Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001




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Anin Khafagi - Secretary

Pip MCGratli

For the past fe\v years, BGGS has been selected to represent Queensland in the

011r IMFd-I'DrA',, Ig President. Alex S!eele

approxtinately 20 weapons, wires and piles of clothin"into the back of one small van!I

The Music Support Group is made up of people from

pproached the Music Support group and found a group of

SchoolgirlNationalFencing Championships. held in Sydney during the The support that this small group offers to lumenuly holidays. Had it not been for a the girls throughout their competition is sinan group of mothers. tile girls would not quite remarkable. The urns start compelinti have been able to contpeie forBGGS orfor early in the momin" and iris not unusual Queensland for a competition to end as late as lopm

different backgyound each of whom has an Interest in musi

thusiastic people wlio worked hard and had fun Son, e were tusicians themselves, but most were

and most of whom have daughters involved in the BCGS Music Program

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not - 111ey enjoyed


We support the musicians, the Music staff and 111e School in many different

being a part of the BCGS Music scene and enjoyed the Interaction with and support of

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ways - by providing refieslunents at

the girls and inff

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concerts, so that parents can meet in atfiendly, social

I am sire that the Music Support Group supports the

Mrs HeIen Hamson, Mrs Ros Ranai and During this time. the nloiliers are on hand Ms Pain MCGrath formihemaln body of for everything. and Queensland fencing is tile Fencing Support Group. These three developinrr a reputation for being reliable mothers lake a group of about eight girls to With the help of these remarkable Sydney eacli year. The group also makes a volunteers, Queensland and BGGS fencers holiday of the hip escofun, the girls are expected at every National competition around Sydney. going shopping, catching and the profile of fencing is on the up and up with friends and going out on the up! Harbotrr These three mothers are. once anim, taking These mothers fund their own trips down eight girls to Sydney in the first week of south to fetch. carry, feed and support the July to compete at the 2001 National fencers. imagineirying 10 raise ei, ht Championships. The girls are training teenage girls from the comfort of their hard, as the standard of competition is electric blankets and depths of their pillows continually risin". Past. current and future at 6.30aminihe rinddle of a Sydney winter! fencers say Ihaul; you to Mrs Hamison, 11 is no mean feat; nor is loading MTS Ronai and Ms MCGrath

atmosphere tand liare someUiing to earnnd drinkbetweenwork and concert). by helping with the

School and that this pport is appreciated. The girls appreciate the presence of faintliar adults at most events. The staff knows that much of the "drud"ery" associated with performances has been taken care of, leaving them free to deal with the girls and the music. Everybody appreciate< the money we raise!

background jobs such as stage set-up and dismantfuig, and by raising money for the purchase of equipment used by the girls. Over the past few years we have bought callos and basses. brass and wind instruments, percussion





e Goodwi 11 Girls I

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Tanlia Lachish & Raenuk, I Me"on

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hithefirst weekof Aprilwhile most girls were enjoying their Sunday momin" sleep in, several Gininniar gals took the cliance to audition for the One'tin" Gala of the 2001 Goodwill Games being held in Brisbane this Aunusi. They were Tana Lachisli. Aerlyn James. Morgan SCOiney. Alex Vann and Louise Geddes.

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equipment sinnd rucks and amplification equipment for use in concerts and assemblies. We raise money trough adrnission charges. Tames, Enterimminent Book sales, and the "Big Concert' held each year at City Han lionied the Group ten years ago, when my eldest daughter was in Year 9.1had helped at Tuckshop the previous year but had to stop because of work conmtitmerits. I wanted to continue working within Ihe School's support nenvork and to be involved in alliny daughters' activities within the School Because '11/1rree vJere nius:cians. I

Iknow that Ihave benefited enormously from my association with the group. I have made and remade many friends. I have seen what hard work, talent and enthusiasni lie bellind the finished presentations. I have me I many outstanding girls and 11ave been

file selection process first involved sending in a videotape of a choreo"raphed dance. The girls were then notified by mall of their audition dale

The nerves built up as the date came closer to a one'in-trimlion chance. At the audition, the selected girls were given a limee-nitnute dance with fiveihinuies to lean and perfectit. Afier the rehearsal tinie was over. it was tune to pertonn for the officials. Talia feltit was a case of third time lucky havin" beenin two previous auditions for the opening gala. and her feeling proved accurate when she was in fact cliosen We are stire that \\, c speak for the whole school when \\, e wisli our 'Goodi, ,!/ GIIf, success. enjoyment and pride in being part of sueli all Important event. How often do yoii gellhe OPPorruniiy rifthe Opening Gala or the Goodwill Cantes in your nomeiown??

privileged 10 know slit as fine musicians and even finer people

Mienlfinal!yleave BGGS, 11mo\vihat in the Music Support Group I leave a group \vhicli is an inlegml pad of school life. a group Ihat works very liard for the Scliool and a group that has full. I hope they let nie back for camps!

---------------------------J GAL\, ILIR G, ZETIE. IWE 2001 - Perue 11

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