2012 School Magazine


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KJMLC is a team of girls and two teachers that creates and organises fundraising events within the School in order to help the fight cancer. The profits raised are donated to a number of charity groups that focus on helping patients through their hard times and to research facilities involved in cancer related investigations. The girls involved meet every Friday at lunch time to plan upcoming events and to discuss ways in which they can personally be more involved with those they are trying to support The year began with the raffle of KJ the bear named in memory of Kirsten Jack. who died from Leukaemia as she was about to enter Year 11 in 1977. Not only was this a very successful fundraiser. it also provided an opportunity to remind the students of the focus of the committee Selling roses for Mothers Day. a collection of bake stalls. and the annual Year12 post formal fashion parade. all helped to raise a substantial amount of money during the year. MICHAELINA ANDERSEN 112BIAND COURTNEY GRiFFiTHs 112Gl. co- CHAIRS OF THE KiRSTEN JACK MEMORIAL LEUKAEMIA COMMITTEE

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Spiral balloons and brightly painted faces sprinkled across the campus on Open Day. rainbow spiders on Bandanna Day. generously donated daffodils for Daffodil Day and a PIaque dedicated to the memory of Kirsten Jack on the 2012 Wallof Appreciation at the Royal Brisbane Hospital are all magical memories for the enthusiastic group that constituted the Kirst Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee IKJMLCl this year

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This year. the group undertook a variety of successful initiatives aimed to help reduce the Schools carbon footprin raise awareness of environmental issues. and provide students and teachers with opportunities to give back to Mother Earth. In March. a small group of students attended the I Million Women SAVE Summit at the Brisbane Powerhouse. Students listened to a variety of interesting speakers discussing ctjina action and providing useful tips on how to easily reduce their carbon footprint. Natatie Isaacs. the founder of I Million Women. visited the School a few weeks later to discuss the power of the individual in transforming society and many students were inspired to join 10 Thousand Teens. pledging t make simple changes to their lifestyle to drasticalty cut their carbon emissions

Two Grammar Goes Green afternoons provided students with the opportunity to help Save Our Waterways Now 150WNl by planting native trees in the local Enoggera Creek catchment area. Both afternoons were a large success with more than 50 girls and staff taking up the challenge Throughout the year. GECO continued successful recycling initiatives such as collecting old batteries. mobile phones and printer cartridges. These items are recycled via a number of programmes with which we are affiliated KELLIE STAFFORD 112Bj

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