Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
,11/1^11^:, SOCi^tin^, t. -.^Neti?s lad~8:1^N~V^:;^^~'foi'.~init6j .B, ,,:lineej0^ o181 Girt^ Elmabeth Loane - President t t -.. . ,. . . -: .* 44 . 44
Our annual He'd$offfoi"e Bredb'"$1was held I un Ihe newly air-conditioned Auditorium in March. 11 was 10 be. sadly. the last lime that Mrs Maruot Lynch. Scliool Counsellor. addressed nervemrs with her wonderful lecture I These new events were complemented by our I usual social gatherings. The liefcoi"e to Neii. I Atoll, e, s A/D"ling I'd in February was again I very well attended. Soon rifler. many mothers from the group also volunteered to help at the Weiro, Ile to A'errP", e, its COCAt", JP, Flyheldin the BeanlandMemorialLibrary. I
Christme Punvis - President
I The year 2001 has been one of change and transiiion. in the past. Mothers' Group 11ns concentrated on fundwising for special projects I around the School. We also encouraged I fellowship aniong mothers and offered 111em I ways to be involved in tile scliool commuruty through the activities associated with this fundraising and other social events Uiat helped
Our major function for the yearis the Ms and Crafts Show in the Auditorium in conjunction with OpenDay. There will be an Official Launch during early eventng of Friday 12 October. with the Show also open duting Open Day on Salarday. 13 October from loomin-3.00pm.
parents meet other parents and staff. This showing is for all-corners us exhibitors. soif you oryour friends would like to participate. help out. or come along to enjoy and purchase. please contact us. orjust come on the day. invitations to the Launch wiU be published closer to the dale and win be I This year. the P&F Presideni. Carolyn Mason on adolescent girls' as she retired at the end of I avallable at Reception or the Association members. Conmcis are: Sylvia Pegg. Phone 3349 I 0338. Fax 32194211. Binatl^by^0010rlennyGmy, Phone 33553428, Fax3354 TerniOne
I asked the Mothers' Group to become Involved with the runnin" of the School's three shops. These are the Clothing Shop, Ihe Tuckshop and the Bookshop. She suggested that the convenors I for the above be nonitnated from the Mothers'
2857, Email
As a change from the usual stalls and the Mothers Day Morninn Tea we lield two I
Asaturday Lunch will be heldin the schoolDinin" Room on I September. This annual occasionis a relaxed way to catch up with friends and make connections with the School his pleasing that about an equal number of those who come to our functions are not current members of the Association. but are "girls" who take the OPPortuitity provided to 're-connect", whichis wonderfill file coinbined OBNOGA Dinner in Sydney last year was nTost successful. Tnnse present expressed Ihe desire for it 10 be repealed ill 2001. The date forthis yeai 's is Friday 10 I August. file venue is tile American Cliib in Macquarie Street as last year. Invitallolls will I be sent toilieluiown Sydney rimilinglisi. Coniacis: DiBain. Phone 1021 9966/044, Fax (02) 99,61320 or ChistinePurvis The Association acknowled"ed. upon her retirement. tile work of Mornot Lynch as Counsellor to so ntany girls Ihroughoui her years '11/1t the School. we made a presentation of mumenios on your behalf
fundraisers at the Black PearlEpicure Cooling I I Group Once elected to the P&F Comumttee. Sellool. We lield one at night to aceonniod. ite I I Ihese convenors should then be supported by parents who work and are unable 10 aliend such I functions dunii" the day. The day event
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inIe Association seeks 111e seivices of a Vice President with potential to be noimnated as Presidentin 2002
For anyinfonnaiion on any aciivities of the Old Girls' Association, please contacitlie I President Clrristine Purvis, phone3S173196 on, 3254/600 (10. Fax32540611. Emait
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'11/1/11s ge! to knoll' o11e a, 10the, ' o1, e, a clip qiled
I us inn the Mothers' Group us a forum for I discussion. This request was accepted and 11 consisted of a Iuncli with wine and a 'pantry I Honorary Membership to twelve Old Girls who have each had continuous membership of I At the Annual GenemlMeeting in February. the coriumttee passed a motion granting
the Association for more than 45 years. The committtee really appreciates the coimititment of these In embers who have renewed their subscription each year and supported the activities of the Old Girls' Association for such alon" time
I 11as resulted in a demanding haulnwing to the tour' and the eventng class had an Italian chef I year. We have had 10 look at the future of the demonstrate a risoito. Black Pearl was very shops in relation to a number of Issues. generous to 111e Moulers' Group and we thank Suggestions and ideas from the "coup nave them for their support in nits very successful I terninly hitonned the P&F and Ihe worldn" function. Eighty parents and staff amended these I funciioirs. Our other win fundraiser this year I I party on the future of the 5110ps
The Coriumitee had much pleasuse in bestowin" Honorary Membership on the following OldGirls
is our Annual Lunch to be held at the SI Lucia Golf Club OIL 3 August and preparations are
Althe sometime we have changed some social fundr"singevenls. Yearlevelmorhingieas have been well received Some or these mowings
Belh Da\vson
MahonArcher (rice williams) KanrleenFitzgeruld (nee Boyce)
well undenvay.
Margaret Johnsson Dorothy Morgan
in November. Mothers' Group puts on the I I nave 11nd themes. Year U had Mrs Manse I MCCona"hy. Dean of Students, give an Valedictory Dinner for 111e P&F. This year I interesting and informative talk on the Mothers' Group decided to run it by a small sentifonnal. She discussed 115 organisaiion and columnleeinsiead of on. convenor. The group other Issues in the School Boardroom with is being led by Sophia withony and has some I forty-five mothers. Year representatives from great talent in 11 for both organisation and I I Year 8 and 10 held wellaiienrkdmorntn" events decoration. I I at th. B. I'm. ,I Card"",. un c". bun. Yam 9 I lield a mowing ICa at Mombassa Cafe in late instirsisemesierh"s certsinly beenadynan"c May P:rents have enjoyed Ihe OPPonunity 10 One andihe group iglooking tonvard 10 the rest meet others and find out more about what 15 of the year with anticipation and to coniinuing I nappyning at school. our support of the school CUInniunity. I
Mad a liravchenko
Belh Siemon (rice Beeston) Manorie Spencer (nee Grice) MSDnWimams (liee Leslie)
Margaret Peel
Jean Somers (nee DeltholnT)
Beryl van de Hoef (nee Johnston)
From the responses received from the new lionorary members. it is obvious thrillhey cherish theiriime spent at BOGS
'7lookbtrckii, ,1/1 81wiihidejbr 1/1e I"q, ,11yyeor, atBGGSp, epm ed, Ilejbr a very lilyi/!,,, gprq/"'10/1"I lye alld cemeiiied lye 10, Igfie, ithhdy, s. "
't's! vein' 11'e nod o1"' 60" Felli, ,o11 liefd at file Sellool rind, 1311/3/11m! spec, a! adj, 1111, ei, e!, thong/I file Jvnrs I'm, e pn$Fed 111 hen, ,eeli. I cull sill/ yell, eJ, ,bel file 11. tire, ,. - 13 11 31/11 lire smile I "
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"11 irus a PI'11.11"ge n, ,,/ " PIe, ,slipe to be rr BGGSg, ,I findf navel01/o11'edi/Ie news of the SCAD01 o1, e, ' file it, ,'s 11'111, '11/1c/I 1111e, "sf "
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I141 Grin, ,,,, n, ' nt Ih" PI, d o11933 ", IdJo, ,, edi/, e Old GII'/s .^*DC1ni!o11 in 1934 Since 19J91110s! o1,111,11/11, nut h, "! 57, e, 11 in SI. at, ev rindAlc/boil, ,Ie. 11,111 till, rilli'ni, .* nappi, to I'ec, ,I', 11, lis Dime Sdi00/ 1/11 o11g!, file I, eii. $1eiie, \*. A A, 110,101m'I, 111",, her*flip JR '01/1,1/11/'13/, rill flu, ,$1, ,'ef, ,,, 1111. old 5t/, o01
I Recently a smalleroup of BCGS OldGirls and BGS OldBoys from the Sunshine Coast I eruoyed allinformal dinner lonetiier. They are keen to extend an Invitation to other Old I Girls and Old Boys to gelin IOUch as they are planiting to hold more informal functions I this year I Formoreinfonnation. contactlsmay Seiby on 54466727 or 0427002242 GinAMiR GAZETTEJLAE 2001 - PQge 19 I SUNSHINE COAST LD ,IRLS
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