Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
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I can assurc you also that tlrrou. ,h 111is period of transition nullgs will 1101 stagnate. As a Board \\, e \\, 111 continue to \\, ork energetically \\, ith Mrs Hancock for the good of the School Together \\, e \in 11 continue to consider
Cherrell Hirst, AO Chair BCGS Board of Trustees
We alithought that 2000 was a really the development of new strategies and important year for BGGS but 2001 has policies aiTd the Tension of old to ensure tliat the School continues to become another year of great function as well as possible with Tenard significance in 111e history of the to services. svsteiiis and infrastructure School. This is becausc of the departure of IuditlT Hancock front tile provision. In addition, at a time \\-hen organisations of all kinds are Principalsllip allhe cnd of ille year 1111dergoing clianges. 111e Board \\111 after 25 years of contribution to the contiiiuc to recognise tlic jutporiance of Scliool multidimeusionalism Tint:back to what you \VCre do Inn un 1977 - the year that Iudith Hancock commenced 2001 is of greatimporlance for another reason - it is the Year of the Volunteer her duties, and immediately you must be confronted witlithe onormjty of the and where, if not at BCGS, do \VC \miness the considerable contribution of contribution. VOLUNTEERS to the filmrc of the As Chairman of the Board and strongly School and the quality of the careit provides for its students. I refer of supported by my fellow Board course to our many supporting members I am deternulled that this organsations: Parents and Friends' period of transition\will pass without Association \wth the subgroups of any disadvantage to the School - its girls orits staff - allofwhom are far Mothers', Fathers', the Music Group, The Old Girls, the Friends of Girls too valuable to allow to be damaned Gramnar, all the sporting Support even in the slightest lis 1111maii ^esoLirccs as critical factors toriis fururc anti sin\. c to \\ork \\ith tileni to contiiitic 10 acliie\e Ihc best possible outconies for ille Grailunar Tile contribution Iuditli 11as niadc is measureless - 111GasureleSS in lis quantum but also Ineasureless in its Girls of today. and in our future
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Groups. the Inariy, many, parents who given and nianj. niaiiygirls \\. 111benefit help in infomial ways in the nlillions of - nlOSt of whom will be individual girls jobs \\, hich always are there to be done about whom you will never know. But as one who is able to gain a long ternt over and over again objective view of the School's development year by year I can assure To you the VOLUNTEERS I say you your efforts are not in vain - ille thank you on behalf of the School degree of value-adding is beyond Your involvement in ternis of giving tnnc, ideas, energy, support and money commercial contemplation. Thank you to each of you for your tireless giving unstintingly year by year makes a
world of differenceto the School. The School is the greater because you have
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GinAm-.L. IR GAZETTE ICWE 2001 - Page 3
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