Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001

Coo+eee From 11"tbil






We're happy liftle campers, as happy as can be We love our jinbilsanctuary and the staff are good to me Our teacher says we're getting fitter every single day I Because weiove our littlelmbil, yes we adore our lift/e jinbi/- I it puts a smile on every face!

Remaining Survivors of8 Lilley

. If yOi, 11,011g/, i Ih"! 8111'v, voJ' in file 110 felli. 110 sleep. Ei, erugr0, \11ndnjbod Alls"'riftoi, 0,116nck I'm' 11nrd. flier, yoi, box '01/1p!ele I"ill ei, e, '11/11/01, ,e Ileeded shornd iru 1/1e 111,611 SI, ,VINor Cliff!!err"e. for 111.0 ,Jul, s. DJ, ,, Ie, ' ill"illig/, ill'as sprig Tile 11 $1 Ie, I'drd c/lane, ,ge begniJ 11'111, bo/. .-I I'll' gro, ,ps '/i, es 11'ereii I 1101 foalvi!,, g 1,011' to jig/If a cull"/11e to cook' ei, o1, g/,. so Illsiend q1/10vi, ,g sy, uglier11 mile/,. ,/rhoi, g/, 11 look riges to gel If 1,111i o11r 11,111ce. I, e jind blend For go", g. 11'ego! if m i/lediid LnieJ; off, ,, 11g dessei i ipe I'dd ", re", /v ' 111, in, ,! the 1,116, I OA',,, PICS. Me 11nd to Jimk'e Ihe c/, eesecnke inn/ 11. us 100 .ni, eel. 7/1"/ Smile 011, off, 'e in trill, 101 cornn, Ile, tilld ,I'ei, Ing. Ih, 11'h old c/nss gulhe, ed Keep " slotk, of ,, p 11'111, sirck, ",, of Iem e$. ni'01, I'd n errJ, !pm', "lid 111'011enp!e 11,110 7/1^ ^, I' to 11/15 I'llnrdc/Inn, Jig, ,,, 1'0A, ,/ 11'111 r, ", tillI nil0, ,11/10/1s) ,,,"de fools of lifti, g d h, g '01/1n, I'dI 11'111i " 1101e in 11 111,111s, /I'ds 111 f o111 @1the linole c/nss 11,111g hi'0 '11/1\. lib 11ndto cynick/I, conecl the 11nier/ DJ, , 1/1e d, ,ck dulli so if 1101/1d 71,111 sdni' 1,101 11i, Ig 11'a$ ribs0/111efj, 14/1 1/1e Ile IcyJ rind 1101/1d explode fill IP, =,, Ig filld sonJe o1/11e cmss nod to o1, ei/lullg, ,Ig I upe. Tills lei doll',, n biffi' conecifreii'o0d '01/1 file lief ginss. lit fill to file b, Till offr"ddo Frogs lime/, die 11'fluiei, e! 11'e 11. mired/bi 61'errky"$1. 11'e churled jut. inlet"11/1. bentve, I lis pnCl'ed O, " pricks ", IdseiOj:101 culloei!Ig Tile lien 10sA' 11n. * 11. e 11/11/1011 11n, es "11n a 11nJe, b, Igs fief, 1,101 limer 611gs 1101', elfl coilsisied @1n bn, " e/ 11'111, nine. conysied of coffeeii!Ig 611gs rind illsecis full, 1101es rill over. i!. lib Irud10/1/1 1/1e 1111/1e cleek to dele, \,, lie 1/1e q, ,only of barrel icyJ 11'111i drill, trote, to n eel mill file 11nie, : ColloeiJ, g 11'0s loads off, ,, t's Jul'e/. Tills 11'as a 101h, File, filmi 11. *o, 111ds 11'e pinied grill, es lime/, incl, ,ofed F1'"11 been"se OS I, e 11. eye pollri, ,g 11'tile, 11/10 Salnd and Cnpsi=Ing. Anei 111, ,c/, IPe the bnrre/. tit. ice OS I'll, c/I 11nier I'ds lie, ,I "/I-!o111g" brick to cullip o11 6101"- con, ,Jig o1/11/1e 1101es. 111 file end. 1/1, ee lip 111ai!Jarses people sri1 1,131de file bn, Tel 1,111/e ille Dine, rim people POW, 'ed 11'die, o, 110 FF, day 1110n, Ing sinned 11'1i/I o11 earl, er alieni. Innki, Igille, ,I '01/1/11eie!I, dre, iche, / TmA'e lip cull so Inni 11'e coll/of gei file celln e c/culled, ,p. Tile litek e"ded I, ,'ill 7/1e sill'1.1vor file, ,Ie COM1!, 111ed lire a Inn/ Cha//e, ,ge, file Srignr Girder. folioii'!'Jig dnv I'lle, , 11'e 3rd, 'red o11r cu, "p limb/I I, ns I. eJy etc, n", for ei. eruo, ,e o111. file c/, alle, ,gesii'eru: 1,011, t. ,10 food.

90 students Holly Pym, Stephanie White. Fellcity Roberts-Thornson and Kin Flutter report on their Camp adventures


Yeali. yeali. we how what everyone says about Ihouglii weiuieIv wlini we \\, ere doinn. singin". camp ~ 'it's numble. Ih. re's rin 10ilels. ynti net chinein" and rioting our way allonnlhe road. but all yucky and dirty. ' But gee whiz. you have soon. without Mowing. we look a wrong rum SUC!{ rigreaiiiiite! and found ourselves honelessly lost. That lield Scratches. cuts and bruises are illsi pin of a us up for about an 110ur, and by Inai time. Ihe dally routine. whileiiie simpleilmugliiora o1her group Ihai left about Iweniy nitnuies rifler snowerjusihlows your 11nnd awny us 11nd cauglil up and long passed us. Once we filese are Ihe things that niche camp so special goigomg. \\. e had enou"h Einer"y to slamsm"in" and memories inni slickin your ntind forever. again. and got back on tile correct p"111. we Must girls, alllieiliougliiof say. using a big PIOdded along for a while. looking for places to 1101e for a milei. would just riboui throw up. As r'si. anId tile rinhi track 10 follow. A1 one small we are always icying to bear 111e guys at intersection. \\,. sent Holly 10 nave a bit or a everything. now is our chance 10 be 111e look around. filere seemed to be one path Ihni toughest Grantmar errls 10 ever watthrough was inlain. dowithill and correct. while 111e oilier




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Iheiruunds oilmbiland BCGS. To he the strongest. binvesL dirtiest and n, o51 enthusiastic campers Ihai 111erc ever was!

one was overgrown. willlab"rbed-wirelence runntng into ughit. To live wary busliwalkers

it was an easy decision lullich way to head. we Conung hack from cantp. we felt naked willjout began 10 walk down our chosen Dalli. cennm that it was the tinhlone. sending Kiri tonvard our 13-kilogmm packs on our backs. andihe sweet gritell of swe. ,I on our face about a hundred riteires. just to make sure we The skill we used to controlandiiianoeuvre the were going Ihe rigltt way. 11 scented Ihaithe mounlain bikes was so good. inni even h, h' track had been used before. but it now 11nd a Wallisbuhi couldn'I keep up tunnel-like feature to it. rimde our of dead We 11nd made Ihe Impossibly hard step lioni the lantana. we haw many sinhis walking down Inclropolis DIBrishane to tile wilderness or We started to nave suru, doubis whenevei we checked the imp. because tile track that we look sccmed to 11:1ve about Ien nines rimre curves Ihan on 111e nt"p. anId Ihe country sine didn't seein to match Ihe kind or nom Ihai the niap described But we kepi going. After walking along disiance. we finally grillo an rulerseciion. and found 111e cain* ginie 111.1 Mr wallishuh! had pointed Dullo us before we left camp. we saw it and suddenly our laces just lit up. Aner walking up Ihe truck for about 200 meIre*. we sinned to long a bii of hope once nanin. Ihen we heardiliis 11uge yellconlIng from wirere F. Iiciiy \Vn* standing. 'Owl. ,. 11* Ile"! 11, A, ,,,,,/ 11.111", I'd, ' o11,111 ' Fellciiy sinned sririniing up. '10scly followed by 111. r'si of us. 10 finally find Ihe Infonious Inbi rinrker. we toriiacied Mr wallishulil. all lull of joy. Tht lie\lining \VC knew. 1.1r wallisbLilil IIJd come and picketl us 11n ;und we were safe in Ihe iruck we \VCre all*n sonn 10 find ,ui inni Ihc INCL we 11n, 11u*11n\ cll*UnnLI IWCii 111, wrong incl. Lid IIJ, ! bcc:1.1bnui 31,111 I'mlitrih", jilt corr*ci Nili. Tli* re. ichcr \\*;I\ :!*:, lull, .d 111.1. \* tnnl, atIu"11\ *c: lobi NII. 11 Ih* INCL v "\ intr^^Ibl\ Lollkiiig h. c1. o11 111, r1, !,'11/1n"tinn \.., 11.11 11/10 \\*11 11nrk*d. Bill 1,111i 11N 11.1, '11/011\"* four 111e bit, ride we cullld *,* 111ni \,. hnd I'll' clover rind Ih, sinn * I"ni"\lit 11n Lit"11.11 chitlleii, :cd nurselv, , ,Tenily rind ticcoiiiplisli*d *kills \\* ;1.1unlly Innd, hilli, uuh. I'r. inI it11 far innr* Ihan we hall evei e\p, tit, . Maybe 111* unl"own pillli ourselves aruiiiid 111e crimpnr*. Tit. ne\I d"\ w, . an ridvcniiire Ihr, lien inc \Iildcrn. *s. '11/1 a camp. Annougli \\. c ,lid g. I rin eatii oiliers ,rn"p Dr. "is. Jinap. n cullipn*s. a Tauin/\,.'"Iki* 11*rVC< n hii. \\ c tnnic ,ui '11/11< us rc"11y ,*,, 1.1kie rind rilli riniui"I instincis Tin\ tiling bv inc", I\ '11/1 *\ '11/11, tich lint weck*I'd 1,011i* oursel\'e; \v"s rcn*, nably cliallenging Mint" 11, Jr. I nill c, 11'1 wallio **Ibnckin, chn, jin incr* 1< 11n Ie"cher or guiU* to h, 1:1 us 1.1"11 our *,, 111e, * ,reni11.0pl, . A1J, Fill, ,,, rnLiie nulliiii"Ikci 31,111nrl. .rl. Allir*I. \\, Wednesday - Tile nune inke sum. d will11he tall"liar call or 'GII. I. ,. lit, 30 Gel"111 @16, of 11"/11,101,111' We crawlcd out of bed. not knowing what vre were gelling ourselves into We packed. repacked. and Ihen finally slurred our packs so fulllli"I \VC could noi even hi in our niucli needed. very iniruriani leddy bear. So leddy was Tunnelanl!y left in the cabins. to ing nickcd un Lullen w. got hack We finally got nurselvesiogeihcr;ind sing, :ered o111 111e camp door. nearly loppli"g o*er sidew"ys \\. 1111 ine \.;eighi o1 our packs Luckilv for lis. \\" wer* tile group pick*d to go rimun!ain hiking first. so \VC did nilim', 10 Iug our packs all jilt way. 10 Ihc tnnipsiic. \VC mouiiied o11r bik, , rind *rinn 1.11"11 nullliaiili* 11.1c \\, n* 1101 !:, In. 10 lie us *"\\' us \\. 11nd '11/11cipni*J. nit 1,111*kiloin*11c 1.11. * rid. 11". sinrliiig in 1,011i rill*"L^tlji\ that windy path. Including a dead cow. with exposed bones and an awesome skull; and inIhil Slate Forest henuiiful views looking out over the Monday and Tuesday were used as Imjinin" and countryside prep", lion for campoui. file ropes course was a shocker for some people. bui 1,105i girls really enjoyed tile thoughiof being Ien metreq Dirtlie ground hasi ITnit of line callip \\. a, lying do\\'n and u. ."iching jilt \mrs. 111en 111"king loin1 1,015 or PS. No\\. us I alll Iypiii!: 11Ns rin me I'Si d;Iv. I kiln\\ I will ntiss Ihe .re:1111/11es 111,111in, I o11

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G/*truthL4R GAZETTE. /{WE 2001 - Ptige 24

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