Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1995

Grammar makes a splash

Corrine Butler displayed her inimitable style to win the 50m Free style Championship. Hers is definitely a name of the future in swimming. Q.G.S.S.S.A. The Girls' Grammar swim mers were to push themselves to their physical best over the follow ing weeks. Their continued com mitment and dedication meant that, as Ihe 18th of March loomed closer, Ihe swimmers' times were consist ently lowered. They were gearing up to defend their 1994 title . The atmosphere of the day was exceplional with a tremendous lurnout from Grammar parents, leachers and students. We were the most enthusiastic and ebullient group lhere. It was obvious from the out set that il would be a tough compe tition . As the days' events wore on, it became clear the contesl was to be between Grammar and our arch rivals State High. Finally, after an intense battle, it was to be settled by the relays . Grammar exhibited the depth of their team, taking out

placings: Sarah Splatt 50m Freestyle 13 year.; D division; Victoria Morrison 50m Freestyle 13 year.; B division; Leah Dobbrick 50m Freestyle 15 year.; B divi sion;CorrineButler50mFreestyle 16year.; Adivisionand lOOmFreestyle 16years; Kate Bentley 50m Freestyle 17 years C division; Kristine Teys 50m Freestyle 17 years B division; Danielle West 50m Breastroke 16 years and Lianna Booker 50m Butterfly 16 years. The final tally for the day proved the depth of the Grammar team. They won 3 individual and 7 team races, recorded 10 individual and 3 team second pl aces, and 10 individual and 2 team thirds. Age group points saw Gram mar win the 15and 16yearsagegroups, come second in the J4 and 17 years and third in the 13 years . Fmal points were B.S.H.S. 506 followed by B.G.G.S. on 476, 100 points ahead of third placed St Peters with 376. It was also wonderful lo see such a supportive group of Grammar boys involved,offering their vocal sup port to the cheer squad.

Julie Booth The swimming season startedwith high expectations and boundless en· thusiasm from both swimmers and the School population. This was sustained by the posilive approach of the swim· ming caplains, Kale Bentley and Michelle List. This support was cou pled with the experience and determi - nationoflhecoach,MrGrahameWhite, and the teacher in charge ofswimming, Mrs Jenny Orme. lnterhouse competition The Interhouse swimming carnival on 3 March proved that Girls' Grammar would have another strong team for the 1995 Q.G.S.S.S.A. championships. The Interhouse carnival saw many records fall. Carolyn Johnson displayed her strength by breaking records in the Open 50m and the 14 years A division 50m Butterfly events . Emma Hutchinson broke a 19 year old record in the 15 years A division Breastroke. The following girls also clinched records in their events: Emily Street-16 years 50m B division Butterfly, Sarah Thelander- 17 yrs 50m B division Butterfly, Leah Dobbrick- 15 years 50mB division Freestyle, Jenny Toft -16 years 50m C division Freestyle, Corrine Butler - 16 years 50m B division Freestyle, and Sally Stent 17 years 50m C division Freestyle. The Interhouse competition proved to be tough with England House, in the re lays, breaking three records. These were in the 4 x 50m 15 years medley, 4 x 50m 15 years A di vision Freeslyle, and the 4 x 50m 16 years A division Freestyle. Both Gibson and Griffith Houses also broke records in the4 x 50m 13 years medley and the 4 x 50m 16 years medley, respectively. Th~Lilley lnterhouse Swim ming Cup for the House with the highest number of aggregate points was won by Woolcock with 372 points. Woolcock was followed by Griffith (349) and England (330) . The Lt. Col. Plant ChaUenge Cup, awarded to the House which gains the most number of points in individual events, was also won by Woolcock House with 265 points. To make it a clean sweep, The Burrell Cup, awarded to the House which gains the most number of points from the lnterhouse Relays, was again won by Woolcock with 107 points. The Individual Age Cham pions were Belinda Deal ( 13 years); Carolyn Johnson ( 14 years); Sonia White (15 years); Kelly Jeppesen (16 years) and Lyn Raphael (17 years and over). The School Swim ming Championship, awarded to the girl who gains the most individual events, was won by Sonia White (I 0 England) on a countback from Carolyn Johnson (9 O'Connor).

day and someone tried to steal her purse. This time, lhey picked on the wrong woman. She lurned round as this guy tugged the strap off her shoul der and whacked him one, knocking the wind right out of him. Next she delivered an uppercut and an elbow. The police then arrived to rescue and arrest him. All this and she·s only a purple belt. Love from your friend, Bruiser Dear Bruiser, Sorry I haven't wrilten for ages, but I've been really busy. Guess what? I took your advice and joined the B.G.G.S. Karate Club. Irs so much fun . I feel more confident al· ready. Last week we received our uniforms. They're great! I've found since I've been doing karate I've be come more nexible and feel stronger. That ' II helpme with gymnastics. Even though I've only just joined. our teacher (who is really nice) has al ready taught us some of the things we' ll need to know to get our grading up to a yellow belt. I thought that I might not be very good al karnle because I'm not very good at mosl sport s, but karate isn't hard to learn, and everyone is patient with me. Karate is a great way to make new friends.ll 's also so cool that the class is held in the bmnd new gym. I read about yourGran in The Courier-Mail and how she overpow ered lhat guy.lmagine lheconfidence of a black belt! I feel Silfernow. even with a white bell. Love and punche s. Your friend, Knocker (Grade 8)

Last month has been a shocker. Senior school is so stressful. So far, though, I've managed to bal ance work, rest and play. In the last week of the holi days I had my karate grading- I now have my black belt! I have barely been doing karate for two years, but with hard work and a Jot of delenni nation,l have made it to that coveted level. Now J get lo sland in the spec ial area for black bells during class, the lower grades all have to bow to me and I can take clilsses of my own. What have you been doing lately? From the way you sounded in your last letter, I think you need to ge l oul and exercise. Of course, karate could do lhat for you. It slimulales endorphins to run around your body, energising you all over. After a hard workout, you really feel greal. There is a club at B.G.G.S. You could join there . Every Friday afternoon mem bers from both the girls' and boys' school s train. Why don't you go to watch some time? ll's a sponing and social event all rolled into one. Another good thing about it is that you really get to know other grades besides your own. In most other sports, everyone is divided up into age groups. In karate lhey care about your skill, not your age, and everyone is really encouraging. Give it a couple of months and you·u be kicking as high as your head and reducing your older brother to tears, holding him in a self-defence lock. (In case you're getting worried, eve rything is well supervised and the emphasis is on self-control.) While I remember, you know my Grandma, don't you? She was late night shopping in town last Fri

all five B division relays, with the U 15 B team breaking the record by an amazing 4 seconds. A 1 I Grammar A division and medley relays placed in Ihe top six, many in the top three . In lhe individual events , Carolyn Johnson performed strongly to gain fourth place in the Open lOOm Butterny and third places in both the lOOm Freestyle 14 years and 50m Butterfly 14 years events. By gaining Ihe mosl numberof points for the school in individual events at the Q.G.S.S.S .A. carnival , Carolyn was awarded the Interschool Swim ming Champion trophy. First places were gained by Emma Walters 50m Freestyle 15 years division D; Nicola Ross 50m Freestyle 16 years division C; Danielle West 50m Freestyle 16 years divi s ion B and Kelly Jeppersen 50m Backstroke 16years. The following girls earned second

• D Andrea Noon gained high est points of any grade 8 from any school in the QGSSSAAr tisticGymnasticsCompetition. She scored 35.7 individual points, with an amazing 9.6 on floor. 000 Anthea Chapman(Yearl2) was the outstanding gymnast in the C grade competition at QGSSSA level. Her minimum score was 9.2 000 Look out for basketball player,Hannah Murray(Year 8). She landed 2 baskets from half way. She should have won a car!! 000 Volleyball has really come into its own in the new Sports Centre. 8 England won !he out standingly successful interhouse competition. A grade 9 class competition is about to start. 000 Andrea Ho, member of Queensland Secondary School girls' tennis team, was placed sec ondintbenationalchampionships. She was also chosen In the honor ary Australian team. ·

' ' . Printed by Sunshine Coast Newspaper t.:ompany t'ty. Ltd.

Paqe20 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term 2 1995

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