Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001



--:'Gol^4;^14/1 In the Spirit of the Seventies \ \ I~

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Ann Faney & John Rowell

Psychedelic! Kaleidoscope of colour alld sound! CTeai visual images! Fun! Wow Nl these words were used to describe Ih combined BCGS/BCS production of Gotlsp, // that was perfumed on Thursday to Saturday. 23-25 May. Creative use of lighting. sound. plops and costumes conibiiied to bring tile Seveniies to life in John-MiehaelTelebak on"mally conceived the musical 00.13p"11 in the late 60s for a university thesis. Subsequently niusic and Schwar!z. leading to 111e first perlonnance new lyrics were created by Stephen The "good story" of Godsy, elf draws extensively o111/1e parables in the New Testament. As each parable was told in 11 production. Ihe performers brought its message to life in a uiTique and colourful Our production was set in an Australian fictional seaside esplanade at a farmliar bondaylocation. The Seventies era was unfamiliar to the pelfonmers yet most loved it because of the funky clothes. the great Australian icons and the wonderful nTusic. 11 brought back nlemories of Australia in that era into uuh the costumes. characters and events of those days Parents \"Jete ithle to niake ai 1,051algic Journey \vliicli was sign-posted by evocations of the anti-Vieinam marches. the Brisbane Flood. CycloneTracy. Hones and Stropp. nie rewriting in contemporary form of incidents sharpened the sense for cast and audience alike There have been a number of combined productions between Girls Grammar and Boys Grainmar. This was the first time that students from an Year Levels of Girls Grammar were involved in the show Godspe/I showcased wonderfulIy talented performances from many of our students' 11 was a great experience to work with the "boys next duoi" and their dedication at an levels is much appreciated. This nullenitiumproduciion of Godspe!Iwas marked by a sense of comumiment to the re telling of the greatesistory of them all way in May 1971 production tnnt was '11/10f humour. niovemeiii and nlesqnges to live by











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GMnnf4R GAZETTEJLWE 2001 - Page 22

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