2018 School Magazine
YEAR 10 As a result of Queensland’s new senior assessment system commencing in 2019, Year 10 Physical Education was offered as an elective for the first time at Girls Grammar. The subject was certainly a ‘step-up’ from the core Health and Physical Education subjects studied in Years 7 to 9. However, my fellow Year 10 Physical Education students and I really enjoyed the challenge. This year, we studied Golf and for most of us, this was a new activity, one where we had to get out of our comfort zones as we tried to master the sport. Year 10 Physical Education has been a great introduction for what is to come in the senior years. I am looking forward to next year, as I continue to study Physical Education. Gia Cayas (10G) YEAR 9 This year, students in Year 9 participated in a wide range of new and interesting sports and studied stimulating theoretical topics. There is no doubt many students, including ourselves, were challenged throughout the year. Time management and perfecting the ‘jive’ were some of the challenges faced, as we had to make sure we understood the theoretical concepts and keep in time to the music when performing the ‘jive’. With so many great memories from this year, it is hard to pick a favourite, however, playing softball against 9.4 was a highlight as we demonstrated a high level of teamwork and class spirit. Caitlin Brittain (9M) and Catriona Brown (9G) YEAR 7 In Term 1, Year 7 Health and Physical Education (HPE) focused on lifesaving skills. We learned vital rescuing strategies including reach and rope rescues. We also learned survival strokes their purposes. We practiced various escape techniques to ensure safety, firstly for ourselves and then for other casualties. In Term 2, we studied different aspects of Athletics, including high jump, hurdles, discus and javelin. Theory lessons consisted of nutritional education and how to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. In Term 3, we completed a ball skills unit, where we learned the different sports and games which incorporate balls including Basketball, Netball, Touch, Volleyball, Cricket, Softball and European Handball. Our theory lessons focused on the changes that occur to female bodies during adolescence. On Wednesday 12 September, Year 7 students participated in the ‘Jump-Off Day’ for the Jump Rope for Heart Foundation, where girls demonstrated their skipping skills learned in class. In Term 4, we practiced and created gymnastics routines and performed our well-rehearsed sequences for the class. The Year 7 cohort is eager to experience HPE in Year 8 and trust it will be as fun as Year 7 HPE. Amaka Ekeocha (7W) and Matilda Fennon (7W)
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