Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1995


It's Charlotte D'joncourt time again Rebecca Hannon The Charlotte D'joncourt Folk should consist of about forty questions and answers. Students are free to devise their

Have fun helping others

Each student can choose from a number of topic ideas. She could compare the hierarchy of Gods in myths and legends from different cul tures, or select a particular animal or group of animals and comment on the way it was treated in the legends of different cultures. She could also ex amine and contrast the fables ofAesop and La Fontaine or two other similar writers. Another idea is to create an illustrated history of at least three feast days, festivals or carnivals still cel ebrated today which have their origin in folklore. Another original idea is to imagine that four folklore heroes meet and record the supposed interaction as they discuss their lives and adventures. A list of suggested ideas is devised each year but the student can negotiate her own topic. The quiz element of the entry requires the student to devise a board or card game based on questions and answerseg. Trivial Pursuit, Snakes and Ladders or Cluedo. The game can be based on one extended legend of a country or culture, a folklore theme or characters from folklore. The quiz

lore Competition is an annual essay and quiz competition held within the School. There are two sections,Senior and Junior, both of which have a $50 first prize awarded on Speech Day, as well as merit prizes of books. Theseprizeswerefustawarded in 1986 and endowed by Miss Evelyn Lesley Marslaod, a pupil of the School in 1933-4. The annual prizes were named in memory of hermother, Char lotte d'joncourt Marsland (nee Hyde), who also attended Girls' Grammai. They aim to "encourage the students of the Girls' Grammar School, Brisbane, in a greater love and knowledge of folklore . The fust section of the compe tition, the writing task, calls for ap proximately 500 words of extended prose. The entrant can choose any ap propriate genre: letter, reflective writ ing, diary or journal entry, advertise ment, feature article for a newspaper, television or radio script. or a formal report.

own game format but, in all cases, it is advisable to discuss the format of the quiz with a member of the judging panel before starting. The judging panel consists of three staff members and entries are to be submitted to the panel by the first Friday of term four. Entry forms and samples of 1994 submissions will be on display in the library during term three. The panel, Mrs Lyndsay Basford, Mrs Kristine Cooke, and Mrs Lynette Seckold, will be looking for effective and creative use of the genres chosen, accuracy and range of infor mation used, an interesting application of the researched facts , and a use and control of language that reveals preci sion, clarity and imagination. Information booklets about the Charlotte d'joncourt Prizes will be available from the library. This competiton is especially recommended for students of Latin, Ancient History and Multi-cultural Background.

In the tradition of the legen dary SOS concerts, the Interact Club is organising the party event of a lifetime (or Term 3, at least). It is ACTS ON SHOW, a variety event entirely run by the students. Someacts whicbbaveshown an interest in performing are a Nirvana tribute band, another rock band from B.G.S., and a troupe ofGirls' Grammar sing ers. These are more alternate groups that are not usually in cluded in otherSchool perform an~es. There will also be Thea tre Sports, karate, and Theatre Dance displays. The event is planned for a Saturday night In third termand it's going to be BIG! It will rival - get this - a Terrace dance. As the show is student-run, there is plenty of opportunity for every one to get involved. ThelnteractBoardandCiuh are already busy organising this massive social event. They look forward to your support for this showcase ofstudent talent which aims to raise funds for various charities and a community de velopment project in Laos.

$500 book prize on offer to students Mulligan's Book Shop, Toowong bas offered to sponsor a new competi tion for creative writing. IanBuchanan,ownerofMulligan's and past parent of the School, has of fered to donate prize books to the value of $500 to the winning student. The conditions for the competi tion, the due dates, and the judging pane} are being finalised and entry forms will soon be available fromEng lish teachers at the School. The donators of this award have asked that emphasis be placed on crea tivity rather than excellence in con formity. The School thanks Mr Buchanan for his kind offer. Competitions of this kind add challenge and opportunity to the life of the School.

Cornnonwealth Bank 1995 RSG Classic Clubs Championship

Girls' Association

reminiscing is planned for Old Girls who attended from 1962- 1965, thus celebrating 30 years since complteing FormVI. Please contact Sue Meeking (07) 202 6508 if you can help trace a few "missing persons" from our list. July 22 - 10.30am - 3.00pm - The Annual Reunion Luncheon will be held in the Auditorium. All Old Girls are invited to attend . H you have not visited the School in recent years, this is an ideal opportunity to see the recent developments at B.G.G.S . For details, contact Sasha Chenoweth (07) 217 5881. July 29- 20th year reunion Diana Wood (07) 378 7245 can supply more information. The O.G.A. will not be hold ing an Annual Dinner this year, but encourage all Old Girls to attend thr Friends of Girls' Grammar Dinner at the Sheraton Hotel on Thursday, Sep tember 14. If any Old Girls are interested in getting together with a group of friends, pleasecontact PaulaMacKellar (07) 870 2910.

Sue Meeklng Earlier this year, the B.G.G.S. Old Girls' Association organised a Gala Art Show of original art works by past students of the School. This event, which coincided with the opening of the new Arts Centre, was a great suc cess both socially and fmaocially.Profit from the sale of art works was used to purchase a solid bronze sculpture of a bilby by Kathleen Shill am, a student of the School in the 1930s. This was presented to the School and will eventually be placed in a purpose-built display cabinet which will soon be installed in thefoyerofthe Judith A. Hancock Communications Centre. This cabinet is a special project of the B.G.G.S. Mothers' Group and will house items of the School art col lection. In future, the O.G.A. hopes to hold the Art Show in conjunction with School Day.

_Wednesday 5th-Saturday 8th July


InQuiries to;

Championship Di rector Mrs Meryl Papas C\· Brisbane Girls Grammar School Gregory Terrace Brisbane 4000 Telephone (07)933 2276 (07)970 9971ah Facslmle 107)932 6097

Several reunions ofOld Girls

are being arranged this year.

July 8- a day of reunion and

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