2018 School Magazine

YEAR 11 SCIENCE21 Year 11 Science21 has been full of valuable experiences. This year, we investigated the effects of various drugs on small crustaceans, developing our independence using microscopes and carrying out experiments. In Term 2, we discussed whether nuclear energy is a viable option to replace fossil fuels to combat climate change in Australia. This unit was particularly enjoyable as it gave us a greater understanding of relevant issues that are not always explored in other subjects. On excursion at Moreton Bay, we carried out water quality testing and designed experiments to investigate the water quality on plants. Science21 has been a thought provoking subject and I look forward to learning more next year. Jessica Turner (11R) YEAR 12 BIOLOGY

Year 12 Biology has been an enjoyable, rewarding and insightful subject. From human anatomy and ecosystems to molecules and disease, Biology covers the fundamentals of life as we know it. Over the course of the year, we explored genetics, gene expression, biotechnology and the significance of genetic modification technologies. We also had the opportunity to frequently don the title of ‘experimental investigators’, partaking in numerous experiments, including one involving the genetic modification of bacteria. In Term 3, 25 Year 12 students visited the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR, Berghofer) to experience an insightful and deeply thought-provoking course. We received talks from world class scientists about their recent ground-breaking findings and discoveries, including a possible cure for cancer and how current experiences can influence generations to come due to epigenetics. We also toured the infectious diseases research labs, where we were fortunate enough to look at current research projects. Chelsea Devereaux (12L), Saffron Forbes (12W), Lottie Forno (12R), Clare Gordon (12E) and Catherine Li (12E) RACI SE QUEENSLAND REGIONAL TITRATION COMPETITION

Girls Grammar entered two teams in the Titration Competition held at the Queensland University of Technology in Term 2. The teams comprising Year 11 and Year 12 students were given three hours to identify the concentration of a base using the concentration of a known acid. Using said base competitors identified the concentration of a different acid. The principle behind this extensive process was that when an acid and a base were mixed at the right proportions

they created a neutral substance. As an indicator was also added, when the solution turned neutral the indicator changed colour. Measurements were taken and calculations were conducted to determine the concentrations. Each drop mattered as the indicator had to be a specific shade of light pink for the substance to be neutral and the answer had to be to three decimal places. The scores were calculated for a team by calculating the difference between each team member’s individual answer and the true concentration of the acid. Then all three scores were combined to give a final score. I highly recommend this competition to future Year 11 and 12 students. Priyanka Rudra (11E)


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