2013 School Magazine

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Felgates Drama Club brings enthusiastic students from all year levels and backgrounds together to have fun, and do some drama on the side. The creativity and enthusiasm pours out of even the quietest students, and all deserve congratulations on bringing their best to the group this year Term One started explosiveIy with the club's exploration of soap operas, as each group created hilarious performances, with enough drama to write an entire series. Usually Drama Club rehearses for a full semester. meeting every Thursday after school, in preparation for a fun and funny end-of-semester performance. However. in Term Two. we were lucky enough to have a guest, David Morgan from the Dead Puppet's Society, share his expertise with us. Although some may have been sceptical at first, no-one could challenge the enjoyment all gained from the experience. The club

spent the term making chickens from plastic bags, people from cardboard, and stories from their extensive imaginations. David was a pleasure to work with, and everyone had the most amazing time learning, creating, and performing For the second semester. the club sank its teeth into a new performance, with all girls exercising their talents to the fullest extent it has been a wonderful year. and we would like to thank Ms Johnstone for her amazing work at the beginning of the year, and welcome our new co- coordinator. Mrs Gyte But most importantly, congratulations. girls, and thank you for an incredible year


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The 2013 Sydney Drama Tour once again proved to inspire, amaze and awe the twenty girls who were lucky enough to attend. in a whirlwind four days of sightseeing. theatre viewing. shopping and performing, the girls, and the teachers, explored their creative potential under the careful Instruction of some of Australia's best Workshops at the Australian Theatre for Young People (ATYP) and the National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA) challenged the girls to explore styles of theatre they had never experienced before The physically exhausting Le Coq workshop at ATYP pushed the girls' perceptions of stylised physicality, while the Art of Storytell^^g Ih a Digital Age opened their eyes to the world of technology in live theatre Character analysis and script- work encouraged the girls to find truth through believable actions at Australia's leading drama school, NIDA. The girls were exposed to gripping, world-class theatre from Sydney Theatre Company, Grimn Theatre Company and Belvoir St

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Theatre. Tony Kushner's Angels Ih America was the theatrical highlight of the trip, leaving everyone emotional and speechless The trip was a fantastic experience for all keen drama students, creating friendships and theatrical enrichment


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