2016 School Magazine
YEAR 10 I have learnt that I strangely relate to Lady Macbeth more than I would like to.
YEAR 11 This year in Year 11 English, I thoroughly enjoyed the persuasive speaking course. During this unit, we investigated the current depiction of different groups, races and stereotypes such as ‘nerds’ or ‘housewives’ in the media. In my presentation, I chose to argue about the portrayal of teenage girls and the societal pressure they experience surrounding their appearance and relationship status. This is a topic that I am very passionate about, and I really appreciated the freedom we were given to explore our individually chosen subject matter. CATE (R OSIE ) DANN (11B)
I have thoroughly enjoyed English this year, as I always come to class with a smile on my face, knowing that whatever we do will be enjoyable and worthwhile.
I thoroughly enjoyed studying famous texts and learning new ways to express my own thoughts.
I have learnt how to start writing even when I don’t know what I want to say.
YEAR 12 Throughout this year I have loved English, as it has enabled me to explore topics that I am genuinely interested in. One example was the persuasive oral task concerning the presentation of an ethical issue. I chose a subject that concerned me and that I had a strong emotional response to – cosmetic testing on animals. I was able to engage with my audience and deliver my message, allowing them insight into a subject that resonated strongly with me. English this year has proved to be absorbing, challenging and thoroughly enjoyable and has helped me to develop and hone individual skills which I know will be invaluable in the years ahead. “To thine own self be true” seems an apt phrase with which to describe the experience of Year 12 English in 2016, for we have been served up a smorgasbord of tasks that allow us to draw on our own experiences, morals and beliefs. From persuasive orals on ethical issues, to personal responses to Hamlet, English has offered myriad opportunities for me and my cohort to expand and reflect on our thoughts and senses of self. ADELAIDE MUNRO (12R)
I have enjoyed Year 12 English the most out of all my years at Girls Grammar. This year has been all about combining our knowledge from the past five years to create pieces that have fully-developed ideas, concepts, and correctly-expressed English. The tasks have been very interesting and appealing.
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