2012 School Magazine
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The Readers Cafe returned in 2012 with a small-but- dedicated group of attendees who participated in informal and lively discussions about specific books each Term The Cellist of 58/8jevo by 51even Galloway had universal resonance as three people living In fear coped in a city under siege. The 2011 Booker Prize winner The Sense of an Ending explored memory and our perceptions of the past The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte has been compared to Umberto ECCo's The Name of the Rose in its explorations of literary conventions. The convolutions of its plot and Its clever references to Dumas' Three Musketeers also provided a ground for good conversation as we tried to distinguish the fact from the fantasy in the plot The final novel of the year was Anna Funder's Mites Franktin award-winning novel All That IAm. Our closing Christmas function presented an opportunity to visit a book shop and obtain recommendations for holday reading and seasonal gift giving MR D PINcoTT, co- ORDiNATOR The Visual Art Department again ran a series of art workshops for all students who had the opportunity to access outside tutors and tearn new skills and approaches to creating art. Term I tutor was Brisbane artist Nancy Brown who ted a silk-screen printing workshop. In Term 11, Mrs Loye and Mr Pincott facilitated a digital photography workshop. which focused on how to use the settings on a digital camera to achieve creative visual effects. Past student MadetIne Roberts again conducted her highly successful fashion workshop. which not only gave students an opportunity to design a cottection. but also to hear Made!Ine speak about her career In the arts and how she 15 combining many Interests to create her portfolio of work The final workshop of the year was another printing workshop. All workshops have been enthusiastically attended by keen students from across all Year levels MR D PINCOTT, HEAD OF VISUAL ART A^I Wall- 1001i
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THIS YEAR HAS PROVIDED FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITIES To VISIT THE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY 10AGI AND THE GALLERY OF MODERN ART IGOMAj On 3 March we visited OAG for a special guided tour of the works of EUgene von Guerard in Nature Revealed Von Guerard produced Impressive picturesque landscape paintings based on his expeditions in Australia. New Zealand and Europe during the 1800s. Von Geurard paintings feature detailed observation of the geography. geology and vegetation of the forests of Gippstand. the crater lakes of Victories volcanic Western District. and the peaks of the Kosciuszko plateau. Many of these works provide important environmental references today On Saturday 12 May we toured the Contemporary Australia Women exhibition at GoMA. This exhibition featured the works in a variety of forms by seventy women artists. it demonstrated many aspects of female experiences along with the diversity. energy and innovation of contemporary art practice On Saturday 25 August. Art Walk toured through the Portrait of Spain Exhibition at OAG. it was fascinating to gain a deeper understanding of Spanish history through the portal of artworks created by some of history's most revered Spanish painters. including Et Greco. Vet6zquez. Ribera. Goya and Rubens Art Walks are held once a Term on a Saturday. All members of the School community are welcome to attend Information is available in the BGGS News and through various marketing channels prior to the date Ms B MCKEAN, co- ORDiNATOR
Art Cafe presents a programme of four artist talks across the year. The tatks are open to all members of the extended School community and are designed to provide an insight into a range of creative processes and contemporary art practice. Artist speakers Sharon Jewelt. Sharka BOSakova. a Ball and Sue Beyer discussed the development of their work and shared Insights into their working and thinking processes. Working across areas as diverse as photography. installation. painting. construction. fashion design. performance and social media. each artist offered a personal and practical reflection on the nature of art practice and contemporary experience Ms H HOLLiE, co- ORDiNATOR
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