2018 School Magazine

YEAR 8—EXPLORE At Marrapatta my class was encouraged to be independent, positive and flexible in tough situations such as crossing rivers and hiking up the mountain to Deer Park. Even though there were concerns about the 'vertical' and 'wasp-infested' trek, I enjoyed the hike. The view at the top of the mountain was something I had not seen before and I was extremely satisfied to realise my hard work and persistence had paid off. The Year 8 Outdoor Education Program allowed girls to foster new friendships. In my time at Marapatta, I made new friends and developed existing friendships. Overall, I enjoyed Marrapatta as it allowed me to connect with my class and become more unified than ever before. The experience also improved my mental and physical capabilities. Cristiana Salmon (8H)

The Year 8 Marrapatta experience was so enjoyable that I did not want it to end. Although I knew the girls in my core class quite well, this trip allowed me to become closer with them and bond as class. Even though we were constantly busy, I was never exhausted because everything was so much fun. Canoeing was a highlight of the progam because the views were spectacular. To get to each location, everyone had to contribute and work together, also helping us become closer, especially when people capsized. Isabel Shorrock-Browne (8R)

In my opinion, the Year 8 Outdoor Education Program was an unforgettable experience and will always be a fond memory. The experience helped students overcome realistic and achievable challenges that relied on girls being responsible and independent. Marrapatta strengthened my existing friendships and created new relationships with some of the most unexpected people in my core class. Overall, I enjoyed every second of camp, even when we ate cheesecake in the rain for dessert. Ingrid Liu (8H)


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