2018 School Magazine
Year 11 Geography involved investigating the world around us through topics including the study of Brisbane’s catchments, disaster management and feeding the world’s people. In February, we embarked upon a two-day field trip to the School’s Marrapatta campus to explore the Yabba Creek catchment, where we spoke to local business owners and surveyed Borumba Dam to draw conclusions about raising the wall to provide greater water security for the area. In Term 2, we examined ways to cope with natural disasters, focusing on the devastating Nepal 2015 earthquake and the recent eruptions of Mt Kilauea in Hawaii. In Term 3, we looked at the causes and trends of food insecurity and the consequences for the world today. Anneliese Castle (11B), Mia Clarke (11W) and April Golder (11H)
Through excursions, Year 12 Geography took learning beyond the classroom. My favourite excursion involved a trip to Windsor where girls had the opportunity to speak to locals and assess the suburb's liveability. Another highlight of the subject was evaluating proposals where we assessed key developments such as the Brisbane City Airport Link and its effect on the wider community. Geography enabled me to feel more connected with the world and gain a deeper understanding of how certain factors affect different demographics in society. Alexandra Ball (12R)
This year, Study of Religion has shown the immense impact religion has on our worldview and global societies. We began studying the primal Aboriginal religions, which gave us a deeper understanding of the rituals and beliefs that date back more than 65 000 years. We contrasted the spirituality of Aboriginal peoples with the ancient religions of the Greeks, Zoroastrians, and the Egyptians, among others. We examined the changing religious demographics of contemporary Australia and the country’s uncertain status as a Christian nation. In Semester 2, lessons focused on Church-State relations. Case studies of the Roman Emperor Constantine and King Henry VIII demonstrated the ways religion has been manipulated throughout history. We also explored the complex nature of international politics and conflicts. Study of Religion has been an invaluable opportunity to gain an insight into the ways religion transforms, sustains and shapes humanity. April Golder (11H)
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