2018 School Magazine

YEAR 7 HUMANITIES This year, Year 7 Humanities covered topics including liveability in urban areas, water in the world and the human past. Students experimented with making websites based on local areas using website makers (WIX), PowerPoint and Canva. In our ‘UN Summit’, girls investigated the water crises and areas affected by drought and flood. The cohort also explored early humans and discovered how the first hominids hunted and gathered. In Term 3, we began studying ancient civilisations and artifacts that reflected their culture, religion and traditions. Lauren Hirst (7W) YEAR 8 HUMANITIES This year, Year 8 Humanities delved into the depths of medieval Europe, future sustainability and the Renaissance. In Term 1, we focused on medieval Europe and the ideas and beliefs underlying the Feudal System. We also explored what life was like for peasants and nobles in the Middle Ages through role plays, medieval paintings and manuscripts. In Term 2, we began studying sustainability. This involved researching a sustainability project from a major capital city, investigating its flaws and achievements and providing suggestions to further improve the city’s sustainability. In Term 3, we explored the Renaissance, beginning with a ‘race’ around Florence covering all the major city sites. We then chose a significant individual from this era and created a ‘Factbook’ account which included posts about their significant achievements and contributions to the Renaissance. Shanna Heath (8L)


History in Years 9 and 10 has been one of the most insightful and engaging subjects I have studied at School. I enjoyed learning about interesting and relevant topics including the Industrial Revolution and World Wars I and II. Each topic expanded my knowledge and showed the influence of the past on shaping the world we live in today. It also provided girls with an extensive skill set, including source analysis and evaluation, academic writing and research. A highlight of History was studying the French Revolution. In this unit we recreated the trial of King Louis XVI, dressed in period clothing and delivered arguments on whether King Louis was guilty of treason against the French nation. These arguments quickly escalated into a passionate debate making history come alive. Fiona Brown (10G)


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