Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1995

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Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Newspaper :incoporating the Appeal News

Term 2 1995

Vol.4 Issue No 1

Celebrating 120 years; scaling new heights

One guest's viewpoint

Ben Juratowitch

brought gasps of admiration from the audience who filled the complex. The entertainment continued with graceful and skilful demonstra tions by forty members of the Rhyth· mic Sportive Gymnastics Club and thirty artistic gymnasts whoswungand leapt and disappeared into the tum bling pit with great enthusiasm. Eighty members of Theatre Dance then took the floor for an ener getic and tightly choreographed number. There followed a vigorous demonstration of skill and strength by the School's three competitive aero bics teams. Thesedisplayswereperformed before the official party, staff, students, invited guests and past members of the School family . Special guests included the local Member of Parliament, Mr Peter Beattie, the former Minister for Education. Mr Pat Comben, I he Heads of many other Brisbane schools, and students from St Joseph's, Gregory Terrace, also celebrating its !20th birthday this year. The conclusion to the pro ceedings was a musical "Salute to the Athletes", the lively Billy Joel number,/n tl1e Middle of the Night, played by the Senior Concert Band. As the guests left the centre one 1930 past student was heard to com ment, "It wasn't like this in my day!" After the ceremony, guests were invited to inspect the new sports centre with its weights room and specialist teaching areas, as well as the re-developed Art Centre and Auditorium where a celebratory art show of past and present students' work was on display .

Michelle Lee 199Sisayearofsignificantevents in the life of the Girls' Grammar School, Brisbane. Celebrating 120 years of secondary education for young women, the School officially opened The McCrae Grassie Sports Centre.This auspicious occasionwas held on the School's birthday, 15th March, at2.00pm. The sport and recreation facil ity was opened by Her Excellency, the Governor ofQueensland, Mrs Leneen Forde,A.C. , Official Visitor to the School. The ceremony proved to be a great success, a result of the combined efforts of the many staff and students who were involved in the many excit ing displays. The event opened to the har monious sounds of the 60 piece Senior Concert Band welcoming the official party with an Elton John piece from The Lion King. Dr Grassie welcomed all the guests and Mrs Judith Hancock. the Principal, spoke of the history of the School and its tradition of excel lence developed from ruther humble beginnings. (The full text ofthis speech is included on page 2.) The Governor. Mrs Leneen Forde, then addressed the audience, highlightingtheimi>ortanceofaSchool such as ours and the importance of physical activity in the education of young women . (Mrs Forde's speech is also included on page 2.) The call of"RopeBelow!" sig nalled the active phase of the opening celebrations .TheSeniorConcert Band, playing F/ashdance, accompanied the rock climbers as they courageously scaled and then abseiled down the 12 metre climbing wall. Their effort

College VIce-captain

St Joseph's Gregory Terrace


ThedaybeganatStJoseph's CoUege Gregory Terrace with a tremendously difficult decision: would our gift be comprised of red and black or blue and white balloons? In tbe Interests of di plomacy and good neighbourly relations, blueandwhiteballoons were sent as a UOth birthday present. It was pleasing to ob serve their prominence at lhe opening of the McCrae Grassie Centre. The opening was cer tainly a lively affair. The fonnal speeches, coupledwith the Inclu sion of rock climbing, gymnas tics, aerobics and theatre in the program certainly ensured an Interesting afternoon. These dis plays were impressive and p1'0· vtded an exhibition of the wealth of talent withinGirls' Grammar; talenttbat certainly justifies the · addition of such a centre to the School's campus. The McCrae Grassie Centre is an impressive compo nent of Brisbane Girls' Gram mar School because il is a facil ity which will service so many people, for so many purposes, on so many occasions. This is a facility which is sure to be em ployed to improve the standard of education that the School of fers to the young women of Bris bane. the item. (We are also able to search two CD-ROM indexes, GuideHnes andExtra, to find citations fromnews papers and mngazines.) If a student is looking for a book or magazine which is not owned by Girls' Grammar Hbrary, we are able to search the holdings of the State Library, the Queensland Institute of Technology and the University of Queensland via a dial-up connection. The School also access IAN(The lnfonnation Access Netwmk) which is a dial-up network ofdatabases at the QueenslandDepartmentofEducation. This allows students investigate such resouces as The Department of Envi ronment and Heritage, The Depart ment ofEducation library. or the Bris bane School of Distance Education. The school has recently joined !*EARN (the International Educa tion and Resource Network) . This is a global non-profit organisation whose purpose is to encourage stu dents throughout the world to par ticipate in theme-based projects via the Internet. Students are now able to sup plement the information available within the library with information from nalional and worldwidesources. Ours has truly become a library with out walls.

challenge of the climbing wall


A library without walls -

Colleen Brady Through use of the Internet and other external databases,Girls' Gram· mar School library is able to offer students access to a wide variety of information sources outside of the School campus . The Internet is being used to ob tain information from locations around the world. By using e-mail on the Internet, Girls' Grammar students are able to elC.change ideas with individu als within and outside Australia, in both English and languages other than English. In addition to being able to obtain current information on a wide range of topics, students are able to use the Internet to view images from museums such as the Vatican Mu· seum and lhe Louvre. The Nexus network (main tained and administered by the South Australian Education De partment) makes available a wide range of information on-line. Stu dents are able, for instance, to re lrieve current statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and from the Census Bureau. When students wish to find an article which appeared in The Cou rier-Mail, staff are able to help them use the on-line link to the paper to find

Theatre dancers peifom• energetically during the opening of the Me Crae Grassie Spons Complex Eve Wilson argues her way through

malion and mi srepresentation. This lively debate with spontaneous inter ruptions, questions andchallenges was the prototype of the style of debating prevalent at the national champion· ships in Hobart during the winter holi days. Eve was named as reserve for the team, a formidable achievement. As a year II student, this indicates her personal potential in this field.

After further elimination tri als, Eve was chosen as a memberof the 12-man squad. She continued to par ticipate in arduous weeks of intensive training that culminated in the an nouncement of the four-man team at St Lawrence's on 22 May. The program for selection night consisted of two debates of in ternational fonnat, with the inclusion of reply speeches and points of infor

Alison Meeklng In March, at theQueenslandDe bating Union's Summer School, 63 students from grades 10 to 12 nomi· oaled for selection In the Queens· land Schools' Debating Team. Ail three Girls' Grammar ap plicants,CaraDumas, AlisonMeeking, andEveWiJson, successfully made the shortlist of 18.

Page 1 ,GBAMIYIAfl GAZETIE, Term 21995

School news

loads of Girls ' Grammar students outside our front gates waiting to be let in. As a young person I grew up in Canada where the climate was far colder than here. I was a pretty good skier as a young girl, and although our competitions in Ottawa were not Ol ympic standard, I won enough com petitions to make a good name for myself on the slopes. Nevertheless, as far as sport was concerned, skipping ropes and hop scotch were generally considered by most authorities to be sophisticated enough for a school girl's physical education. In the 1990s, women can and do play at! types of sport, at at! levels, and at at! ages. Unfortunately though, the statistics tell a different story about women's involvement in sport. For example, the ratio of women to men playing sport in the wider community is one to three. Girls still perceive sport as basi cally being something for boys, and media coverage of women's sport is inadequate - in the na tion's newspapers it's around 4.2 per cent of total sports coverage, and on television it's about 1.2 per cent of the total sport time . 2 Sport must become a greater influence in the lives of young girls and womeO . It provides obvious benefits like physical fitness, health and good feelings of well-be ing, enjoyment, excitement and per sonal challenge. For each one of us though, whether it's me at the gym each morning or whether you ' re a young girl in your first year at Girls' Grammar, sport and exercise provides some really great opportunities to deal with personal success and failure. I know that all the little gains made along the way are a great boost to self-esteem. And apart from anything else, research continues to show that people who are healthy and active are happier, more contented about their lives and their relationships, and more productive. Therefore it's not only important, but it should be expected

by Her Excellency the Governor of Queensland, Mrs Leneen Forde, A.C., Official Visitor to the School. Thank you for your warm wel come to me this afternoon. I'm de lighted to be back here at Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, and I'm very pleased to have been asked to open your new sports and recreation centre. I read that when your school was founded 120 years ago on this date, it started as a branch of Boys' Grammar, and began in an old two storeybrickhousenearlheRomaStreet end ofGeorge Street. When the Boys' School itself had started six years ear lier, theGovernor,SirWilliamsCairns, and many other prominent citizens, attended the celebrations. In contrast, theopeningoftheGirls' School on 15 March 1875 was far from elaborate. On the weekend before school com menced, an advertisement appeared in the Brisbane Courier Newspaper infonning reader~. in a matter-of-fact way, that school would commence on the following Monday at9.00am. The advertisement gave a few otherdetails about fees and so on, but that was about it. The Girls' School proved popular, and soon classroom space began to dwindle so that overcrowd ing was a problem, and an alternative site needed to be located. The Bris bane Courier made an unusual sug gestion thatGovernment House, then situated at the opposite end ofGeorge Street to the School, would have suit able accommodation and probably prove very popular with the girls.l'm sure my predecessor must have fell relieved when the writer went on to say that the Governor could not be expected to give up his comfortable quarters for a school. 1 One hundred and twenty years later, with the wonderful teaching facilities at Girls' Gram mar, and standing here in this tre mendous sports centre, I don't think my husband and I need worry that one morning we' Jl find bus

Her Excellency the Govemor ofQueensland, Mrs Leneen Forde, A. C. opens the Sports Centre. that, 100 per cent and not just 40 per cent of the population, has full access to all the benefits of involvement in sport. I have to admit I was exhausted school are honoured through the nam ing of the sports centre, wilt help to ensure that continues . I commend the architects,

In closing I trust that 1995 will be a tremendous year of achievement and happiness for every student. This will occur through the way you treat and en courage each other, how hard you work, how you share the good times with those less fortunate than your selves, and how much time you give to helping the community.. It is now my great pleasure to be able to declare theMcCrae Grassie Sport and Recreation Centre to be officially open by unveiling the com memorative plaque. I wish it great success for the future . 1 Paraphrase of leading article in The Brisbane Courier, Monday No vember 15, 1875. 2 Survey ofnewspapers and televi

builders and technical consultants for the excellence of their work and for creating a tremendous fa cility for the school. I know that you have already been able to make full use of the centre since the beginning of the school year, and I congratulate the school for its en terprise in leasing the facilities to outside organisations for local, state and national events. It's great that Girls ' Gram mar gives positive encouragement to young women, and I am sure that your school motto- 'Nothing without work' -will give you the lead for all the activities in this new centre. I hope you will also have your fair share of enjoyment and fun here. tion. There were no fanfares or offi cial opening celebrations . Instead, there was a simple advertisement in the Brisbane Courier the previous Saturday which announced that stu dents who wished to attend the school should appear on the following Mon day .Thirty-nine girls appeared on that auspicious day heralding the begin ning of a movement which ensured that, in the future, young women would have access to a secondary education similar to that which had been avail able for boys only at Ipswich Gram mar since 1863 and at Brisbane Gram mar since 1869. The initiative for extending the education of girls into the second ary arena was primarily due to the enonnous energy and enthusiasm of Sir Charles Lilley, an active radical of the time who believed that girls de served exactly the same kind of edu cation as boys. From 1873, he enthu siastically encouraged fellow Trus tees of Brisbane Grammar School to accept the challenge of opening a branch school for girls and when this was realised, worked hard to ensure that the curriculum for the girls would be just as rigorous as it was for the boys. Lilley believed that education should be directed to the intellectual, moral and physical training of stu

when I read about the sports this new centre is equipped to handle -from the climbing wall to gym nastics, basketball, netball, vol leyball, aerobics, and weights. I have no doubt that this wonderful facility will help you to develop individual and team skills during your school years . I hope it will also help to establish a liking for sport and a desire to continue play ing sport for many years past your final days at school. BrisbaneGirls' Grammar has built on its strengths over successive years, and I know that the commit ment ofthe friends ofthe school, and the work of people like Doctor Grassie, whose contributions to the Visitor to the School, has honoured us with her presence here today and, in so doing, has paid tribute to the School and to DrGrassie for his work over the years. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Mrs Lennox, who is representingDrLennox, Head master of Brisbane Grammar School, together with a number of my col leagues, including Mrs Hauff from Clayfield College, Mrs James from St Hilda's, MrWaller fromMoreton Bay College, Mr Lapa, the Headmaster of Ipswich Grammar School. and Dr McManus, HeadmasterofStJoseph 's Gregory Terrace who has brought with him his Deputy and some of the boys and presented us with the delightful balloons to celebrate our I 20th birth day. Their gift this ri10ming really added a festive touch to the day. They, like us, are celebrating their l20th birthday this year. I was also thrilled to receive a phone call from our Deputy Chair, Dr Cherrelt Hirst, who is presently in Hong Kong. Her first words were, "'Happy birthday, I am thinking ofyou alt." On the 15 March, 1875, when the girls ' branch of Brisbane Gram mar School opened in George Street, it was nothing like today's celebra

sion stations across Australia as re ported in "Women, Sport and the Me dia: 1992', Dr. Brian Stoddart, Uni versity of Canberra, 1993. Speech by Mrs Judith Hancock, Principal of the Girls' Grammar School Your Excellency, Dr Grassie,

staff and girls. It is a great pleasure to welcome you all here for the offi cialopeningofTbeMcCraeGrassie Sports Centre. We are delighted that Her Excel lency, The Governor of Queensland, Mrs Leneen Forde, who is the Official

dents and that it should be based on the principle that there should be no separation on account of class, rank or religion - a principle which has re mained to the present day. It is therefore not surprising that included in that very first curricu lum was a compulsory requirement for girls to take gymnastics lessons and no girl was allowed to be absent from gymnasium practice without the penn iss ion of the Lady Principal, Mrs O'Connor. These classes were taken by Sergeant Walker from the boys ' school. They were perceived to instil into the girls the Victorian values of discipline, order and self-control. Each Wednesday afternoon between 2.00pm and 3.00pm Sergeant Walker was authorised to take the girls, but some misunderstandings occurred when Mrs O'Connor requested 90 poles for use in the exercises . With only 45 girls in the school at that stage, one of the Trustees commented that he failed to see how many of the girls could hold up. still less work with, a pole 6 feet long and 2 inches in diameter, let alone two of them!. Al though ninety weren't purchased. two poles were made up as a trial and the

members ofhis family, former Min ister for Education Mr Pat Comben, M.L.A., andMrs Comben, our local Member, Mr Peter Beattie,M.L.A., present and past members of the Board of Trustees, invited guests,

Dr. McCrae Grassie, Her Excellency the Governor, Mrs Leneen Forde, and Mrs Judith Hancock during the opening ceremony

• continued page 3

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School news

Education to the Board of Trustees and in 1986,electedChairman,aposi tion he still holds today. Under his Chairmanship, the Restoration and Building Appeal was launched in 1989 and a Master Plan developed, which has now, six years later, been realised. It included the restoration andre-de velopment of the boarding house, the opening of the Judith Hancock Com munications Centre, the redevelop ment of the Arts Centre and now the completion of this sports complex. Dr Grassie has had a very im pressive academic career. He holds an Honours Master of Arts in Modem History and Political Economy and a Master of Education from the Univer sity of St Andrews' Scotland together with a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University ofQueensland. Prior to coming to Australia he qualified to teach in both primary and secondary schools in Scotland and held posts as Assistant Director of Education in the County of Fife, becoming Deputy Di rector between 1958 tnd 1967. In 1967 he moved with his family to Queens land, having accepted a position as Senior Lecturer in the School of Edu cation at the University of Queens land. Among his most prized achieve ments are a University Medal in Edu cation and election to Fellowships in both the Australian College ofEduca tion and the Queensland Institute of Educational Administration. From 1984 until 1987 when he retired from lhe University of Queensland, Dr Grassie was Director of the Tertiary Education Institute. His services to education were recognised when he received an Order of Australia medal in 1992. During his time as Chainnan he has served the school wilh three Boards of Trustees. It has been a pleasure for me as Principal, to work with him, and to acknowledge him as a friend who has shared my vision for the education of young women in this country. I believe that the previous Board's decision to name this Centre after Dr Grassie pays him fitting trib ute for his major involvement with the school. It has not always been as easy for other Heads of the school as it has been for me, and I have greatly appre ciated the enormous support I have had from the various Boards of Trus tees who have served in the school since my appointment. We are very pleased that so many of these men and women have been able to join us to day . It is interesting ,to look back through past records to note that the Trustees in the 1920s did not favour establishing a swimming pool and ac tually rejected an offer by the Old Girls' Association to build one. By 1936, the old gymnasium built in the last century was in desper ate need of replacement. But when the estimates in 1941 came through at three thousand pounds, what with wartime and all, a new building was deferred until the 1960s. When I ar rived in 1977, it was obvious that the building again needed upgrading and in 1979, a state-of-the-art gymnasium was added to the back of the existing gymnasium/auditorium area. The fa cility was so highly regarded then that we actually hosted the Q .G.S .S.S.A. Gymnastics carnival the following year. We all know how professional sport at all levels has now become, and it quickly became evident that if we were to continue to provide our young women with op portunities to extend themselves, then we would need to build yet another state-of-the-art gymnasium. We thank Civil and Civic, Powell Dads and Thorp and all the other companies who have been involved in the devel opment of this building and to Coca Cola Amatil (Qid) for their sponsor ship of the Centre. We are pleased that representatives from these com panies are here today to witness the

Continued from page 2 lessons continued.

opening of the Centre.

The Board of Trustees, Principai,Parents' and Friends' Association, Friends of Girls' Grammar CORDIALLY INVITE parents, staff, past students, present year 11 and 12 students and friends of the School to the ANNUAL DINNER at The Sheraton Brisbane Hotel on Thursday 14 September, 1995 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm DRESS: Lounge suit/Semi-formal COST: $70 per ·head $50 student (11, 12,tertiary) ALL PROCEEDS TO SPECIAL SCHOOL PROJECTS ------------········ ACCEPTANCE I will be pleased to attend the ANNUAL FRIENDS' DINNER on Thursday, 14th September, 1995 TICKETING DETAILS D Single D Student $70 $50 Please make all payments to the Friends of Girls' Grammar D Cheque D Credit Card 0Bankcard I I I I I Dvisa I I I I D Mastercard I I I I I I Debit amount: _____________ Expiry date: Signature: ______________ Name(please print) .:....___________ Address: (Institution attended:

I have talked much of those who have been committed to the de velopment of this Centre and also of the role ofgymnastics in the life ofthe school. In developing this Centre, how ever, the needs ofother groups within the school have also been acknowl edged. The girls now have access to facilities for abseiling, weights train ing, basketball, volleyball and spe cialised classroom facilities for Health and Physical Education theory. We have come a long way from when the schooljoined the fledg ling Queensland Girls • Secondary Sports Association in 1908. At that stage, girls from the School only com peted in tennis, unlike today where we participate in ten Q.G.S.S.S.A. sports and six other club sporting activities. In 1908, just after joining Q.G.S.S.S.A., a decision was made to expand sporting activities to include cricket, rowing and swimming. The fact ofour having a cricket pitchcaused a lot of amusement. 'Girls can 'I play cricket', many said derisively. 'What ever did girls want to play cricket for?' Miss Wilkinson, the Headmis tress at the time retorted: "girls un doubtedly have limitations in the mat ter of games, but it seems to me that whatever benefits cricket confers on boys, it confers on girls. Surely we want our girls to be physically strong and healthy and certainly girls need everyone of the qualities called for by games- courage, endurance, promp titude in action and skill of hand and eye. School is a preparation for after lifeand in the days to come the girls of this land are bound to require all of these qualities." She even went on to say: ••that it was generally acknowledged that the law-abiding character of the Eng lish may be partially traced to the influence of games." Even though we are not open ing a cricket pitch today. the senti ments expressed by Miss Wilkinson apply to the values that are inherent within the Physical Education pro gram in the School . I sincerely thank Mrs Pauline Harvey-Short, our Director of Health and Physical Education, and her staff for theexcellence they achieve through their programs. As a former student of the school and a past Australian Rep resentative Softball player, Mrs Harvey-Short has always recognised the value of physical fitness and a healthy body. She also appreciated the role of competitive sport in the development of young people as well as the value that can be gained from participating in physical activities sim ply for the personal enjoyment that they can bring. So many of her former students are now professional sports women who acknowledge lhe enor mous contribution that she has made to their personal development. Dr Grassie, loo, has been committed to sport throughout his life. One of his most valued treas ures is a Soccer Blue from St An drews' University. Scotland where he captained the University Soc cer team for two years. He was very proud to be selected to play for the Scottish Universities team which defeated the team from the English Universities . These achievements followed his posi tion as senior sports champion dur ing his last two years at high school and throughout his life he has re mained committed to the view that it is only with a healthy body that one can achieve one's maximum academic potential. In recognition ofhis contribu tion to the development of Brisbane Girls' Grammar School and in par ticular to his commitment to this Cen tre, I now invite Your Excellency to address us and to officially open the building.

Throughout the years, other Principals were not as successful with gymnastics as Mrs O'Connor appears to have been. During the 1890's the ftrst school gymnasium was erected and each year in the annual report, comment was made on the girls' progress in that area. For example, in 1893, MissPells, stated that 'not many girls were willingly going to gymnas tics'. Despite this, however, she strongly believed that it was essential there be a well-arranged system for all the girls to follow during the entire year, which would have positive ad vantages for their health. She noted that this was a fact proven by the experiences of our country-men in India! What a comparison! By the following year, she modified her de mands somewhat and Indian Club exercises were introduced. Thesewere considered less severe than the exer cises on the bars and ladder. She was thereforedisappointed to find that girls still showed a strong disinclination to avail themselves of the opportunity for strengthening their muscles and improving their carriage . What a dif ferent world we live in today where the vast majority of young women are committed to health and physical fit ness . lt is now firmly embeddedwithin our curriculum with most positive re sults - some of which you will wit ness today . You have noticed the House banners which have been hung on the Centre's walls. Each of the eight Houses has been named after people who have played a major role in the developmentof the school. Naturally, LiJley 's name heads the list. Five of the other names acknowledge -the work, leadership and commitment of Chairmen of the Board who have held office since the school opened. The other two are named after Prin cipals of the school- Mrs O'Connor, the very first Lady Principal and Miss Beanland, the Principal who was in office when the school became inde pendent from Brisbane Grammar in 1882. Dr Gehrmann. Chairman of the Board from 1977 until 1986 and Dr Grassie who succeeded Dr Gehrmann are not represented by Houses but have been honoured in other ways. These two men have been actively involved with and promoted the modernisation of Girls' Gram mar, overseeing major strategic and ' ..••.··C•...•. ~>. · . ..· - . . .. -.. . ~~, .. ~'*':~ ~ ' . .,/ f · Dr McCrae Grassie master planning strategies which have culminated with lhe opening of this magnificent sporting and recrea tion facility today. DrGrassie's association with the school has been since 1981 when he was involved in the evaluation of the school prior to the development of our first strategic plan. In 1982, he was appointed by the Minister for


RSVP Wednesday 23rd August 1995 with cheque or credit card details to The Treasurer The Friends of Girls' Grammar P.O. Box 193 Ashgrove 4060

Exchange students

A true blue Aussie-Arg~nti n ian

w ith all the facilities you need to grow up physically and mentally well. Enjoy what you have, because in other parts of the world it is not the same. Not at all. Australia is a beautiful country, with amazing nature and out back and friendly people. This country will be my second home FOREVER. I feel now like a true blue Aussie-Argentinian, and this is a big problem for soccer games when both teams play one another! My heart'll be for both sides!! This year was the best of my whole life. Thank you for making it possible. I want to thank all my teachers for being patient and helping in every thing. Special thanks toMrs Lazar who helped me a lot so I could improve my English. Thank you to the whole school for all the opportunities given to me. I really appreciate it. This is not goodbye; it is just to say ...Catch you later, Mates! ·cos I'm coming back for sure and I promise to visit you some day. Muchas gracias Thank you!

Lorena Dlaz-Lozano

AFS Student from Argentina Mrs Hancock, staff members and students, I decided to share with you. my feelings and hopes as the time ran so fast and I'm already home. I still can' t believe the year is gone. II seems like yesterday, when I spent my first day at school, feeling a little bit scared, homesick and without knowing friends . But that situation changed slowly, step by step, time by time and now, I can look back and see what I achieved: great mates at school, won derful friends from all over the world and a beautiful Aussie family. II was hard at the beginning without a family, friends and living in acountrydifferent from mine. · I've spent a great time at B.G.G.S. playing hockey and volley ball and trying to understand what the teachers were saying, but anyway 1 really enjoyed it. My first impressionwhen I saw the school was: Wow! This is huge! You have a beautiful school

My name is Kanako Ishikura. I came from Tsushima Girls' High School in Japan on April 23rd. I am staying in Australia for one year. I'm staying with Linda Liu. All my host family are very nice, so I'm enjoying my bomestay life. I belong to Year 11 at B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S has many buildings, so I was a bit con· fused at first, but always my friends helped me. I'm taking French class. In Japan we don't have French at high school, just a French club. I've learnt French for 8 months in Japan, and I'm interested In French. I'm learning French with Year 8 students, but sometimes it is a little difficult. And I'm lak· ing P.E. class. We are doing fencing now. I had never done fenc ing before in Japan, so I am happy to do it. Also I'm taking E .S.L. class. This class is a special class for exchange students. Mrs Lazar teaches me English so that my English will improve quickly. Life at B.G.G.S. is quite different from my school in Japan. At Tsushima Girls' High School the whole class stays together for every lesson and the teachers come to our class room. This is very dif· ferent from what we do at B.G.G.S. My school has three courses. In the information processing course, students use computers, but I belong to the international course, so I have never used a computer at school before. But B.G.G.S. students often use computers during class, even during lunch. There are many differ ences between Tsushima Girls' High School and B.G.G.S.,soeverything is new for me. I'm looking forward to enjoying Australian Ilfe and I'd like to make a lot of friends atB.G.G.S. them or not. I'm enjoying most of our lime in the boarding house and recently I don't feel so lonely because they are a lotof friends who want to talk to me and exchange greetings. I can get happiness from talking with people who will be my friends forever. Look at the photo I took with the girls in the grade 9 dorms. They are so generous and kind and a lot of fun. After I goback to Japan, they will be in my heart and I will keep in touch with some of my best friends and I won't forget them ever. That ' s why I say these eight weeks have been the great· est and happiest time in the year. Thank you very much Mrs Hancock and Mrs Parsons for gener ously acceptingme to live in the board ing house.

don't ask your age. At school in France, weneverwearunifonns,ex.ceptforsome boarding schools, and there are nomeet ings or assemblies like here. In France, friends are very important but I suppose they are here, too . little about corning here, for different reasons : becauseformeit'sveryhardto be separated from my family for a long time because we are very close. It' s not always easy to adapt to a new faf!llly, and we don' t always have the Chance, As I said earlier, I hesitated a

Sophie Neboul

Exchange Student

Lycee St Paul, Angouleme Some time ago, if someone had said to me that I would go to live in Australia for almost five months, I

wouldn't have believed them.

For me Australia seemed an

inaccessible country, too far from France. When Lisa Mason suggested to me that I should come to her house last year, flrst , I confess , I hesitated

like me, to have a great famil y.

It 's very important, tqo, that, because 1,---------- ------,when some didn't wantf-----------------jone is a for to leave my Angouh!me eigner in your family and group, at my friends Grand nom pour petite ville, school , you and, because Tu es Ia ville ou j e suis nee et voudrais mourir should speak (a stupid rea- Tu es MA ville, remplie de mes souvenirs. to them , be son) I was nice to them. afraid to take Tu es Ia ville oil les gens que j'aime vivent You should the plane. Avec tes bars, tes boites de nuits, la ville s'anime not judge Butlrea1ised Ton coeur est rempli d ' amitie, d 'envie de vivre them by their that to come Tesjardins, tes remparts sont un plaisir a decouvrir. appearance here was a and habits. big opportu- Je t'ai quiue pendant cinq longs mois. Before you nity that not Pourun pays vraimentdifferent: I'AUSTRAUE, judge some many people Mais c' est mieux le n:trouver apres un sCjour donlj'ai one , you must have . So I bien profite. know them, plucked up because life enoughcour-'---------~-------'styles are at age to come here. ways different between two countries . Now I have been here for a Tobeniceortobesensitivetoaperson's little more than three months and I feelings is very important and this will have learned many things.When peo- help them to adapt to the new culture. pie go to a country as far from France Living in another country gives as Australia, they are sure to begin a us a lot of advantages like learning a "new life". It ' s not always easy to different language, livingadifferentlife leave home just like that, because we and also learning to tolerate differences don ' t know where we are going to in culture, having new friends and, of ''fall" or what the people are like . course, discovering the country. Livinghereihavediscovered What I have just written is what differentcustomsfrominFrance.For I felt before and during my stay here, me, in France I have the impression which, luckily, was great (itisn'tlikethis that teenagers are more free . From 16 for a11 foreigners in another countty). years of age (and even, sometimes, Thanks to everybody who has earlier) they go out to pubs or to contributed towards my happiness and I nightclubs, drink, smoke. For exam- hope to see you again soon pie when you buy cigarettes, they


It doesn't matter the place or time I'll be there with you right by your side

I don't care the problem or reason for your tears I'll be there with you Walking through the long life's way

Because I'll always remember those moments we lived together

A friend is like a light shining in the darkness I will always be your friend That is the only important reason in my life

AMORY AMISTAD PARATODOS (love and friendship for everyone)

The greatest time in the year

get to know other girls at school. Since I startedmylifeattheboardinghouse,Igot to know heaps ofpeople from grades 8to 12andl'mgettingon well with the most of the girls. Another good side is I'm getting to know the girls in the younger grades . When I was a day girl, I hadn't any contacts with grades 8 to 10, soI was lucky to have opportunity to live in the boardinghouse.They come from many parts of Australia and also from for eign countries likePapuaNewGuinea and I can learn about the towns they come from and this is the beginning of our friendship . I often tell them about Japan and our life style and I also help them with their Japanese language. Before !came to the board· ing house , I was anxious about whether I would get on well with

Sachle Takase Exchange Stndent from Tsusbima Throughout the whole year, I had great experiences at B.G.G.S. and I was abletodiscoverAusttalia.We'veleamed to appreciate many things about each other. I have made many good friends, not only from Australia but also people who come from many countries. That's a very amazing experience getting to knowpeoplewhohave different nation alities as well as the great charm of Aus!Ialia which I have been fortunate to experience. The time I enjoyed the most was in the boarding house. During the year, I stayed with five different host families which was good but it was not easy to Girls' High, Nagoya, Japan

Page 4 GRAMMAR GAZETIE,:Term 2 1995

The best of both worlds

Engineering a trip to Sydney Marlna-Po.rtia A.nlhonv Two weeks bff(ire:.the school

was divided into groups of about ten students. according to their en gineering preferences. On Monday at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). the student s were offered lhe chance to explore two of the following areas of engineer ing : biomedical. civil, electrical, or mechanical. Choosing the fields of bio medical and mechanical, I was able lo test out an ultrasound machine, hold a diamond-coated hip replace ment which, with the rest of its set of twelve, was worth over $0.25 million, test the durability of dif ferent bumper bars, and compress softdrink cans to the height of 5 millimetres. AI the University of Syd ney, the students also had the op tion of aeronautical engineering .

The students could experiment with a model plane and looked for cracks on the wing of a real plane with new technology. During the school, lhe stu dents ·also visited the Coca Cola Factory, the new Aquatic Centre for the 2000 Olympics, the Q.A.N.T.A .S . Jet Base, the Power house Museum, and the convention centre were we listened to God , I mean, Bill Gates- America's rich est man- talk about Microsoft and computing of the future. We also cruised Sydney Harbour and watched fireworks at the Sydney University. The week proved to be one of great excitement for all students attending, and certainly very ben eficial in giving us an insight inlo this most stimulating career.

year began, whilSt all Grammar Girls were preparing for a busy year ahead. four grade twelve stu dents, Alex Khafag i, Emma Markwell, Nerys Olver and Ma rina-Portia Anthony, .were Oying to Sydney for the 1995 B.H.P. Na tional Engin·eering Summer School. As en&ineenng i ~ primarily a male-dominated profession. we were surprised on our arnval at the large number of girls (almost40%) allending the school. · All students boarded at the Women's College of the University of Sydney in individual accriinmo dation. . Most days, the larger grpup

Andrew Clrallen, Caitlin Matthews, Dewi Cooke and Angus Conaghan

AtheneCiub.Thisisaclubforstudents in the senior school , three of whom present a paper at everymeeting. These papers are followed by vigorous dis cussion. Athene. tl}is year, is already off Ia a lively start with topics ranging from affmnativeaction to Chinese boat people. Links between the prefect bod ies of both school s have been encour agedthis year. Two "get-to-know-you" breakfasts have been held, as well as a combined conference on leadership roles . The two schools have also sup ported each other at respective inter school competitions, s uch as the Q.G.S.S.S.A.swimmingandtheG.P.S. rowing. These :md other m1xed activi lies promo(e a wor1hwhile leammg and socia l environment which cannot be accessed within a single-sex. school. Students hear diffaent perspectives and viewpomts. This is in keeping with Girls' Grammar· s philosophy of providing a broad-based, liberal edu cation. the presenters. They were very open. encouraging all students to express their ideas and opinions . The writers were nil confident speakers and their extensiveexperience in liternturemade discussions very interest ing.Their sources of inspiralion were often quite remarkable and their insights into contemporary literature enlightening. . One group was required to write down the first word .that came into their heads and then ·write a story about it; in thirty seconds. This proved to be an extremely interesting exer cise resulting in almost illegible con coctions of words about rampaging lawnmowers and grotesquely de fanned feet Other student s. working ·With themes or single words, spent the two hours wri ting short poems about houses, relauves and war. The progr.un allowed students to examine the wnting of their particular author and lhat of other writers. They were also able to d1scuss 1he future direcuons of literature. and test their own aputude in the skJU of wnting. Many students discovered talents they had never known they possessed and every student left with a height ent'd inten::st in contempor.1ry. AU the mrdent.l hnd nothing by praise tOr tht' ' ' It was hrreat!·• enthused one B.G G.S. -.rudent. "If """" re.!l ly ~ood lo ralk to e>- lttblillhed wlilers; il re<.dly he lped!" ~atdo.nothea.-.

Zewlan Moor Brisbane Girls' Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School, as sin gle sex; schools. have strong. independ ent enriries. but staff from both schools have realised the importance ofmixing wnh the1r neighbours. Ttits year, some year eleven and twelv~ Extension Education Ac tiVities have been organised in con junCtion'with B.G.S .; however, these have been somewhat limited by the difficulties of integrating the timeta bles of both schools. On some Mon day andThursday afternoons, students from the two schools get together to discuss relevant issues, especially gen der-sensitive ones such as sexual har assment. The aim is ro allow each .s tu dent to gam insight into another po_int of view. These sessions are inf0nna- £ive and enjoyable and many students jump at rhe chance to argue with and "enlighten·· their neighbours . Another important forum for debate between the two schools is the Kale Brown & Bonnie Shaw Nothing retreshes one's interest in Engtish more than the opportunity to explore modem literature with a con temporaryauthor.AcombinedB.G.SJ B.G.G.S. Australian Young Writers' Workshop,heldonlhefowthofMarch, offered such an opportunity. All the presenters were published playwrights, scnptwriters, novelists, short story writers. or poets. The eight writers were tounng nationally for the Australia Council and the workshops were organised by the English facul ties of both schools. The variety of writing genres was extensive, and the contemporory narure of the writing was new to many students. The students gatheredon the Sat urday morning wtth the hopeofglean ing inside infonnation from highly regarded and dynamic writers such as Glyn Parr.x . Lisa Jacobson , .~athony Lawrence,MattRubenstein. Julie Hunt, Robin Davidson, Megan Red[em and Mark Svedsen. The workshops ran. for approxi mately two hours walh a break for morning tea. Each writer spoke about his or her spec rali ty and offered tips abou tone field ofwriti ng. During the two hours :itudents were introduced 10 the many tacets ot wri ting through l ecture~ . Jascussto n , roieplays,games and nctlvities. 1l1e relaxed nature of the work- $ihops was malie eveo more enjoy ahle by the coloudul personalities of

Staffmember, Janelle Early, and her Purple Pursuers

Grammar girls in the fast lane

Australian writers' tour workshops

despite a few mishaps, the unit looks to have been a success. With Brisbane's ever-increasing array of bikeways and the present em- · P,hasis on health, exercise and care for · the environment, this unit · should continue to be popular in the future. Our own history of the School

Emma Markwell Cruising down the Terrace bikeway, the wind blowing through their hair, the Grammar bikers are here to stay. Thirty Repco moun tain bikes have been purchased by the School for exercise, enjoyment and sore leg muscles and lo trans port to Centenary Pool and the Gilchrist Avenue Ovals. AJso purchased were eye catching purple helmets and pan niers to holdwater bottles andsport ing equipment such assoftbaU gloves and hockey sticks. The equipment was supplied by David Minter from Caves Cycles, Coorparoo and Su· per Cycles, Ipswich. The use of the bicycles bas been incorporated into the Year 12 core physical education program in a cycling/climbingelective. One half of the class faces the challenges of the climbing wall in the new sports complex, while the other half enjoys the opportunities presented by a hrand new bike track that passes by tbe School's "back door". In tbe '1'reewheeling" part or this elective, girls are taught the basics of mechanics, safety and cy· cling techniques. The large number of bike tracks in the area means girls can choose destinations like Q .U.T . , 1 he Botanical Gardens. Oxley Wharf and the Toowong bike path. The boarders alsouse the bike.< for weekend activities. T'or !be •tudents w!Jo had nn·r r cydcd before, it was a nt'w and Jnh nu; fi nr r xpr ri Pnce, :\110

\Ve need your help to realise this dream, celebrating 120 years of education for young women.

The working title IS An Jmporta/Jt Experimem: Brisbane Girls' Grammar Scltoo/1875- 1995.

This is a co-operative enterprise with individual authors wnting separate chapters . tracing the unique story of the School from the ' ·'Early Days" rhrough educational conflicts and mnovation to the mformation superhighway.

There is a focus on the arts , sport. and uniforms- from Miss Beanland on ' \:orsets' ' to the introduction of slacks.

The aim is to create a lively. human ponrait of the influential members 1)f the School family and its students.

Informal School photographs, rather than the official "lined-up.. vanet y. are sought. Special effort has been made to use shots from The Couner Mail and personal colleclions that show the human face ol the School. U you can ..:ontnbute phOiogrophs or memorabilia. please contact Pam Barneu at the Schoo\. Sht: is especmllv looking for a program from the: 1935 producllon ot "The Lady With The Lamp". J. turning pomt 1n drama at theSchool. Donatious for this specific project are sought.

Editorial comment

As we move once again into the Rugbyseason,thementalplctureofhot, smelly, grubby, violent little boys is ron jured up in many a mind. We all place our bloodied team on thrones as heroes, and thecuts andbruisesbonour badges. Does this make w; a nation of freaks or just sodally conditioned to be violent? Although welcoming the beginning of a new footy season seems to merely be yet another annual rilual, like cleariug the guttus or spring cleaolug, behind the jerseys and scarves lie the detrimental psychological ramifications of endors ing theaa:epfance of a "game''basedon savagery. 1hls is but one example of Australia's general tolerance of violent acts. Somemay say that the customary aggression and roughness of Austrnlian citizens is a natural consequence of our convict heritage and the wayward actions ofour ancestors. It could be proposed that historic fury has been passed from one geoeration to the next via bloodlines, or some inexplicable trnnsmission of inher ited mental dysfunction worthy ofan epi sode on~- But having applied probability, it seems obvious that society must have subconsciously maintained this devious attitude. Wilhoutpointingthefinger,itcan not be denied that the media thrives on revenge and anguish.We arecontinuously served our daily portion of terrorism on toast and coffee with crime by our radio announcers, print journalists and 1V pro ducers. Every now and lhen,there is public outcry over lhe exploitation of stories. But recently. people have become more con· cerned aboutcheque-bookjournalism than gory sensationalism. It appears that ensur ing people do nol gel paid excessively fora story is more important than the matter of Humanity or technology? All the majority of people want from life is to be monetarily well off, employed, relatively happy andsafe. However, in today's speed ily progressing society, technology is driving a very fast car down an infinitive highway, with no speed limit. Take, for example, Bris bane's new, stylish, 250milliondol lar international airport, opening in the next two to three months. This complex is at the cutting edge in both architecturnl design and inno vation, as well as technological ad vancement. The airport building is huge, occupying an area greater than the playing fields of QEII and Suncorp Stadium combined. The complex ls almost fully automated and co.ntrolled by man's best friend, the microchip. There are very extensive computer facilities in the aiiport, from hundreds of per sonal computers, to approXimately ten majorcontrollingnetworks. Bag gage handling is fully automatic and laser reading devices operate beside computer services. Consequently. this does mean that efficiency in a time/cost sense is improved, but is this "effi ciency" really beneficial? In comparison with the num bers of people employed in a less technologically controlled airport, Brisbane's new terminal employs only a quart« of the number of personnel. In simple tenns, this means that, ofevery four jobs, three are taken over by the machines. And are they done beller1 'True, it may make an irate, pushy, traveller-type pleased when

rning from this, is the inevitable cycle where violence is seen as an acceptable answer to resolving conflicl This funda mental issue of determining what behav iour is acceptable needs lobe more clearly defined in the early stages of life, as it is mainly responsible for advocating the dis missal of violence as being standard or expected Thereisnodenyingthatthereare other major components that instil this demeanour. Street violence, gang bashes and domestic violence cannot be entirely propagated from the media. Living in a harsheconomicclimate frequently results in low mornle and the need to release personal frustmtion in the form of physi cal abuse upon one's self or others. Fur thermore, in extreme cases, bankruptcyor destitution can force people to resort to crime as a means of survival. Although there is little to be done about our eco nomic position by individuals, these s<>- ciological side effects of experiencing a recession need to be seriously acknowl edged by our government. The major barrier that must be overcome if any progress is to be made in altering this destructive perspective is the difficulty of making people aware that a problem actually exists. More often than no~ clinical physical violence is distorted withfeelingsofloyalty,prideanddevotion. In many cases specifically linked with competitive sport, injuries are displayed with great dignity. Bntises are esteemed badges of respect for foUowers to admire. Why are we all the more impressed when ourplaymhavesufferedforvictory?Surely we should sense the irony and futility of such endeavours. Until then, we seem doomed to repeal the same petty antics for eternity. With this year'scelebration ofVJ

day, there is no better reminder, nor more apt time to recognise this flaw in our na tioilal c:harader. If Austmlia is to integrate with otber nations in the contemporary ideologyofinlemalionalismand universal quest for peace, the first place to Sial~ is to attempt to eradicate the wid"''"""d en dorsementofvioleocepredorninant incur rent Australian society. This means restrictiog offensive footage in news broadcasts, and waving a teary fareweU to the unfalbomable fledg ling Gladiators. Foc foUowing in the foot stepsofStephenKing'sTheRunningMan

thestory itself. Butforthesakeofavoiding lhaluniversalchicken-and-eggquestionof whelhersocietydeierrnineswhalisprinted, or the media shapes communal altitudes, maywesimplysaythatthemediaisalikely factor contributing to the population's de sensitisation to violence. Even less justifiable than "stat ingthenecessarygraphicdelails"innews stories,istheextmvagantdisplayofphysi cal abuse in box-office moviesmashes. It seemsasthoughwejustcannotgetenough, as sequels are consistently beingmade by re-hashingthesamebasicplotandsubsti tuting new for old with different knives, guns or fatal martial art manoeuvres. Die Hard l-3,RockY I-6,Rambo l-3... need we say more. Certainly, movies are officially rated, but their very popularity and prevalence casts grave doubt on just how effective these measures are. lf we are to combat this escalating problem of condoning violence, another COUISe of action must be tested. Social attirudes must be re~valuated and consequently altered. 1he reason movies are such a major issue is becausr. the maturity of sections of the viewing audience has not developed to a level capable of compre hending the complexities and uruealistic portmyal of the abusive situations inte grated in particular programs. Tests have shown that children are easily manipu 1aled. and when given extenslve exposure to a wide range of programs - from car toons to Conan the Barbarian - it soon becomes difficult for them to distinguish between the facade of fantasy and reality. This somewhat warped childhood devel opmenlcanbedirectly linked to the adoles cent's typical confusion between those actions thatare intended to harm, and those that are intended to be laughed at. Stem he is processed, (minus immigration), in the estimated twelve minutes. How ever, in the long tenn, is this affecting our lives and goals in a negative or a positive way? In a growing world, and Aus tralian, population, more people need meaningful employment that contrib utes to society. However, more and morejobs are being taken by machines. Society needs to ask herself, do the perceived "benefits" of tech nology's race forsupremacy outweigh its detrimental effects . Thinking about others The way our society values mate rial goods over everything else is sick ening and disheartening. Homeown ers are absolved ofguilt over shooting teenage boys, and the message sent out is that the value of our prec ious possessions is greater than that of hu man life. Developed countries profit from exploiting thelr impoveri shed neighbours ."Dole-bludgelli"are deni grated, but it is forgotten that unem ployment and poverty are society's ills. Most people don 'I deliberately set out with "eating stale Arrowroots and downing beer at the TAB" as their main goals in Hfe. Charity is gone. ll seems that everyone is so busy pursuing 11 SUC cess" (howmany clothes canyouwear, Ldten to th~ editor ar~ mcouragedfrom aU m~mbin of tire sclrooi community. Submit these to any member Q}the.editorial wltlf!lilts~. . > Cara Dumas, Year 12

is assuredly not the way to promote healthy international relations . We should be promoting harmonious am bassadors, not bloodthirsty barbarians with painfully self explanatory names such as Blade, Fury and Rebel, (cer tainly without a cause!) Only then, with a conscious effort to alter our aggressive nature will Australia finally begin to condemn our violent tenden cies, and be recognised as a nation of reasonable and rational citizens- may we, the future generation initiate this peaceful revolution.

Common scents

So many diff'rent smells pervade the school: A gasp of chlorine wafts above the pool; Damp leafy smells of gardens after rain And pungent fertiliser now 'n' again. What tempting smells the tuckshop wares proclaim - Hot goodies much too numerous to name. And if the changing rooms we penetrate Wet towels, socks and sneakers penneate. When morning roll call opens classroom doors,

What blended chalky fustiness outpours. With P.M. roll call suddenly prevails A bold new fragrance that our sense assails, A heady cocktail mixing perfumes strong: Deodorants that spray on instant pong. An impulse fostered by the ad-man's magic Has brought about a misconception tragk: A sniff alone of this most potent .brew wm m•• ,...,___,,, .... ,oo. Jl!:. But girls, the boys Next Door would deem it crazy To chase you with a rose, ore' en a daisy. - The aura hovers round you all in valn - ~ There are more subtle ways to lure a swain.

The Lone Haranguer

Advice to the discouraged

Letters to the Editor

houses can you live in, cars can you drive at the same time'?) that they are missing out on the essential parts of existence. These people have time to look inside themselves to work out their own values and ethics. It's a race to achieve at all costs in our materialistic world and those who fall by the wayside are forgouen . But is that the way it has to be? If we'd just lend a hand, we'd do a service to ourselves as well as others.

to achieve their goals. In other words, if you are unhappy with your state ofaffairs, don't heap the blame on the situation but be prepared to make changes for yourself. Don't wait on fate or you might end up waiting a lifetime. If you really want something, go get it. Aim for the best within your capabilities. Don't let minor set backs deter you. Everybody has dreams and dreams are the threads within our souls that keep us going when life seems too difficult . Naturally, we wish to see our dreams come true . However, there is only one way to convert those dreams to reality : constant effort.

How oflen do we use the phrases "if only" or " [ wish", only to an swer ourselves with "That's life!" Too often people experience feel ings of dissatisfaction when things don't tum out quite the way they expect. However, although fate may appear to be a major player, it is ultimately you who will be respon sible for the way things turn out. Human beings are the mas ters of their own destiny . Those who succeed have worked to get to the level they are, regardless ofhow much talent or luck the "eternal forces" may have presented to them. Often, winners were once losers and dissatisfaction at coming second place has urged them to strive harder

Zewlan Moor, Year 12

Perfect prefects?

We have often been told that prefects at our School have many duties and discuss mailers relevant to theS\:hoo!Community~ however, this precess is shrouded in mystery for the majority of the School popula tion. What do prefec ts discuss at prefect meetings and what is achieved from these discussions? This is not intended to be an attack on the prefect body, but, as students of this School, we would be genuinely interested to know about these things. Would it be possible to have an improved communication chan nel instead of leaving us in the dark'? Perhaps minutes ot issues from pre feel meetings could be published in the Gazette. Considering that prefects are supposed to be a link between the School body and the administration, we hope that this is not an unreason able request.

Letters to the Editor and other contributions These should be submilted lo Krisline Cooke Library

Ph 833 2201 Fax: 832 1483 Editorial Committee


Cara Dumas and Alison Meeking

Sub-Editors/ Sport: Stephanie Dee and Michelle Hatvey Sub-Editors/ Arts:

Francesca Mason and Alexandra McTavish Marina-Portia Anthony and Justine Cameron


Sub-Editors/School News :

Cara Newlon and Claire Valkhoff


Miranda Youngs

Staff Consultants:

Paul Bennett and Kristine Cooke

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School (BGGS) extends its thanks to advertisers for their support. The advertisements are published in good faith and on the understanding that the contents are legitimate and lawful. BGGS does not warrant the quality of the goods and services offered by advertisers and encourages readers to make their own enquiries as to the suitability of the goods and services.

C. Fotheringham, Y•ar 12

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