2012 School Magazine
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I I ."Ml , ,A1 On the last few days of the June/ July holidays twenty brave girls and three even braver teachers
Peopte were certainly highlights. opening our eyes to the vast scope of theatre available. We discovered our signature walk. learned to act realisticatty by taking on characteristics of animals. and stomped out the spirits of the earth. The trip highlig hted our outgoing personalities and eagerness to improve. with every girl willing to volunteer. and we threw ourselves Into each activity. On our second night in Sydney we had the pleasure of viewing The Duchess of Main at the Sydney Opera House. and on our final night. we viewed Death of a Salesman, a highlight of the trip. We had our fair share of laughs, with an 80s music sing-along on the bus. and Mrs RiverOS squealing at a group of teenage boys, who she mistook for boy band One Direction. The trip was an amazing experience for all involved. and brought together girls from different Years' We learned so many new skitts. which have helped us to grow as performers FELICITY CLIFFORD 111Li
flew to Sydney for a dramatic adventure. otherwise known as the Senior Sydney Drama Tour The Sydney Theatre Company 1STCl at The Wharf was our first theatrical experience and inctuded a backstage tour. We stumbled cross Cate Blanchett's
costumes for A Streetcar Named Desire. as well as meeting Director Andrew Up ton. an exciting experience for all the girls This tour was complemented by a trip back to the Theatre that night to view STC's production of The Histrion!c. The next few days whizzed past in a blur of workshops. tours. theatre viewing. delicious meals. sightseeing. and of course. shopping The workshops at NIDA and the Australian Theatre for Young
gruelting. yet rewarding. holiday rehearsals. the vision for the production began to form. With rehearsals during tech week lasting late into the night. finishing touches ensured that every spin. shriek. and stamp was polished to perfection
Glitter met gore in this years Senior Drama Production of EUripides' The 88cchae. The cast of fifteen girls, under the creative instruction of guest director Amy Ingrain and the Drama Departments very own Mrs RiverOS. explored this Classical Greek tragedy It tells the story of Dionysus, the God of Wine. and his return to his hometown of The bes. There DIDnysus 15 met with impiety by his cousin, and King of The bes. Pentheus. and his aunts Ageue. Autonoe. and ino. As punishment. DIDnysus entrances all the women of The bes. Eventually. Dionysus tricks Pentheus into dressing as a woman and spying on the Bacchantes. Simultaneously. he deceives the Bacchic women into believing Pentheus 15 a wild beast. As 15 their custom. the women. led by Pentheus' own mother. Agaue. and aunts Autonoe and ino. hunt Pentheus. and slaughter h in As a final twist. Dionysus breaks the trance the women were under and forces Ageue to confront her heinous crime. Men and women pay a heavy price for hubris and impiety Once the show had been cast. girls threw themselves Into rehearsals with enthusiasm and commitment. As girls became familiar with their lines and the story. the group dynamic soared and preparations took off. After some
The creative process took many twists and turns and the girls followed them ebullientty all the way to opening night. With an elaborate and shiny set of mountainous hills and dishevelled Barbie Dolls, and the animated faces of the talented actors on stage. the audience was Immersed In the world of the play The actors' dedication. directors' vision. and crews hard work all contributed to the success of this production EMILY MCCLELLAND 11/01
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