vio!, s ISH t 11. Jolt only need a Bill of Righis 1101, ', v a Third World cor, nt, y. or live sol, ,ei, here tvhere people are OPPreused and deprived of basic hi, man needs snell OS rilliriho"s nod. dece"! nomes, inledic"! core. ech, canon. Whn!?I MOSi qf Allstra!in k Inchgeno"s pop"!an on does, ,I nore Ihese 11ni, o31 Dor, I be snipid! Allsira!in I$ 0, ,e of file lending Wes!erJ, nan'of, s. "s of o111 dove, ""lent won/d q//nip d linge seeroJ of file pop!,/tinoJi to go '10/1"of 1,111io"t btisic h",, inn 110his? lid be like jinving a 1111/11 nind 1,011din Allshuha Tills is Ihe 111cb, collr, !, y. 11b '10/1 I nave PDUe, 'ip. I'llse, 'y Ificism. 1,101e, ice. tillv of Ihe 1/11"gs Jim! Inei"I 1/1e nitroch, ctio, , by'a Bill ofR, gills to '11/11e Allsiin/lull lull And '10/11 bornei bill, gino ip 1/1e SIo/en GeneJniion. have, 11 lull lien, c! John HDi, dirt? Tile, c A' 1:0 flick film"! We dolliiieed a Bill of Rig/lis. lib Jime livedo111 of exp, essio, ,. donlii. e? A poi, ,! I'd like to 1110ke vei\' c/eni 10 atI fliese peop/c In661niig o11 <160/11 1111/11mi 1'1g/lis PIO!echo, , rodni! 113 ill file Cullsiin, non. I limer, I dell, trill, seeii11'h"I\11.1 111eJi1/1e, v. b!, I I',, I sine file\, re tievoied cyi, lie nlinge pollio, I of the 11,111g 10 " n, e '01/11 is 1/1"I 111 Allsiiuhd 11'e cn, , sin, trillVh"," 11'c I'mif. lye 're n 1,011deifir/. dellioc, 'ulic. CTli', 111e/I' n, '/1,111tiie JianoJi. And 110 one con ei', I It, ke o111 1'14ii 10 lice speec/I mm\' ./ioni Ms burri!Ise o6woi!$111 n F1g/,! lip0, : 11'111c/I so 1,111c/, o1' o111 liberh: ., die4i: de"loci',, ci' rind 11'dt, q/ nib Jusi "'o111d IVCeii, e Intr\I",!1111 possible PIOiecno, I in o111 CnJishii!troll 11'0111chil if ... '
cosSSA sport collabomtive performances such as the musical
the arcadentic focus is one which 1101ds a Godspe!!, and in the contribution to the key position in tile holistic approaclt to \vidcr conununity Uuougliimdraising educational BCGS. \\. inclilms an eyer events organised by groups sricli as the increasing importance. Academic Big Project coriumttee. hilts theycor of poralis arch as the mienrutionnl Yot"Ig the Voninleer, however, the coninbutious Physicists' Tomnamentin Helsinki \vilere titc ICani came second to Slovakia \viih of titose 'behind the scenes'. such as parents and friends involved in anpusrt Gentmiiy tintd. and FullneProblen} Solving are Just hvo of Inaiiy acadeniic groups. 11ns also been recogitised as pivotalin allowing girls to worklowards activities doneby Clanimnr Girls, and ancccss in 111e acrideniic arena is part of Uicir gads. WithCUIsucli\*tiling ERPporL the Scliool could not maintoin the Scliool's tradition - a 51andard whirli tile \artery or OPPorluitilies available 10 continues to be improved linen The theme orReoc/lib" the SIuls has also 11ad a rosinve nitlucnce into11gli its Ihe eitioyi"Grit and amount of full 111ai rele\ allce to all girls. 111e proiiiouoii or can be 11nd in tile process. especially as participaiion and recognition or'qiiiei part of a supporti\ e school eiiviroitInent achie\'crs' file idea that anyone can Tiic unwavering ciiihusiasni and spirit or link'c a worthwhile conitibiilion by sindeiits arc qualities \vhicli 11a\e been stiltply gi\ingllieirlime and participating parlorthe perueitia110niiaiion of is signiFlomit ill that a reeling of Grailuirunieiiiones and\\1/1/10 doubt involveinclii calll, c gained. as well as 111e colltinue to see nut we nio\'e a step OPPorlunily for girls 10 gel to kilo\\ closer' to those SIars! students and is 111erefore valued greatly by allwiUitiiUie Gnuimiar collTinuwity Asidelroiiillie a^liteveinentin fields slidi as sport and acadeniics. nowcvcr. a majorlhctorin reaching for tile 51nrsis
Hmm lib/$/,. Fillio! 2001 Gr, T","iai G"=, lit
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Lc, dres tilld Gen!/, men. I PI, I 11 10 yo, I intri a Bill or Ridi{s 13 coll\!e!e4, 1111/1ecessnrj' 1,151 dsk file mildbiin, 115 of Itho"Iern
Am anda's reflections on the Sixth National Schools Constitutional Convention can be found on Page 10 of this edition
Editorial Committee
SfqffC",$1, Jin, ,is: ROA, 11 Finv 1,111, Roll err
SiCff'C"-"Fiji, ,"for & Eatior-i, ,-Clii
hulli/I Hniicocl Allsi!!I, Cooke .-11nh, 11 Dri, I' I'll 811.4c, ,
1,111, , lib/$11
E, fir"r
"!3risb""c Gi, Is Grrr, ",,, in Sch"o1 ("BG(,\,") axrc, ,, Is its rh, 1111, s in nth erri\- crs for iheii' $1, FF, "!. 1/1e infrariisc, ,,", is u, v PI, bin/, c, / in gnu, /Intr/, ,,,,,/ o11 inc 1111t/ers!tnnli, ,g that inc cull!e, ,Is' 41re ICgiii, ,late till, I 1,111ji, !. BOGS ' nines nor Irrrrrn, ,t ille q"dim' of ille goons IIJ, of sentes ofc, e, / hi. full. criis ers ",, of e, ,cowr"ges red, Jars to ","AC tileir o11. ,, e, ,q"incs t's to file sniff, biffii. I of the goods a"of sen, ices " I
Pill/, ppn Din', e jL! tilld '41/1", 1.1" Gulf/$111,111 JR! 1111/1 DJ'.-1111/10/11' GJ'nJ. 1,111 the Onee, ,31n, ,rt Lull' SOCie!I.
GIM^ GAZETTE IonE 2001 - Pane 4
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