2019 School Magazine

INTERNATIONAL STUDIES YEAR 11 CHINESE S tudying Year 11 Chinese has been a thoroughly enjoyable and interesting experience. Through the continuation of the School’s Chinese program, we have not only been able to extend our Chinese vocabulary, but also gain better insight into Chinese culture, travelling in China and Chinese politics. A highlight of studying Chinese at school are the opportunities we are given to enhance our learning. This includes weekly speaking sessions with native Chinese speakers, in-class presentations and calligraphy to improve our handwriting. However, the most enjoyable experience I have had in Chinese this year was presenting on a Chinese individual who made a significant cultural contribution to the world. I have loved studying Chinese this year and look forward to studying it again in Year 12. Josephine Clough (11L)


YEAR 9 FRENCH T his year, in Year 9 French we explored everyday French language and culture. In Term 1, we studied food and eating habits. In Term 2, we learned about the media and famous figures. In doing so, we read numerous articles, learning a significant amount about French culture and French celebrities. The term concluded with Year 9 students becoming ‘Smurf reporters’ and writing about the history of Smurfs. Term 3 focussed on social and global issues, particularly issues concerning the environment. We examined what major problems are occurring in the environment and the consequences of our actions. In addition, we investigated what we can do to help the environment. At the end of the term we participated in a Brisbane French Theatre workshop. It was an engaging learning exercise outside the classroom. Hannah Bigby (9G)


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