2013 School Magazine

CHO!?AL To begin the I, usy year for the singers. Grammar a Chainber Singers 513e t the weekend of the thircl week at School learning pieces for their Lipcoming performaiices. espec 11y for the Cathedral Concer lield early 111 Tell\I2 Tile Cathedral Colicert 15 one of the major concerts for the year witere Chembei' Singers. Grainit. ar Singei's ancl Choiale I, elfoi'lit 111 St Stepheit s Cathedral This colicei't 15 always a rewai"11/9 event for tile Senior choirs. and this year was 110 exceptioit Chamber Singers I>erfor!Iled a rites< 13y Ben!'11/1/1 Britten to his loot1\ 1.1rthday. whei'e soloists Cara MCKelvie (I and An 11a Will taker (12H) featured After the Cathedral Concert o11 24 April. several of the Year 12 Senior choristers volLinteered their time to sing at the Anzac Day Dawit Service at the Victoria Barracks it was a 1,051tive experience for the singers anci the aLidieiice. allcl the gills appleciated the solemit Remembrance Service it was a pleasLire to see oLir new PriiTclpal Ms EUler Lij> so eai'Iy supporting the girls 111 her first week For litany years, Chamber Slitgers lies sui19 at the Centaur Service on 14Nay at St Johns Cathedral all this year was tile 70t!\ Anniversary of the sinking of the Australian Hospital Ship Centaur The girls had 11 privilege of singing for the Governor of Queensland Ms Penelope Wensley AC. who attended this special occasion As always the girls sang beautifLilly ancl many compliments were receivecl on their I, erformance The AUSt!'allait CCITTbiiled Schools Ivlu biei1.1al event held at a different capital city eacl\ time alitl this year we wei'e lucky to co- host it witl\ Brisbane Grami\tai' School Tile maioi'ity of the Seitior co- CLIi'ricLilar students at Girls Gramitta r took advantage of this 11.5piiing OPPoi'tunity. along willI Ine 51Liaeitts of sevei'81 0thei' schools arcuiid Australia. The choir co rid u cted I>y De bola 11 Siteai'ei'- Dii'Ie. I, elformed 'tit ree 1.1eces - which were conti'asting 111 genre - and anothei mass I>Iece witl\ the o1'chest I'a Tile music provecl to I>e difficLilt and clefinitely extended Lis from a lot of Festival Is a

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I. but the repel'to Ite that we have performed at Sc everyone was willing to I, ut in the effort and rise to this challenge Throughout Term 2. the 910.1, vocal lessoii singei's put lit a 91'eat deal of time to prepare for the Vocal Coinpetitioi\ with the hell> of Mr Gary Holley The winner of the vocal section. jazz singer Me rinda Dias- Javasinha (lIG) gave an outstanding and engaging performance a result Me rinda was chosei\ a of the foul' flitalists for the Jeffei'Ies Bursary. and performed at Artists lit Concert 111 Term 3. students who participate in group voice lessons combined Into small chamber ensembles of three or foLir singers and coinpeted in the Gillies Voice Competition which was a great experience for all who were Involved The winners - Daisy Nussey (12H) 15abella Gray (128) and Grace Henry <12L) - along with tile runners Lip - Me rinda Dias-Jayasinha <11G). Claudia Gamero1\ (lIB). Sophia Bergman (lIG) and Sarah MacDonalc1 (11W) - and all five of the choirs performecl at the Cltoral Concert This was a wonder ILil concert that displayed the am aziitg talent of perfoi'mers. and demonstrated the large litimbei' girls throughotit the School wito eitjoy singing 111 Toriit 4 after Gala the gills wei'e busy prepai'ing for' Speecl\ Day anc! Cal'o15 Night These were botl\ falltastic SLiccesses alld a CUIminatioit to the ainazin performances alld rehearsals Ihroug1.0ut the year


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