Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
Friendsh^!?15Neiiei, End
President of 111e Friends of Girls Grammar^ Maturee" MCBiyde reports online full of hemo a Frie, ,, I
r I The Friends of Girls Grammar actively promotes the education and advancement of young women through I the development of a support network that I the School community. I I Our Special Goals I encompasses present, past and future members of . to promote goodwill and fellowship . to encourage links between our alumni, other supporters and students through mentoring and networking . to create Friends' groups in regional, interstate and overseas centres . to cherish our traditions through the retrieval and I protection of archival material ,
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F, ,e, ,th 11as coinnienced unaiproiiiises10 be yet an oilier biisy and producti\ c ycar 011 Wcdncsda} 2 May. Hiei, ds weICOined line PintJ, is o1 111, Cmss o12000 and all curreiiline!libcrslo all 'into ITiinl Calmer11N held innic Boniilaiid Memorial Libmn Tile aciiiiig offercd allidc"lopjionuiiii\ for 117.1i, /* to 511"re a relaxcd alliiusplicrc 1111ilsi eiii0\111g alliitro^Inaii\e discussion aboiit inc goals and amis for 11ns \ear's Colluiiiltee PasiPresideiii. Dinna Lviicli andMSFelicin. Williams relhcdiiinii\' of 111e Itiglinglils orF, ,e, 11A including tile succcsshi1 125"' Diniier Celebrations. we also look 111e opusrhi:lib' 10 tnniil; Inari\ of 111e/;Tell, A Coiniiiiiiee MeinbersIt 110 \rerc in\, okediiillie snoress Drille Gala Diluter Celebrations. We intend 111ai tits 'into nilal Gathering' be an aiuiual c\ Gill Wednesday 24 0ctDiner \\ill see 111e conliiiu;in on o1/11e Network Breadast Frogmiii. Tile OPPnrtiiitiiy to continue to foster the in Ieractioii and professional jilts for our youngest meritbers 15 an jinporiant part of tile foundations of A. ,e!Ids More infomiatioiiaboutlhis BreadasL\\. illbe available ironitiieBGGSAleit. s
. 011rMell)curlic anId S\tille\ Gainenngs will lake place in iaie Ociober rind we look fun\ard10/11is again bciiig \en 511ccessful. Our slipporl base ill boili Sinies is c\cellcii! and Is coiniiiiiiiig to gro\\ Tliis IC\'cl orpnriicipniioii b\ illc ladies ridclsio a siro"g sciise ors"ppon for our Cronuiiar Con"limith. in Nlelboiiriic. I 1101e 111e slippori Trolliilie SiC\Inn girls. tillo ICUicseiii lliree gciicmlions 1111denIn\ for a r"ised miniai Ninja \let, 10 tickiio\\ledgiiig a 1111mber orsiudcnis for illeir fine ticliicLeinciils Tins Tear o11riie\LSIelier\Till enable menibers 10 be kept ribraist urine current acii\'ines or A ,e, ,, ts I\\ouldlike to tiltuikMrKeiit Sclmtidl. Mr Rob SiClair andlvlr GlcruiCapper \vlio are respecti\. cly our inniiediaicl}' Past President. Treasiirer and Secremry for tile Inaily years of slippori and assisiaiice giveii to F1 lends Finally. ifyou are intersicdiii nieinbersltip or niore into nuntioii regarding A ,ends please colliact the Scliool reception on 3332 1300 AUGllicr e\ciliii!: proj"t in is \car\1111 be I Ihe F1'i, ,, ds Bill sth. I. Plainling is ciirrenll}
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GinAM4R GAZETTE IonE 2001 - Page 2
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