Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001

^/i, sSOei^tinyz"'News r



Tilere has been exciting and important opportunities develop for 111e P&F with regard to the management and modernisation of our shops. The P&F identified the need to strengthen the managemeni support for the shops as a priority for 2001. Titis is because the business from Ihe shops generates over $720,000 in sales. The P&F

of a luckshop food service function is outsourced. in this option. an external caterer would provide tile function under a management contract, involving the P&F Association. This involvement wonld include the use of volunteers, an advisory group regarding Ihe ritenus served. and a

Carol"n Mason- President Phone: 330024551 (H) Email: cm"son@gilmcom. a"

I alitnely and quality service for the return of profits from the tucksliop service

Associatioii approached one of 115 support The particular focus forthe Working Group orcups. Moiliers Group. to use its situciure is Ihe provision of food services for the and resources 10 provide particular slippor! School as a whole and the tuckshop to Ihe work of the shops. The Mothers Group operation. This is in the context of Ihe next has responded to this through the stage in the jinplemeniaiion of the School nomination of Convenors for the Tuckshop Master Plan involvingihe development of a and Ihe Clothaig Shop ifor the first time ill student services facility. The tinting for this years) from its membership. The Mothers phase coincides with the closure of the Group win consolidate this role over they ear. boarding school at the end of 2002. The

SIudenis and Iheir parents;

10 tile P&F Ihrougli the contract. after the

, an opportunity for networking payment of amnnagemenifee and any labour

ainong parents which provides tile

Third. there is the option of

co 515

volunteers in the shops with an outsourcing the entire food service to the imporianl coniact between them one exiemal caterer with no involvement of

and the scliool;

tile P&F Associatioil and no return of profit

, a source of revenue to conirlbute 10 the P&F. Tlie role of the P&FASsociation to the School generated by the would be to run the clotliin" shop and the patronage of the shops by the bookshop, and to re-focus on lis other

School needs to plan its options for the

parent body

objective of promoting tenowship among the

Now we have the OPPoriunity to lake the provision of food services \. lint the CIOsuie. parent matter forwardinconjunctionwith the overall and wishes 10 do so in collaboration with the There are a number of a lions be in. needs of the School. The Board of Trustees P&F Association and its plans for the considered in line with Ihese objectives for I have prepared a discussion paper on the has established a Working Group vJith the TuckshOP Service The TuckshOP would be Ihe tovision of food services in arti uiar, o tions. the ran"e of 's ti it d I be Schooland the P&F Association to consider re. located under the current lintelable by the with services being needed from breadasr considered, and other ideas for the the future direction and opention of the P&F CoriumenCenTenlOf the Selloolyear 2003 When 10 afternoon tea us a Thinjmum. First, the modeimsaiion of an sho O at' - it shops. Membership is the President of the a new Canteen Style facility for the Provision p&F provides its existinn Tucksmop service inIPOrtantthat the School coinmuhity has the P&F, and presidents of the Mothers Group and Serving of food is due for Completion and works with an external caterer who was OPPorruitity to hamfonned and Tovide their and the Fathers Group, willI the Principal, required to provide food services to In eel views. Please contact me or oilier members Business Manager and Dean of Students The P & F Association operates the shops other requirements. with some shinno of of the P&F Association for a copy of the from the School. and cliched by DrlanBrown in order to provide facitiiies. Second. the management operation paper from the Board



Doroi/!y Hind. C. , GB. E. . ER. S. , FAH. 1907-1997 Old Girl Illspi, 1110 ledcher Holessol' of Geology, University of Oweei, SIaiid Skilled o11d Se, ,sinve Ad, "if":5.11ato, .

Students who finished at Girls Grammar in 1981

Kan, /ee, I Co"!pbe/IBro\,, I 1903 - 1996 Scholar reache, Benefactor A 11ib, ,Ie to KGB Sire-long love of air

Sanird". y, 20 October 2001.

Commencing 2.30pill at the School FOMowed by an evening function to be held in the city

Dis/IMP"^/, edScie, irisi 0111sia, Idi7ig, ,, strand, ,

I"jin 1/1e coinihy of France JIS cwm^re o11d lis fungi, age

for furbrmat, bri please conmct. . Margare! Cornrli0 0419785502 Of Kelfr' ite 3399 8064




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Sculptures by Rhy/ Hinwood adorn the front entrance to the Bean/and Memorial Library

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GlulMiR GAZETTEJ{WE 2001 - Pride 21

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