2018 School Magazine


NOOSA TRAILS JOURNEY In May and June this year, Year 10 girls completed the Marrapatta Noosa Trails Journey. Over the course of the week, we rode from Pomona to Cooran, to Lake McDonald and back to Pomona. The week challenged girls to think less selfishly, work together as a group and try new things. In particular, on the final day of riding as we hit a mud track, we were motivated to attempt something new. Instead of slowly walking around the obstacle, Marrapatta staff encouraged us to attempt to ride through the mud. It was this attitude of having fun and trying new things that ultimately made the week so memorable.

Due to the important, relevant and applicable skills learned at Marrapatta, I strongly believe Outdoor Education is an invaluable program, unique to the experiences at the School’s Main Campus. Personally, I found that throughout my four years, Marrapatta developed my group collaboration skills enormously. As an independent and confident person, I sometimes struggled with listening to everyone’s ideas and coping with different people’s personalities and approaches to situations. Marrapatta made me realise the importance of not always taking charge, but rather allowing everyone to have the opportunity to share their ideas and be a leader. Abbey Grice (10E)


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