Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001

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This year got o11 to all enienainiiig start. i's Enonnous hair was tile style of Ihe ni"hi tile Ternt I motto of R, ,I'll 101' 111.5pii'11 with 111einn^riiy or girls in the 'hair w;!s gladly embraced. Iy, /111, and various conipeiiiion spendin" ille following few oilier second-hand shops scaliered around days trying 10 reinove the kilois and Ihe Biisbane \, Iere receiving hundreds of hairspray needed for their fahulous dollars ironi BGGS studenis. Why. you designs! may ask. would all the Year 125 at Cron"nat suddenly want such bright. gaudy As the evening progressed. Mr Dale and clothing? Was this the latest trend? were Mrs MCConaghy proved to be a dynamic leg warmers, hot pants and poU;a dots back duo as they kicked off the dancing in fashion? The answer: not quite! competition. showing the girls what it was really about! However. sisters C!audia and The Year 12 Retro Party was held early in Sirnone Campbell were by far the most tenn I and was the first of many spirited popular dancers. enterratting their friends occasions. Nthougll the tlieme of the with an absolutely classic pertonnance, parry was the 70s and SOS, the costumes and being called back to the stage several came from a far more varied time span. times to strut their stuff adding much litlarity 10 the 'best dressed' competition. Although many girls feltthat By the end of the inghi. the number of pink their shopping and designing efforts would faces almost matched the amount of pink win. it was big-haired Anna Walsh that clothing. the copious amounts of blue eye won the much coveted prize of a 70s and SIIadow were an but gone. and many rims 80s music coinpUaiion for her amazing had given lip on the idea of high heels as costume. complete with curly wig and they'd danced the night away. The spectacularly oversized sunntes! eventng was a complete success. and tile

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Year Its are IToping for a repeat performance later in the year!

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