2018 School Magazine
YEAR 10 MATHEMATICS METHODS From reviewing inequalities and algebraic fractions, extending measurement and financial maths, to grasping new trigonometry concepts and quadratic equations, it is clear that Year 10 Mathematics Methods students have enriched and advanced their math abilities. Taking both calculator and non-calculator exams, students have learned to strategically use but not rely on the Graphics calculator. Naturally, there were perplexing moments: but I can confidently say that we enjoyed the challenges and triumphs experienced in Year 10 Mathematics Methods and feel prepared for next year’s senior mathematical study paths. As Mathematician, Mr Paul Halmos, once said, ‘the only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics’.
This year, Brisbane Girls Grammar School introduced Year 10 General Mathematics to prepare students for the introduction of the new syllabus next year. In ‘10 General’, girls were challenged by a variety of new concepts and given opportunities to expand their problem-solving strategies developed in previous years. For example, in Semester 1, we learned how to break complex problems down into simpler parts and use our existing knowledge to solve those smaller parts. Additionally, we began learning about mathematical modelling in line with the assessment model for the new syllabus. Throughout the course, we deepened our understanding of algebra, linear geometry, trigonometry, ratios, and statistics. However, one of the most remarkable features of Year 10 General Mathematics was understanding how the maths we learn in class applies to the real world, particularly in relation to simple and compound interest. Sophie Suchting (10B)
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