2018 School Magazine

TENNIS The 2018 Girls Grammar Tennis team did a magnificent job keeping up with training and committing themselves to their matches this season. At weekly fixtures, the atmosphere changed from the start of the season to the end. Girls became much closer within their teams and many friendships formed.

TOUCH FOOTBALL The 2018 Touch season was a great success with each girl developing their skills throughout the year. The girl’s hard work never went unnoticed and was clearly visible in their game play. This year, the 8B and 10B teams won the premiership, while the 9B team finished third. These are incredible achievements and all girls should be extremely proud of their efforts. As captains, we were delighted to represent the School in the 16 to 18 Years Metropolitan North team in our final year. Congratulations to Phoebe Lingard (10H) and Caitlin Brittain (9M), who also represented the Metropolitan North Touch Team this year in the 13 to 15 Years age group. Thank you to Mrs Nisbett, Touch Coordinator, for your constant support and passion for this sport. Thank you also to our Manager, Mr McGarry and all coaches for their guidance throughout the season. Overall, this season was a major success and we are proud of the squad’s achievements. All the best for next year. Laura Field (12E) and Malorie Jackson (12L) CAPTAINS

This year the Senior B, Senior C, Junior A, Junior B, and Junior C teams were premiers in their respective divisions. While the Senior A and Open teams finished in second and third place, respectively. Congratulations to the Junior C2 team who finished in third place and the Senior C2 team who placed seventh. Without the girls’ immense efforts and concentration in matches and the dedication and enthusiasm of our expert team of coaches, such extraordinary results would not have been achieved. This year’s squad was incredibly motivated and determined in their matches, putting their fierce game faces on each week. We congratulate and thank everyone who was involved in such as successful season. Rebecca Jak (12W) and Rebecca Kitson (12G) CAPTAINS


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