Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001
173 .&^-^Ont-^^IthC----Cl, IISsrooin, H^IPin^' L^a1^00mia R^score^ - Tl^^re is a Cure, H^IP Us Find it
Caroline Hendry
Brisbane Girls Granimar School is a school consulitly noted for the acadeintc exceUence achieved by so many of its girls, yet over the years it has been wonderful to see the
indirectly by the disease have greatly appreciated how this continuing financial support has helped oncology
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Last tenn the Leukaemia Comumttee Grammar community involve themselves in many selfless activities ran a roses stall for Valentine's Day, which seems to have become a that are beneficial to society tradition for the ,To up. This tenn a Cookie and Slices Shall was held on 28 This noble attitudeis particularly evidentin a small oroup founded many May to raise further funds. Althougli years ago. file Earsien Jack Memorial the cornimtlee considered shavin" their Leukaeinta Collmiittee was established hair to raise litoney, it did not seem a in 1977 in nTemory of Kitsien Jack, a theIy option! The Kitsten Jack MemorialLeukaeinta Committtee win Gramniar nitl who died at the age of endeavour to hold a major fundraiser sixteen after a long struggle with toukaeiula. lintiated by her friends to each lean. and donate the proceedinns to Royal Children's Hospital raise money for research into and treatment of Ieukaeiula. the Colluiitttee Foundation at the conclusion of the remains to this day an influential yeai organimation within the School
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The coinntittee is small. yet it relies on the support or a much larger group of people. With this continued support 11Te ConnTtiiiee will be able to maintain its
Thanks to the focused enthusiasm of the group, and the unfailing support
nom people both within and outside of the Schoolcomniunity. the Leukaeinia contributions to the wider coiTuiiuitity. Coriumttee has raised approxiinately and benefit all those affected by Leukaeima
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$100,000 sinceits beginnings. People who are affected boili directly and
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Ibnr 9 Gen"till $111d, 1115 1051e-!esi file, ,' fries '11/11 AdjC/,, IP. ,Vin, 0 ' ':Essig ode^Sat= "
',\*, r 3 .Seki, ,Ide!I lang! Dell Ball prune, 11 ledr 8 Geminii shide, ,is roger"er Milli file hots. fullJ ,, e\ichor IECe, Ie I, ,fin, cl, oils in file grillie of A\opemi nulldbull
NeridaHaberkern &AndreaWharton
thoughout first tenn, the Ginde 10 Multi- till OILJ, I 0,111s ' whose paintin"s were very Cultural Background class learnt about a interesting and their meanin, was easily variety of aspects of Aboriginal culture. The understood. Many of the paintings depicted class studied the traditional way or life and the conflicts and tensions between 111e problems that Aborigines nave been Abori"ines and while AUSiralians with a subjected to since European occupation iit touch of humour. He cleverly reconciled his 1788. These two aspects were uniquely mixed Scottish and Abori"innl heriia"e combined by a visit to the Queensland Art naruugh his paintings and sculptores Gallery to witness an exhibition of the works of the late artist. Lin Onus Tile Aboriginal culture 11nit has been an enlighterung experience that has given us all For a unique learning experience the class a new understanding and empathy towards visited the exhibition 'Urban Dingo - ille the Aboriginal people
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GinAftL4R GAZETTE. IonE 2001 - Page 13
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