Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001

Incrosii^1-1',-the. -cwmc, jin"in

LIFESAVERS TAKE ON THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE AT BGGS OUTDOOR MEMORIAL CENTRE . IMBIL The Memorial Outdoor Education Centre, Physical Education classes look place over its staff and the accompanying WE & SportFaculty members allowed for smaller, tritee truethng days in March this year habit provided students with new and complex rescue environments to display their skills, and the class had more than Ihe various venues over the three days rescues to contend with. The girls were Students encountered ram, wind, water chaUenged by almost every conceivable currents and a risein waterbeds of weather condition. proving that, unlike approxirnately half a metre. The girls were television series devoted to sun surf and chinenged by casualties with spinal and sand water rescues more often than not other injuries and found themselves in occur in unpredictable and unpleasant rescues that had nulled 10 110 rescue aids conditions. mime Granrrnar spirit. and Winst an of this occurred they faced the despite the difficulties of the environment, video and digital cameras that captured not the students endeavoured to complete only memories for the school coinmu, tits, both their assessment and the highiy but also worthwMe analysis material to regarded RLSSA Bronze Cross Certificate. preview and enhance their subsequent perlonnances intense group work with more hidividuatised sessions and testing at in a first for Queensland, a Lifesaving Camp forthe new SeniorBoard Course

cco^ntin^^^ ^ Q. U. T.

Haleii MCAnally

At the beginimg of Tenri I. QUT's Schoolof Accountancy and BGGS

says, 'file e\perle, ,ce Trye liare been

Offered is a ,,", q"e and liei, Idea us a entered into aprogramwherebyYear 12 way qfbridg, ,Ig 1/1e gap hen"ee" Accounting students could elect to 1,111vers, ty and year 12. Tile style of study the first year tertiary Accounting led", es. '11/10/1gli allrs! I"!/o, 111ho" ore subject cosBllO) wine completing Year 1101, second, ,onlye a, ,d try, "provide a, , 12. The courseis free of usCS fees and added advn, ,rage in o"r transi"o11 1,110 textbooks have been provided free of the I, Ider irond 01son attended The Business Leaders for ternis I and 2 with students attending ForumLunch. at the Brisbane anion at Iectores in the Studio on Thusday the invitation of Professor Peter Little, afternoons. Ms HeIen MCAnally. Head of School of Accountsncy, QUT ACcounfuig Coordinator, presents the The forum was modemted by the ABC's Iectares using QUT 1001um notes and Kerry O'BTien and addresses were made PowerPoint slides. Students then by former New Zealand Prime Mintsier complete tutorial exercises after each David Lange and Australian national icon lecture to consolidate what they have Dr Bony lones learned in the lectures and submit the tutorial exercises in thenexilecture. The Claire hadihe opportunity of meeting the futonalexercises form part of the other guests at her table including Dr assessment (10%) of the course distinguished coinmuixityleader; Guy through G, un, I'Mn, Ne110 assist them with HDughton. Australian GenerulMariatrer completion of the tutorial exercises at of Betta Stores Ltd and a number of other home. Suzannalt Ohiomo outlined the guests including a first year student from benefits or the program when site says. QUT. Claim enJoyed the occasion and Qin' tree0, ,1111/1g has Ile!perl, ,, e to Said. F1n", inn'!"gilli/, filese people I heifer' I'll, foistall, / file work intri ing fom, ,I a lot riboi, I 1,111, err, iv rilld the cove, in BGGS claus deco!,, In11g. Bv bit",, e$.* I'Di'/of and it Innde 111e I'd115e nonig lire 5,141eci 1,011. I hm. e a Ilead now close 1/1e see, 1,111g!v disin, ,I e"d of sin, 1161' 1111' collrse intr1111,111 to ,/o lien 111g/, selloo! ICn!4. Is experience 'real' tertiary lectures and been very enthusiasiic and mature about experienceihe atmosphere of University their study of BSBllO. Tutorial exercises have been completed to a high standard Sindents have now been issued with a and the students have effectiveIy QUT student number and password managed their Year 12 school studies and which enables them to access a wide other extra-cuntcular con"hitments with range of online support maleri;its their study of this tertiary subject including lecture notes, tutorials, Megan White. a Year 12 Accountin" PowerPoint slides and self-paced learntn" SIudent. SUInmarises the group's problems offered by QUT thoughis aboui Ihe course when she charge by Pearson Education Australia ume pubhshers of the textbook). The program has been runiting successfully in addition, on Tuesday 29 March Clade ClemJones. fonmerLord Mayor of Brisbane: Brett Heading. a very Students are able to access the lectures Ltdi: as bi, file end o1/11, '01/11, e 111,111d I'm. c had!/Ie e. IPe, "elfce qfUi, sir/e of ledriii!Ig diffl evmJ, s in Term 3 students will aliend lectures delivered by Mrs RDS Kent who lectures in BSBllO atQUT. Gardens Point. This will give the students an opportunity to The thirty-seven Year 12 Aceouniin" studenis undertwin" the course have

Students and staff anke came away from the camp confidentihat success in the skill and initiative sessions meant that the work that commenced with pool-based skills completed in Year 11 hadpaid off. The progression from sinTple to complex environments included a prerequisite of a passin theirRLSSA Bronze Medallion and Resuscitation Certificates. completed by all Year 11 students in Ihe Core Physical Education progmm, as well as a video assisted oralanalysis of their aquatic skills and finally, a visit to a comnTunity facility - Soulhbaiik Pandands beach



At, mile Cm, Ism, ,,, r'sciie. , " patie, ,11,111 Ihbbtt Creek drill" jam. I: Phis, cat E, !,, cation Lyesan. ,,, g Cn, ,, p



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1,111, Hill/lollse rifle, ,pfc CPR

GRIM^R GAZETTE IonE 2001 - Page 25

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