2019 School Magazine
YEAR 10 JAPANESE T his year, in Year 10 Japanese, we explored various language and cultural topics centred on leisure, health and travel. In Term 1, we learned about Japanese lifestyle and dietary habits, what was considered a healthy lifestyle, and how could we maintain one to avoid lifestyle diseases. In Term 2, we investigated the cultural differences between Japanese and Australian sports, gaining an understanding of Japan's unique clubs and activities, such as synchronised walking. In Term 3, we explored the multitude of travel options in Japan and Australia, considering all aspects of a trip—transportation, tourist attractions, and accommodation. Not only did we learn how to discuss these in Japanese, we also learned about the different types of each—what is the difference between a capsule hotel and a Japanese-style inn, and which is better? We also welcomed students from our Japan Affiliate School, Mie High School, in Term 3. Attending class with Japanese students helped us understand the similarities and differences between our countries. Overall, Year 10 Japanese has provided students with a deeper insight into the language and culture of Japan, and helped us to further develop our reading and conversation skills in relevant, practical Japanese topics. Samantha Tang (10L)
YEAR 12 LATIN I n studying the literature, history, and culture of the Ancient Romans, our final year of Latin has been a truly fascinating learning experience. From Vergil’s classic epic, The Aeneid , to the famous oratory of Cicero, our cohort has translated and analysed many noteworthy ancient texts in their original form. In the study of history and culture, we had the freedom to choose any topic, allowing for a unique learning experience for each student. We also had the opportunity to extend our learning outside of the classroom with an excursion to the R.D. Milnes Antiquities Museum at The University of Queensland, which provided great insight into the lives of everyday Romans. We enjoyed handling and examining Imperial Roman coinage dating back to 69 AD. Senior Latin has instilled in me a deep appreciation for classical literature and provided me with the tools to continue engaging with it in the future. Karen Sundar (12W)
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