2012 School Magazine

lulll!"I'lll"IAI 111 ' 11 10 I1' I A 11"I On 23 April. on what would have been Will!am Shakes peare's 448th birthday and, paradoxicalIy. the 396th anniversary of his death. we were studying the great ptanyright's Macbeth. it was fitting to pay homage to the date by performing scenes from some of his more well-known plays From a performance of the sweet. loving scene between Romeo and Juliet on the betcony. to a groups' portrayal of the cold and brutal murder of Julius Caesar. the change in dynamics did not hinder the enthusiasm expressed by all girls Also Inctuded in the days festivities was

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This year. the Junior Drama Ensemble performed Edith Nesbit's classic The Railway Children. Set in England at the turn of the last century. The Railway Children brings to life the adventures of Bobble. Peter and Phyt115. it 15 a charming story that explores the Ideas of chitdhood. family and friendship. Several writers. including J K Rowling and C S Lewis. took their inspiration from the writings of Nesbit. Her style of writing


has a quaintness that has appealed to audiences everywhere. and has made The Railway Children a time!ess tale. The story 15 filled with memorabte characters such as the proud station porter Mr Perks. the kindly doctor. the wise old gentlemen, the mysterious Mr 52ezcpanskyla French speaking Russian fugitive I and Jim. the attractive Grammar School boy At the beginning of Term 111 auditions were held and a cast of twenty-five was setected from Years 9 and 10. This talented group of girls made up the Junior Drama Ensemble for 2012. expertly led by our director Ms She rifletd. I was thrilled to be cast as Bobble. and I'm deeply thankful for this opportunity to tearn more about theatre and to grow as an actor. and I've also made lots of new friends. This has been such an enriching experience and we are att so proud of the production FREYA MCGRATH 110Ll

a quiz. Groups fought long and hard to see who knew more about the birthday boy with one team narrowly clinching the tit by a mere two points. Throughout the morning. we enjoyed an abundance of literary-themed food as wett as a birthday cake baked by Ctaire Phillips 110Gl. Not often do you see the word fun and Shakes peare in the same sentence but I know we atI enjoyed this special day RENE ARUNAKUMAREN 110Bi



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