Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
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Year 72 student Genevieve Thornson attended the National Youth Science Forum 2007 and found it a unique opportunity to explore career opportunities in science. Genevieve explains
I first heard about tile Nanoiial Youth Science Forum through a fanuly friend who h, Id attended in 2000. His experience sounded falli"SIic and lie recommended that I apply. My school encouraged a
The National You11T Science Forum has encouraged me to seek out work experience this yearin Engineering, where lplan to make nty career. file development of my personal skills has been enomious and I believe they will help me get the most out of life, especially in Year12. in addition I now have a network of friends whoml o1her participants in a more informal selling. h was fantastic to meet other young people who 11nd sinnlar in Ieresis and aspirations. I must adult that the prospect of riteeting over one hundred differentpeoplein oneweek seemed antile daunting at first. but I now feel that I have friends from around Australia and the world mends and have fun. The pro"ram was packed full willI science and personal development sessions. but we also 11nd aclivilies such as swimintng, ice-skaiinti, a science relay and bush dancin". These social events added 10 the NYSF experience by allowing us 10 nitxwiihthe Will10nt the help of many people. niy trip to Canberra would not nave been nearly us successful and enjoyable. I would like to thankiny school, Brisbane Girls Grammar. my science teachers, and Principal. Mrs Iudith Hancock. for supporiin, my application. Thank you to the Rotary Club of Brisbane Mid-City for seleciin" me to represent them and for their galerous financial assistance. I'd also like to thank Rotary Disttict 9600 for their superb organisation of the selection process. The student sinff members and our Rotary parents, Mr and MTS Harm, ensured that we gained tile most possible out of the two weeks and that the student residences were areal home away from home Penultimate thanks must "0 10 Professor Rodney lory. who is them spitational force behind the best experience for science students in Australia. ms drive. initiative and enormous hisigltt into young people, ensure that the National Youth Science Forumis a superlative event. Finally. I would like to thank nty parents for always supporting me in my many endeavours I would reconunend that any student who is interested in a career in science attend his omanin" formi"ht limits the National Youthscience Forum know I can count on for assistance whenever I need it
nuniber of students' Including InyselL. to The visits were a great way 10 explore apply forthe forum. I filled in the relevant possible careers in science. Before forms and WTO!e the letter of application. aliendiii" the forum. Ihadliiile idea \\, hat hopeful thrill would be successful. My being a scientist would really eninil. The Rotary Club. Brisbane Mid-City. conlacied people w110 showed us around at eacli me to inform me that I had been selected 10 place were always happy to share their represent iheir club at the district experiences with us. This enabled us to interviews. I was able to visit the Club's see that there are many pathways to Youth Coordinator. in drew Vineent, to becoming a scientist and that it is an discuss the next step in becoming a exciting and rewarding career choice. I successful applicant. Although there were found talking 10 111e PhD students very
From Ihis part of the pro"ram, I trained valuable kilowledge and skills to equip me for my final year of school, university and prograniwas the whimg of niockjob applications and then attending an interview forthe chosenjob. The university sponsors and student 51aff members also gave lectures about life at university our public speaking skills. for both prepared and impromptu siiuations. I believe themo51 beneficial aspect of this
more applicants to the club than the two selected, I did noi nave to attend an interview. I was ITUweverinterviewed by aliend session A, I discussed payment with my rotary club. They were keen to assisi financially as mudt as was needed We jigreed to eacli pay half of the $800 Ileft from Ruma Street Station in Brisbane at 7.30pm on Friday 29 Decentber. Inad two billets stay wilh me for the day. They were Jan Gralton from Mackay and Megan Hayes from Kaiharine. Boih arrived by plane during The aftenioon. Tile bus hip was very long. bui it gave us an opportunity to meet a IUTge nunTher of participants before actually arriving in Canberra. The swim at the local '00/1n Gilgandra was a welcome and refreshing break. We artived in Canberra at 5.30pm on 111e Sailirday afternoon. While in Canberra. we sinyed in the student residences at the Urnversity of Canberra. This was all excellent experience as we were able to have a glimpse of lifein a university conege. Ireiumed home by bus, leaving Canberra at 5.30am on Saturday and amiving backin Brisbane at 2.00am on Sunday 14 January As ntyjob apphcation was for a position as an Environmental Engineer, I was placed in the engineering goup, Newton. I was surprised that out of the two Engineerintr goups. each comprising of sixteen people, only six participants were girls. Every day in the first week. we visited university, industry and government deparimems to experience first-hand what a career in science is all about. We visited places as varied us the Australian Centre for Reinoie Sensin, , the Research School of Earth Sciences at ANU. the Snowy Mountains Engineering Coinomiion. the Research Schoolof Physicalsciences and Engineering at ANU. Mount Shonilo Observatory and the Department of Physics at ANU. The "uides at each place were very knowledgeable. inspiring and approachable. which ensured we gained the niost out of each visit. Because of the small groups. it was easy to talk to the
helpful, as they always had advice on choosing university courses. This
knowledge will be extremely useful allhe beyond. Iteellam ntuch more confident at been a valuable experience. 11 has
rotary district 9000. After being seiecled 10 end of this year when I have to subintt my speakinti to firou s or o Ie. even if I
university preferences. The visits were
have not prepared what I \\, in be saying
also wonderful experiences in themselves - The teamwork and negoiiation skills win unique people. urnque places, and unique play an inIPOrianirole in my being a
ideas. 11 was amazing to see real research experiments such us the '11nimate fridge' (Dep, minent of Physics. ANU). whichis
valuable member of 111e senior snideni body at schoolihis year. The ninekjob interviews gave very helpful and constructive advice about interviewing
the coldest 'fridge' ever btiili
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Genei, !eve 1,111i lire Bose EIJIsie, ,I Conch, 13ntor - "Ie 'ultimate fridge'
During the second week, we took part in
tecltiitques. Ikiiow tnntlwnlnow feel
WWW. bggs. qld. edu. au
people at each place and ask them
the personal development program. Before much more confident \, Ihenlfacemy first
questions. I found Ihe visit 10 the Snowy arriving in Canberralliad almostnoidea Mounmins Authority at Cooma one of the about 11tis mienralpar: of the NYSE most enjoyable visits. Here we were able During these sessions, Inainly condiicted to build on our skills and learn new were even allowed into the control room, to Iecitniques in areas includinti lienotiaiion which there is us unUy 110 public access and teamwork. We were able to practice to underSIand how the Snowy Scheme works and what purpose it serves. We
'real' interview. Because of the urnversity lectures I have a better understanding of the choices I will have to make at the end
Em a 11 us
by the student staff members, we were able of this year
admin@bggs. qld. edu. au
Apart from the serious side of the forum. it was also a great OPPormitity to make
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