Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1995
School news
Special leaders for a special year Claire Valkhoff 1995 is already promising to be a
Science awards for past student Lisa Pomery, year 12. 1993, par ticipated in the Sludent Research Scheme runby theC.S.l.R.O. Shecom pleted her project in the liver unit labority of Dr Liz Jazwinska at the Queensland Institute of Medical Re search. Lisa joined the laboratory to examine a pedigree to determine the likelihood that someone has inherited the iron-overload disease, haemochromatosis. In 1994 an award ceremony was held at the Institute, with over 100 people present. The poster that Lisa produced on her work received national recogni tion. She won a Courier-Mail science award and the Queensland Science Teachers' Association Award, and she was a fmalist in the B.H.P. Science Awards. She described her work in the laboratory as the deciding factor in her career decision. "I had the best time working here. This is what I want to do as a career. Everyonehas been very helpful to me..anything I didn't understand, !hey have helped with." Working in a real laboratory was, she said, the most infonnative part of the experience. "I was able to put into practice what I had learned at school. I was able to see how things fit together in a real life research situa tion." ''No text books or school expe riencecouldcompare."shesaid. ''Since I has been there, there has been no turning back. Genetics is what Iwant to do as a career." [Reprinted from the Bancroft Bulletin, Autnmn, 1994. Published byTheQuensland Institute ofMedi cal Research.]
dents, Caillin Hunter and Sarah-Jane StClair, were those chosen. Caitlin and Sarah-Jane have shown, over their years at Grammar, that they are friendly and approach able. They have a wann sense of hu mour and are quick to helpwhen some one is in trouble. Both students have always been keenly involved in a range of School aclivities. Those who al ready know them personally, would agree they are worthy selections for our Head Girls. As Head Girls for 1995 !he students and other members of the School family will be seeing them on many occasions. They will be appear ing at many School functions, speak ing on assemblies, motivating students at sporting events and representing the School on special occasions through out the year. As representatives of the students, they hold an important and responsible position within the School community in this special year, bul one the student body believes they can un dertake with charm and commitment.
year to remember for Grammar. We have a modem and amazing gymna sium opened on !he 15th March, the McCrae Grassie Sports Centre. We also have a new and improved Art facility and this year marks the !20th birthday of the School. So many more events have already been planned for 1995, in the sporting arena, as well as other areas of interest such as public speaking, debating. and drama. Each year the senior girJs se lect two members to represent not only the grade twelves, but also the School as a whoJe. Grammar has seen these Head Girls of !he past shape and influ ence !hedirection of!he School through their dedication, enthusiasm and com mitment toservice. Thesestudeotshave epitomised the best in a 'Grammar' Student. Titis year is no exception. Selectionwas difficult as many of !he Seniors of 1995 display "Head Girl" qualities buttwooutstandingsru
Moody from ideas created by the House. Pepe became the first purple panther to represent Gibson. Mrs KimberremembersPepeasthefore father of Gibson's present mascot, the Phantom. Mr.; Kimber is very proud of the accomplisbments of the members of Gibson Honse over the years, espe ciallythesubstantlalamountsofmoney raised for charity and the achieve ment of Elsina Wainwright wbo was chosenastheRbodesScholarfor1994. As it is Mrs Kimber's tenth year as Gibson's Head ofHouse, the members of tbe House wanted to wish her Happy Anniversary and best wishes for tbe next ten years. Thursday 14 Stptember at 7.30pm Combined P & F/Friends ofGirls' Grammar Dinner a/the Sheraton Hotel. Saturday 7 October commencing at 10.30am "School Day" at B.G.G.S. Monday 20 No.ember 1995 at JO.OOam Silver Service Morning Tea at "The Lyre Bird" Restaurant Q.P.A.C. ~:Mrs Pat Peel, 356 0052
When Mrs Kimber was ap pointed Head of Gibson House in 1985, she could not have foreseen the great changes within the House sys tem that were to come. In 1985 Gibson House was li!Ue more than a group of girls get ting together on interhouse sports days. By 1995 !bat has aJJ changed; bouse involvement in a range of ac· tlvities is extremely active. But wbat was Gibson like in Mrs Kimber's early days with the House? Wben Gibson first decided to develop a mascot in 1987, Pepe was born. He was painted by Nicole Datu to remember: Members ofthe school family are invited to attend the following functions to support the School community and enjoy the Wednesday 26 July atll.OOam Luncheon at the Sheraton Hotel Guest Speaker: Geraldine Doogue Cost$50.00 Friday I September at J0.30am Card and Games Day in the Auditorium Bask£t lunch and loads of fun. fellowship they offer:
Any student Interested in lliklDg part In odente projects similar to Lisa'•, sllonld mn 5UILwith Mr I an Stuart of the Sdem:e department.
A week in Paradise It's on again : the annual
derness area, sixty miles off the coast of Gladstone. The only fa cilities on the island are "self compostiog" toilets. AU food, water and sheller requirements have to be transported to the island by boat. During November the is land teems with life - nesting birds and turtles laying their eggs. And the marine life has to be seen to be believed! The cost for the seven days, includingtransportfromBrisbane to the island, food and camping fees is approximately $350-$400. Get your name down early. Student numbers are re stricted to 25.
Planet • Repapswen" inhabitallls in national costume
alternative to the ordinary uscbooJies"' otherwise known as the Year 12 Reef Expedition. For a week of well-deserved "vegeing" out, lying in the ham mock and on the beach, snor kelling, camping, and being with your friends, contact Mr Tim Lanham, at the B.G.G.S. Me morial Outdoor Education Cen tre, Yabba Creek Road, Imbil, 4570. - The expedition to a coral cay in the Capricorn section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park will be held from Novem ber 18 to 25. The island is a true wil
Year eight~ enter another dimension Sarah Monaghan During tbe final term of 1994,
came producers. directors, choreogra phers or costume designers, working "in concert" lo blend all the elemenls inco a smooth production. The project enhanced the skills of the studenls in the arts, in their understanding of lhe media. and in working as a team. The stu dents found the unit "fun". "chal lenging", "different". It was also an exceHent way to help the year eight students de cide on the elective subjecls lhey would choose to sludy in grades nine and teo.
the year eights were involved in a ''Galaxy Getaway". Thiswasa Creaa live Arts activity which involved the whole year level, and combined mu sic, drama and art. Each class was given a brief description ofa fictitious planet. Their task was then to name the planet and decide on the way of tife which would exist there. An Intergalactic Travel Con sortiumfromdistant Earth approached
To allow students maximUm input into the production, each class divided into music , art, and drama committees. Working in these special ist areas called for administrative and co-ordinating roles to weave the pro duction together. Some students be
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