2015 School Magazine
In my first year of English at Girls Grammar I have learnt a large variety of valuable skills that are easily transferable to later life. One of these skills that will help me in the future is the ability to role-play and think like other characters and people by establishing motives. We learnt this skill during Term III when we wrote a diary entry from a character’s point of view in Shakespeare’s classic novel A Midsummer Night’s Dream . This skill can easily be used in everyday life because understanding what other people may be thinking improves communication, one of the most useful skills that any person could ever learn. MIAH CLARKE (8B) ENGLISH
Our studies in English this year have been interesting and exciting! In Term I we learnt all about identity and who and what have influenced who we are today. I really enjoyed learning about my peers and their families. In Term II, we moved onto poetry, specifically Australian poetry and how to analyse it. We read many poems and it was fun write our own! In Term III, we studied A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare and practised writing diary entries in the words of the characters in the play. I really enjoyed watching the film and relating it back to our text. And finally, in Term IV, we studied A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and focused on analysing and improving the dust jacket designs of novels we are reading for our Wider Reading Unit. I have really enjoyed the variety of topics we have covered in English this year and the extra activities such as Wider Reading have benefited my understanding of our studies. SOFIAH BEACH (8B)
This year in my English classes I have learnt much about Shakespeare and Shakespearean language. I really enjoyed studying A Midsummers Night’s Dream as I particularly enjoy fantasy reading, so this was right up my alley. I also really enjoyed the oral presentation as I enjoy public speaking and creating PowerPoint presentations. I learnt the importance of proof reading my work and being organised for each class. English is definitely one
of my favourite subjects. ALICE MIDDLETON (8B)
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