2012 School Magazine

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The Brisbane Girls Grammar School Chess Club meets every Friday lunch time to provide a group of like-minded students w!th the opportunity to enjoy playing chess In a laid- back environment. Chess has long been recognised as a wonderful way to exercise the brain and

develop new neural pathways. Boasting


members from Years 8 to 12. it is also a club which fosters friendships and interaction among






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girls of all ages. The Chess Club welcomes everyone. whether a chess debutante or a chess aficionado. There 15 always someone who Is willing to have a game with a newcomer or to renew a rivalry with an old foe This year. the girls have chosen to play among themselves rather than challenge chess players from Brisbane Grammar School as is the tradition. The exception to this was on Open Day when the girls were prepared to take on all-corners. with a special Chess Club toffee being claimed by each winner Chess Club provides more than just an OPPortun ty to play chess. Under the capable leadership of Jessica Nash 1120i it I^ also a meeting place for a group of girls with an ectectic range of interests MRS C KioLLE, co- ORDiNATOR


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Th artshod .or aru raphy. 111 r 11 in ns'the y ithe b ush'. Ch ract rs re F1 ten Ith ink rid n rice paper b u h .Individu I Ih cha cter av t ir wnuniq e in I. d. he ui!dinea 11 Iul pro rbs rin u !. a di ery he Brisban Girls ra. ar am graph a b. 10 rided i April 200 . embr c Japanese c Iture and brings to ether st de 15 IF in Brisban Gir rammar and B is bane r ar S hoot for Th rsda f!ernoon ork ops Stu e I fr all Y ars e we I Qine and d not have to be st i Japanese. Chine e r Art. The Ies ons are ught b prof s ional J pane e alligr pher and Nin h D n Call' rap y ns i. hogui u g jima en ei. and hi wii Fumi us thr ugh writing the chara Iers and he I s to chi v pr CISe S ro e . Each ea , r members wor low to group r ind dual I ce 20 . students hav entered rtwork in th 'Art proj peaks a. anese Comes Alive' c in petition r n by Ih Japan Founda 10n I onIunct on wi I e Ar Gall ry of New Soul Wales. ec nil . F in o-Se i ha been eaching one of our me in ers urni- - lass c I. I n in paintin I I locuses o simpt line n open sp c . ITiving o coinple e such pieces ha help d xpl r dif erent ms I calligraphy W et r you ar n er sled in the culture. art or re 51mp! curious come along and I met ing ew. EMILY NORTON 112Ml

Controversial novels. universally acclaimed literature and stimulating conversation. These terms best describe the society that is Apollo. Apollo 15 a joint book club comprising Year 12 students from both Brisbane Grammar and Brisbane Girls Grammar Schools. Once every Term. students meet to discuss books chosen by the two co- Dadinators Ms Ragen and Mrs Cooke To date. both The Tall Man. and Of Mice and Men. have been read and discussed. The Tall Man by Chioe Hooper 15 an award-winning non-fiction text about the death of Cameron Doomed gee on Patin island. Of Mice and Men is a classic 1937 American novella by Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck. about two Itinerant workers who move from ranch to ranch In search of work during the Great Depression. Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proutx and Night by Etie Wieset. another Nobel Prize winner. were also on the reading 11st this year in which topics of nationality. race. equity. justice and gender were frequently discussed The club also went on an excursion to ipswich Grammar School to listen to the . Cunxin. author of MaoS Last Dancer. which proved most rewarding. We were all given a new appreciation for the importance of determination and perseverance. both of which are vitalty important Me skills SARAH TICEHURST112Wl

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