2019 School Magazine



G irls Grammar Softball was a great success this year, with girls spending the season hitting home runs, catching balls and pitching strikes. The Softball season began in Term 1 for the Senior Competition and the Junior Competition was held in Term 4. All Softball players should be congratulated for their efforts during their challenging matches and intense training sessions. The girls’ dedication resulted in commendable results for all teams. Special mention to our coaches and score-keepers, Mrs Cooke and Ms Bernard, and our wonderful Softball Coordinator, Miss Mann, who assisted in organising the gear, supported us every Saturday morning and was with us every step of the way this season. We feel fortunate to have been part of the Girls Grammar Softball community. It was such an honour to witness the exceptional talent of girls and we look forward to seeing the legacy of Girls Grammar Softball continue for years to come. Georgia Kassman (12R) and Mirabel Loy (12E) CAPTAINS


QGSSSA Swimming rolled around quickly, but with five weeks of hard training our girls were ready. The individual age groups made significant contribution to our final result, with the 12 Years and Under, 13 Years, 14 Years, 15 Years, and 17 Years and Over, all placing third in their respective age groups and the 16 Years placing fifth—all fantastic achievements which contributed to our overall accomplishment of fourth place. Special congratulations to Charlotte Kennedy (7B), Claudia Kelso (8L), Hannah Bigby (9G), Ela Noble (12M), and the 12 Years & Under Division B Freestyle team comprising Erica Linley (7L), Emily Patel (7L) Kaiyu Su (7R) and Lucy Taylor (7M) for placing first in their respective events.

T he 2019 Swimming season was filled with huge and exciting successes. We had a strong start to the year, with more than 70 girls attending the first official training session. This momentum continued to build throughout the season with all girls training their hardest to ensure a positive and triumphant result for the team. Each athlete’s dedication and enthusiasm shone through at our Friday night meets throughout the term, with countless personal best times achieved.

Additional congratulations goes to the Junior Brockway Cup team, comprising Charlotte Kennedy (7B), Niamh Bedggood (9W), Hannah Bigby (9G) and Nina Obermair (10G), who placed an outstanding and closely fought second place, in one of the most exciting events of the evening. Ela Noble (12M) and Kelsea Sudrikku (12R) CAPTAINS


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