2018 School Magazine


Studying German in Year 12 was a very challenging but rewarding experience. Our first topic was Germany in the 20th-century, where we learnt a comprehensive history of Germany including both World Wars and the Cold War. The second topic studied was education and life beyond Girls Grammar. Girls explored what they liked and did not like about school and spoke about their aspirations for the future. Next, we focused on societal issues, looking at cultural conflict and controversial issues, comparing German society with Australia. In Term 3, we chose a topic of interest and presented our research to the class. Throughout the year, we were lucky enough to welcome multiple German-speaking exchange students into our classroom to tell us about their lifestyle and provide interesting perspectives on the issues we were discussing. Shivali Raj (12G)


Year 8 Latin allowed students to advance their Latin skills in a fun and enjoyable environment. This year, we learned conjugations, adjective agreement and array of new words. We also studied Ancient Roman culture using our Oxford Latin Course Textbook. In each chapter, there are sentences which we do with the whole class, where work on translating. These translations are stories about Roman poet, Quintus Horatius Flaccus (commonly known as Horace).We also explored stories such as the Siege of Troy and the Fall of Rome. Girls also had the opportunity to learn Latin Army drills and sing Roman pop songs as part of the Languages Day activities. Isabel Shorrock-Browne (8G)


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