2016 School Magazine

VISUAL ARTS This year, Visual Arts at Girls Grammar has had such an exciting year filled with creative, innovative and unique art works. There have been extraordinary works created across all Years which demonstrated the skills and talents that students have developed in the course of their art journey at Girls Grammar. Along with independently working away on such personal and authentic works, students across the School were able to come together in celebration of the arts at Girls Grammar through Artsfest. The annual event was held mid Term II and allowed students to depict their artistic abilities and express their love of the arts. Girls from across all Years and all aspects of the School were encouraged to participate whether it was from contributing in a whole-school painting or getting a caricature. The event was a success and allowed Girls Grammar as a whole to get a taste of what the art students have been up to! Along with this, students were also able to participate in the art workshop and art walks held throughout the year. During 2016, Year 12s had the opportunity to produce artworks under the topics of ‘What It Means To Be Human’ and ‘The Fabric of Life’ using the skills developed during five years at Girls Grammar. A range of media was utilised by the students which ranged from painting and printing to film and performance. These opportunities have allowed students to explore a range of themes relevant to the world around them while developing their skills and confidence as an artist.



SNAPSHOTS The Year 11 film music night, Snapshots , was a great success compiling of each students film compositions from Term III. Each student performed with high musical maturity creating an entertaining evening of music. Many thanks to Miss Cummings for her continual support throughout the composing and rehearsing, as well as her belief in us to run a successful night. MUSICIANSHIP Musicianship classes have been an interesting, engaging way for me to improve my singing, sight-reading and musical knowledge and a chance to make friends with like-minded students. During the year, we covered topics such as major and minor diatonic scales, rhythm and solfa, as well as playing games and having fun. Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed attending Musicianship classes this year. ABIGAIL WHITE (11W)

THE TREE OF LIFE This year, for our Term III project, the Year 12 music cohort chose to recompose the film music for Terrence Malick’s film, The Tree of Life . In order to achieve this, each girl wrote between 3 and 6 minutes of music, and with Mr Pennay’s help we combined our individual work to create a 2.5 hour score to accompany the film. Throughout the process we were lucky enough to work with and write for the quintet Topology. The group provided us with really valuable feedback while we drafted our compositions, as well as performing with us on the night. The final performance was such a special experience – everyone was so focused on creating a beautiful production and doing justice to the hours of hard work we had put in. I am sure this will be a really memorable project for all the Year 12 music girls.




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