Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001

Experteizci"81, ,.--.:!^nork


11, re You Be in^ Served?

Zn 10sh/on


Michelle navid

in Term Two of WorkExperiencel have been working at David

Fashion lids aA, ,Qys Ifi. $011vd, lie. I 11m, e been 11/10/1, ediii INdi!y things to do 11,111,1/1e. /asliioii inch!sill. ,. AnnoiJg/I IdJ, , ciii'1,111, , ill redi' U at BGGSl also trimid SI Pelei 3 Li, thelull College one del7iooii CT I, eeA; IPhe, e I qJ, I dor"g lily Cell"cafe 11 ill Fus/lion Silldies. This is d mrE collrse sy)ecm/I^ing ill de. ,191. A1 file 1110/11e, 11 lulli silldi, ingptr//CHI winking orid '11/1/11g nipi'epmun0,1101' designing/o171iulgdiv, Ie, lis Id/, I o11 doll, ,I 1/1e 11uck I1101, e Iem}11 a 101 dining Ihis coi, Ise. I din db/e to 1111de, 3rd, Id/, o11, d gay, ,, e, 11 is eyeaied and ille trick's and servers innl. tis/lion desigiei's rise My ledche, 'MIC/Iae/is alashio, Idesig, lei'11niise!I naniiigg, ridiidied 7701/1 qjtis/110ii school in lidly and lie lid^ u B, I in Fns/lion Design MIChael e, ICOi, ,ages errc/I of r's 10 do o11r be$1 und, lei, er gi'I'e I". He has ^NSPired, ,Ie aslA7imi'ing/ atea", s erri, Imppei, tryoi, pillyoi"' nulld to 11. Dolly leiothei'sspoi/yo, ,r died"is, keep believi, Igi, ,yo"rseb': yoii liei, er knoll, I'lle, e .yon \ end ip

lones. where Ihave been assigned numerous tasks earn Wednesday. The jobs varied from clipping and uriclipping tags on clothes, folding and reshelfuio and customer assistance Ienjoyed the


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experience and I thoughtit was fun My coneagues were very kind and friendly towards me






and all the customers.

I I Abigthankyou I \


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to all those

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I businesses and I I employers who I I are willing to I I givestudentsa I

I tasteofthe I for the rest of my work experience. They I realities of work . I wereverykiidandmademefeellikeaworker I the experience is I One lady every weektalked to me aboutwho heaps of fun to play willithe childrenin their ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I

Ruth Farley

if you don'Iimow what you want to do when you have finished school, then work experienceis for you. minttennldid work experience for one day each week. I did my

experience at Mt Gravatt Special School, toy cars. in the shopping corner. and to make which I enjoyed inniensely. When I first paper frogs and fish. I really enjoyed the antVed at the scltoollwas excited becauseit music. Baud, ,", IN Plyn"I'S. 711'111k!e. was something new yetiwas scared because Tit, ,Ikle Lii/!e S!a, and many others Ididn'tl"ow what to expect while I wars tilere the school had Arts My first day was with childrenfromYear I to Council. 11 was enjoyable for 111e children 4. 11 was like being at pinary school again and there was a lot of Inughin". Even the with morning school assembly and singing reachers enjoyed it. They also had a parents the National Anthem and receiving momin"teawhereiheparenis could scowhat certificates for doing so welltiie past week. I their children are do intr dunn" the day will always remember this one boy who received a certificate from the Principal. He ladmire dieteachers that workllere. and nullk wasjust So proud. Then we did activities in they do a wonderful job. Iwouldlike to say the classroom. in the afternoon they had thank you to them all Religious Education Iwould alsolike to thankl, frs Hancocl;, Mrs The second week I was with Ihe yotinger MCConaghy andl, frs Fartforletting mehave children where the ladies said I could stay this experience. Thank you. Ileumt alot

pald for som^thing I 10v;z;

In. iant Lauren Roemennann. aYear 11 student at Grammar. Ihavejusi collunenced whatis called a School-Based Traineeship in Sports und Recreation. This involves conipleting workbooks and assi"rinients as well us doing practical work, solcan achieve a certificate which will enable me to coacli gymnastics. The Club where I have been doing gymnastics for the past five years suggested I do this course, alld with the school's approval, the training program was set up. The advantages of this particular form of trailxing are that the certificate at the end is reco"wised Ihioughout Australia. and it is funded by the Government. so I am paid for the hours I coach while completing my Iraiimig.




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'11/11' Cm, Incline! 11ns he'll grrrJ, ,,, g fini, ds-o11 illsi"/11 1,110 1/1e 110, Id @111u, k Los! rel, !I 5/1, ledr, 11, I'finl"lids 11k, on ille o111ci' side '11/1, '01/1/1, ,'in 1/1e COM1ei, CS ,, ciioi, of Dan. 1,110, I'S Tillsieiv, , sire is SUIJ, philgl/I, nosyiiali", s, CIOJ fir a cat'red ,hop ,11. -13/1g, ', IC


GumL4R GAZETTEJ"VE 2001 -Page 12

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