2018 School Magazine


'What I really enjoyed about Year 10 English was our unit on the book Tomorrow, When the War Began . I liked reading the book and then watching the movie; it helped solidify our thoughts and made the unit fun.'

'Girls Grammar offers an excellent English program, where I have been challenged to produce my best work and try new things. I have learned new techniques and improved my writing significantly over the course of this year. English helps my writing in all other subjects too, which is very beneficial.' 'English this year caused a rollercoaster of emotions including curiosity, inspiration and enjoyment. Originally, English was difficult for me as I did not understand how sentences were put together and how to communicate what I was feeling, however, each unit has allowed me to improve and extend my knowledge.' 'In Literature this year, we studied the power of texts and novels and the connotations behind their meanings, discovering motifs and messages throughout. Being able to analyse and interpret texts is a skill which has assisted me in a wide range of other subjects. I have thoroughly enjoyed Literature, and the freedom that has given me to view a wide range of perspectives and interpret everyone’s collective ideas.' 'Running from the law in 1953, unravelling murder mysteries off the coast of England, curling up in front of a fire in 19th-century New England, and riding off into the dusty red Oklahoma sunset were all experiences that Year 10 girls were able to immerse themselves in Literature. The group enjoyed long and entertaining debates, various colorful mind map sessions, an exciting and invaluable trip to the Brisbane Writer’s Festival and reading stacks of literature.'

'I found the analytical tasks in Year 12 particularly rewarding. I have significantly improved my ability to dissect and understand the deeper meaning of a text and then convey this meaning succinctly and effectively.'

'A typical English Extension lesson would probably be considered unusual. Twelve girls sit around the School’s boardroom table discussing questions and applying political and literary theories to texts and topics of our choosing. Students learn to converse about complex theories such as Braidottian nomadalogical feminism, postanthropocentric posthumanism and Lacanian psychoanalysis through independent study and the tutelage of exceptional teachers. English Extension has taught me to think critically, write discerningly and learn differently.'

'English this year has been filled with curiosity and challenges that I have thoroughly enjoyed. Throughout the year, I have learned new English techniques and improved my results for this subject.'

'This year, I was challenged by the different styles of writing learned. Through perseverance, I learned to write short stories, persuasive texts and analytical essays, while developing my understanding of different topics. I thoroughly enjoyed the novel study, which broadened my understanding of prejudice in society and helped me to comprehend the current world on a deeper level.'


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