2018 School Magazine


Year 12 Mathematics B solidified and expanded on the concepts developed over the past four years of math study. In our senior year, a large proportion of work centred on calculus and algebra. Feared by many as junior students, we learned to ‘love’ these topics and saw ourselves developing skills and delving further into the practical applications of a variety of mathematical focuses. Exploring a range of practical and abstract applications of mathematics we were able to enhance our ability to solve complex problems surrounding integration, optimisation, probability and trigonometry. Mathematics B, a subject dreaded by many, has grown on us over the past two years and this is thanks to the supportive and engaging teachers who displayed an infectious passion for their subject. We are confident in our ability to take the knowledge learned in this excellent course into the world beyond Girls Grammar. Alexa Zoppi (12E) YEAR 12 MATHEMATICS A Students have varying opinions of Math. Sometimes they enjoy the rigour of solving challenging mathematical problems because of the development of critical thinking skills but it is not often these problems apply to real life situations. Mathematics A, however, is different. Year 12 Mathematics A provided students with a range of imperative skills that could be applied to the real world. From financing and investments to statistics and land surveying, this year’s topics successfully prepared students to have confidence when making financial decisions. Mathematics A provided girls with skills for paying bills, planning for loans and understanding debt in an entertaining and supportive environment, all essential aspects to becoming a successful young woman. As we graduate, we have no doubt this rewarding subject will stretch into many facets of our future and may even be missed, just a little. Lily Choma (12O) and Chelsea Collins (12G)


Year 12 Mathematics C is an intellectually stimulating and enjoyable foray into higher level mathematics. It provides a dynamic outlet and an entrance into more abstract and creative math concepts such as conics, integration and vectors. With the brilliant Dr Jenkins and Mrs Greenland at the focus of our learning, we developed our problem-solving skills and integrated them into other subjects. This challenging and enriching course, while irrational at times, became a class we could not function without and was a wonderful addition to our learning. Mathematics C is a great subject and we encourage future students to ‘sine’ up. Jessica Hanh (12M), Alicia Harasty (12M), Katherine Strooper (12M), Ashlyn Winter (12M)


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