2018 School Magazine

YEAR 11 AND 12 DRAMA PRODUCTION Euge`ne Ionesco’s absurdist play, Rhinoceros , depicts a weary, provincial French town on the brink of something momentous. The central character, B´erenger, a tardy drunkard everyman challenged by the meaning of his own existence, witnesses the townspeople’s metamorphosis into rhinoceroses as the world as he knows it ceases to exist. This play’s absurd plot is a commentary on the events preceding World War II, exploring themes of fascism, mob mentality, conformism, as well as

philosophising the solidarity and insignificance of human existence; a concept often explored in contemporary art. The process behind creating this dynamic production of Rhinoceros for the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Senior Drama Production was truly a memorable experience. In addition to bonding with a group of passionate, energetic girls from Years 11 and 12, the complex script proved an intellectual and physical challenge for the Senior Drama Company. The play consisted of four sequential acts that demanded energetic, physical performances and provided enrichment on the skills developed in the Drama curriculum. Thorough analysis of the text during the rehearsal process while simultaneously

staging engaging action, assisted the actors in developing a deep understanding of the clever, rapid-fire dialogue essential in executing the delivery of the play’s messages. The absurdist text was certainly a challenge to undertake but resulted in a captivating and visually arresting production. With the expert assistance of industry professionals, Mr Dane Alexander and Mr Jason Glenwright, the production was brought to life with dynamic lighting and immersive sound effects that created the disconcerting mood of a small town on the brink of extinction. The transformation of the characters into rhinoceroses was truly chilling and surreal and Director, Mr Jennings expertly manipulated dramatic conventions to manage the heavy amount of dialogue and the complex plot to create a highly engaging and dynamic production. Rhinoceros was daring in nature and so much fun to execute with the thoughtful direction of Mr Jennings and support of the industry professionals. I am proud to have been a part of the Rhinoceros cast in my Senior Year and am thankful for the extraordinary experience. Tiffany Davison (12M)


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