2012 School Magazine
set of five books. and then competed with other schoot teams to answer quiz questions from the books Our students had an amazing learning experience and competed wett Libelturn members participated in the 'Writer In Residence programme with authors James Metoney and Tristan Bancks. and our junior members accompanied the Gwennies to the Brisbane Writers Festival where they were Inspired by authors Libby Gteeson and At150n Lester The success of story-telling. interactive poetry writing. and cotDuring favourite story characters at the Libelturn Open Day display. reflected the Grammar Community's Inherent love of books In Term IV the Libellum members hosted a 'Book Cafe In the Main Building. raising money for The Indigenous Literacy Foundation 11 has been a fun year. and whether you are a regular reader or not. we highly encourage you to pick up a book. and enjoy some relaxation that will leave you feeling replenished and ready for next year SARA RENTOUL111RIAND HANA PORTER 111El LIBELLUM CAPTAINS
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The Libelturn Society has enjoyed a busy and entertaining year. As well as meeting weekly to preview the new fiction purchased by the Beantand Library and review illustrated books. popular fiction and non-fiction. graphic novels and literature websites. the club has more activety promoted writers' festivals. book launches. writing competitions and book trailers in this National Year of Reading This year. a Libelturn noticeboard was installed in the Computer Room foyer of C Block to display book reviews of young adult fiction. chattenging texts for senior students, non-fiction biopics and graphic novels. as well as promote literary events. competitions and websites One of the competitions that Libelturn participated in was the Readers Cup. a competition for junior students that gives keen readers an opportunity to compete at a regionat and state level Our Year 8 team of Etena Dies-Jayasinha IBGl. Madeleine Goss 18Hl, PhDebe Wai 18Rl and Lakshana Boominathan 18Bj read a
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environment Implicit in the carbon trading scheme. in Term 111 It was a great privilege to hear esteemed philosopher Profess John Armstrong discuss the notion of the best self. Professor Armstrong has been the Schools Philosopher in Residence for 2012 and this evening gave parents a chance to hear him speak. Our final speaker for the year was our very own Dr Tarapore who led a fascinating discussion on the topic of the classical world in Hollywood Ms A DARE. co- ORDiNATOR
Philosophy Cafe 15 a forum where big ideas are explored and discussed in a relaxed environment open to students, staff and the wider Brisbane Girls Grammar community This year we have been very fortunate to welcome speakers who are experts in their respective fields. Our first guests for the year, Professor Rolend Btelker and Dr Emma Hutchison, spoke about the role of visual images in the media and their power to shape the outcome of major political and social events This was followed In Term 11by Professor Carolyn Windsorwhose engaging presentation expounded upon the implications of a financialIsed
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